�:��;.�.r,`��, ._+���?t*i:tj:�:�'a r. —'—�—;,,:�:;: �-.—r� .- ... ;f .. . .. .
<br /> �`,��„ � t :.f .� ,� e:' :��,i. ''`'.`/+' , .. . . _.i.lt .1��:1,•`_ -
<br /> ' .. ' . �.1;_c: i!�'.__ , . . . . . _, . . ;,,�_ ..r_ , ... . _. .�,'::
<br /> . ..�t . . . � ..�� " - a •, �
<br /> � J—_.� . `� .�. .. . ... . � `��. ..
<br /> � 1. . . ... ..... � ..
<br /> \:a ' �
<br /> . �
<br /> •' .a�—.[i—.t-. f• ' . . � .. . . . ...... .... ........,........�......�._.. _. ._•lA_ �
<br /> . ,�__�. '--'.....:.�..�...v�.-.._.�.,�.P. _...__._ . _.. .."""""'__ . .
<br /> �1 ,
<br /> .. ' � •
<br /> . ,. a$'e'a:'� ; �: ��°�,��`��� "
<br /> ln tt�ovait nf n total taklnp nt thp�'ruporty,tht�procoud�Ghnll l��i�ppifo�i to tho sump 9or.utad by thls Uac a Tn�et,
<br /> � �vith lhu oKCU�fl. ��ony,pald to Rnrtativar. 1n tho ovont uf ��E�o�tln�tpk�na af tha Proparty�►lIlI6G8 8c��of°�hU uf ecoads "
<br /> othcrwiso n�raa lii wridnkJ Ihom cho11 bo nppllad b tho cumo eocurod by thlo[laud at Truat auch pro ortl
<br /> " � a�!s Cquai to that pr�pp��i�ot vnlu[�i°t tl o p�aporty immad otaty prlari o Yha dap�o�tAkInQD�vlth tho bulonco of�tho'�procnods
<br /> tokl� baaro tu tho n �
<br /> . �wtd�A klortativat.
<br /> tl lhn Propnrty le obondonod by(Inr�nwor,ur ii,oitur nattco by londor to eorrvws�th�t 1f�candmm�nr attarn ta mrako .
<br /> - - �n�w���r��t�a H ulal+n ta damaRsr�.��(AW[St�N19 l�ta8�@titl�p I.ondnr wlthUs 30 doYA allor tho dnto s��ch nntico Is
<br /> , -:,i t►�841t3d, 4:enAt�� ��uutho�l:od tn cvll�et and nppty ltw praot�ado,ot Landar'p optian, aitho�t�► ro�tarotton or rep�k at thei
<br /> � Proportv or ro tha suma eacurad by this Ooed of 7rust.
<br /> - Uate�s Lendar and E3onu�Gr�lt�r�:tse e8ce�In writ�n , �ny sucl�eppilcodon ot Rroaetada to princlpol sh�11 not oxtor�d �
<br /> or po�tpono tho dua dnto of tho ntonthry Inst��lmants rolor�a�to in porapraphe 1 ond 7 Naiaof or chanpo tho a�auut of such
<br /> '�--�' Instotlmonte.
<br /> ,y,. 10. eorrowa Not fialeefed. �xtansion of tho tima for poVmont or maditicatlun af amortiiatto�of tho s�ims sncurod
<br /> by th►s UaQd ot Tn�nt prantod by 4a�dn►ta Any succossa�in Intarost nl l3�rrowor ohall not aparnto ta�oloaso,fn nny mnnnor,
<br /> tho �Ia1►111ty al Iho orlginnl Oatrawo��nd Borrawor'o auscasaaro inta�ost. landar aholl not bo �aqulrad to commanao
<br /> " prauaodinpa oaa�lnst euch auacossor or ratuso ta oxtund tim0lar paymont nt athorwlsa modily nmortimtlan of tho uums
<br /> sacurod by thls Uucd at Trost by�ooson af any domend mndo by tho oriflinal 8arrowor pnd�arrowar'n cuanessore in Intor�sl.
<br /> � 1 t. Fc�bearanae by londe�Not a Weivnr. A�y fo�bonranco by landor In oxorciFinp any ripht ar rnmpdy horaunder,ar
<br /> othoiwtsa allordad by appticublo low,ahnll not ho a vvatvar af or proctudo thn axarclsa of any such rtpht or romody. Tho •
<br /> � procuro�nent nl insuranc�ul th�pAymant of taxos or athor Ilons ar chnrpoa by Landor sha11�ot bo n wa►var af Londar a�ipht
<br /> , ta par•ulnroto tha moturfty of tho indobtodr�aen securod by thla Onud of 7n�st. .
<br /> ,� 1�. Flem�lta�Cumutative. All romndloo provldr�d i�thi9 Q�ad uf T�uat oro dtatinct nnd cumutc�tiva to nny othor ripht
<br /> or romody undor thla Doad at tn�st ar olfardnd by law or oqulty,nnU may bo oxo�cisod concurrontly, indopendontly or
<br /> �� GUGC0891Y01y.
<br /> 13. Suacs»a�aM Au!�ns Baundi Jolnt end Sovarat Uebtlltyi Ce�►tions. Tho covannnta and oflraamonte haroln
<br /> contatnod chnll bind,ond tho rlphCe horcundar nhatl inuro ta,tha raepoailvo succosaors end osPipns of Londor ond 8orrowor,
<br /> cul±�ct to thn ptovlsian3 al puraprnph 17 horcof. All�ovonanta and agroomonte at 8orrowot sholl bo oint und sovarol. Tho .
<br /> _ coptlans and hoadinP ns hateof���rophs ol thla Doad of Tniat oro lor cornanloncv on1Y nnd aro not�o be usad ta intarprot �- -
<br /> ot dofino tho prov a a a;,
<br /> 14. NotCas. Exaopt lor any notico raquirod undor epp�icobie low to bo glvon in o�uthor mannor. l0)enY notico to
<br /> `� 8attuwar pravidcd(or in thia Ooad of Trust ahotl ba ivQn ay mnillnp such notica by cenitlad mall oddroasad to Borroa+er ot �.,;
<br /> .� , tho Proporty Addresa or nt auch othor oddrosa na�orrowor mo1►doatpnoto by�atico to LondQr na providad horoin,and lb) �i,�`
<br /> T� nny notico to londor ehatl bo pfvon by aortified moll,�otum racalpt raqueated,to lendor's addroen statod ho�oin o�to suah �;
<br /> othor addrose ea Londor muy dosipnato by�otico to l3orrowor os providod horpin. Any notico providod tor i�this Deed of
<br /> �� ' T�u9t ehall bo daemed to havo dnon pivan to 8orrowor or l,ondur whon pivon in the manner dosl��atod hornfn. F
<br /> •tA.1 'Recfuoat tor Nottco. Tniatar ond 6onotici�ry raquest thot a aopy of ony�otico of de1au t and ootico of snto mado �'�'��_'•
<br /> u
<br /> or oxacutad by the TNStoo pursuanc to tho piavlsians haroof bo sont to tno Truator and 8onoflclovy�t thotr rospootivo mallinq
<br /> _�i Gddf�8809 BaL fOnh AbOVp." r s combinos uniform covonnnta far
<br /> 18. Unitor�1�Deed of T�uati Oovemin Lew;8evaeDlUty. Tho fo�m of daod ol t u t ��L��"
<br /> -'�' - �ntional use and non�unitorm c�vannnta w�th Ilmitad varladona hy+urlsdlotian to sonsNtuto o uNtorm secu►ity instrumont �_-_
<br /> �• � • coveri�g to�l proporty. Thia DooA af Trust shoil be pavarnod by tho(ow of tho uriedintion In which tho P�opnny ia toantad. =
<br /> "' In tlw avent thut c+ny rovlalan ar ctauso of this Deed of Trust or tho Noto con��late with oppHaubto taw,such cantilnt ehell _
<br /> � ' � �a t e f f o a t o t h e rp r o vP s i on s of this Dond of Truet or tho Noto whlah can bo pivon aftoat withaut tha contiictinfl p►avistono, -
<br /> end to thia e�d tho proMlatons at tho Oeod of Yruat a�d tho Noto nro doclorad to bo sevorabta.
<br /> ��' � 18. Ba►owa'e Co�y. �loRawer c h n l l be furn is ha d o c o n f a r m e d c o p y o f t h a N o t o u n d o f t h i e O e s d o f T r u s t a t t h o t i m o
<br />- _ __ � �_ �}�,4ncu��nn nr ettEU recnrdaUon hotoof. .
<br /> , '� 17. T�anati��f ths Prosetys A»umptlon. tl nti or any pAn at lho propetty ot nn httvieaE ii►6iel�18 stskl as tsastat���t!
<br /> :ta
<br /> by Bonowar without londu�'a prlor wdtten aon�ont,oxc lu d in(1(a)t ho croa t lon o f o li p n o r o n F U m b r a n a a s u b a r d i n o t o t o t h i 9
<br /> Cood ol Trust. (b)tho croatlon of a purchono monoy socurity Intorost for hauaohaid appilancoa (01 a tronsfo�by doviso
<br /> ��•��;;�' d c s c e n t o r b y o p o ro d o r�o f l n w u p o n t h e d e a t h a l e 1 oln t tonant ot d1 tho ront of any Ieoeohald�ntare�t of thrao yaars ar
<br />_" " t��i�.R�.�:��s.�ti�.s iss l...-�s ms;.si!.�lss's Q�i��.ea��arw au ihe sumn ancurnd bp thls Doa d o f 7tust .
<br /> = ta t�a imrnndiataiy dua end paYa te. LQ or stu►t!huva�v�lved f.uch optlan to eacelerete i!.�le�tp thn salo ar tranater.�onffor _
<br /> ' and tho parso�to wham tho P�oporty ta to bo sotd or tranafer�od reach egraarnant In w�ltt�g that tho crodit af suoh pora�n
<br />=-''~�� Is sutisfactory to Londor ond that the Intoroot payoblo an tho suma aucured by thls Deod ot Trust ahall bo at such►ete as
<br />`•; Londar ahall repuost. II Londor has walvad the option ta nccalorota Drovldod In thts poroptaph 17, ond if Bo►rower's
<br /> .-,���� succosaor in intoroat has oxe�cutod o writton ussumptioq agraumont nccoptod In wrlNnp by l.ondor, Lendor sheil relaaso .,,_..
<br /> 'n=�'`�. BOffOWU�(fORI 811 Ob11QA110t18 URdU/1h�8 Q�Qd Of T(USt and tha Nato.
<br /> _-4` ' O LOild6f Ox8fC�8f18 6UOh OptIQt1 t0 UCCOIOfQZO, LQfIdOf Dhiill�116II BOftOWOf IIOZIOp OI OCC810IAU011 Ifl(IQCOfdU11CA WRh
<br /> 3�-'�- parepraph 14 twroof. Suah notico ahotl provide a perlod of not losa than 30 dAVa(rom tho dato tho notico is moilod within
<br /> -- � �o a°moyWwi haut lurthar notico or domond on�eo iowo r�invokp any iomodlos pe pmttt°d by pa agrnph 18 hnr°o}.oriod,
<br /> _ a�
<br /> �_= NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8o�rawa und Lander fuKh�r covensnt end egrsA af foNowl:
<br />:_ y3m�
<br />� ?�� 18. AcaNwsUon;t��m�dia. Excopt ea providod in perapreph 17 horuaf,upon Bo�rowor's Or000h af any covonant or
<br /> '���'� egroumont of Baaowor in thia Daod of T�ust,Inaiudi�tg tha covonsnta to poy whan duo e�y Fums sacured by thfa Road at
<br /> �s-�� Tn�st,Lendor prior to aaaeleratian shall mail�atlao to Bonowor an provl�ad lu poragreph 14 horoof spaolfylng: (1)the broaah;
<br />-="`''i�, (2)tho aCtlon r�qulrod to curo such�irPach;(3 e dato not losa then 30 doya ftam tho dato tho notica la malled ta Bouowor,
<br />�+�.��:��. � by whtch euch UroacN muat be c►�:���;and(� that failuro ta aurp such broach on or 6oforo the dete epetsNtoc!In Zha natlaa _ .
<br /> °-=�� (I1Qy ff.�SUlt It18CC�l0iplIOI1 O}th0 fiUf119 86CUfHt1�y this Dood ot Tast ond anlo of tho Propony. The natico ahail lunhor Infarm
<br /> =�-�� Borrowar a1 tho dpht ta�olnstate alter eccotoratlon And tho�Ight to brinp o caurt aatlon to assort tho non•exlato�ao a1 a
<br />-""° de}ault ar eny ottwr dote�so o18ar�owar to occolprAtlon and a01a. II the brouob�s nat curod on o�bofof4 iho data speclHed
<br /> -°��� in tho notico,Le�dor ot LondoPe optlan mey doclora all of tho euma socured by thla Dood of T�ust ta bo ir.ti:,�OdiatRty dua and
<br />--"t+ payablu withaut turther demand and may Invoko tho powar o1 enlo pnd�ny athar re^�:�!i°s permlttoQ Gy opplioablo law.
<br /> t��� Landm eholl bo ontitlad ta aolloat aU�oAnonablo costa and c�Aansoa incur�ed In pursuing tho romodioe prpvidod In tho
<br />.-_',�:{' 4
<br /> .�-� pnra iaph 18,including but not limitod ta,roosanublo attornolt e feoa. �
<br /> •;_ �.-*`�, �tho pawor of autn la irnoked,Trustoo sholl�ocord c��otica of dofautt in e�ch aaunty In whioh tho Prape►ty or somo part
<br /> thnrool ls loctitod ond shall mall copios of such notice in tho monner proscribod by AppNonblo lew to 8a�rowvr ond to tho athor �
<br /> porsons prescrlbad by applioabto low. Altor tha IApse of auah timo as moy bv roqulrad by appliaoblo law,Yruatae ahull pivo
<br /> �.�-; publio natica of&ato to tho porcons and in tho monner preacri6ed by Applicab1a law. Ttustoo,without domond on Bottowat.
<br /> '�• shall soil tho P�oporty t►t pubtia�untlon to tho hiphost biddar ot tho tima and ptaco ond undor thp torms doslgnnted in th� �
<br /> ��,"�`�"� � - notico ot eato in ono or moro parcela ond In suah order as Trus¢o�moy dotormino. Trusta�meY po�tpane sa�a ot oti or eny
<br /> porGOl 01 tho P�opo�ty by pubUc ar�nuuncemant at thv tlmo�nd ptace of eny prevlously schsdulnd sa(o. Londer or 4ondePs �-
<br /> doaianae meY Ourchaso tho Propvrty et anv aele. �._
<br /> - -- . Upon roco�pt ofpnymont of cho prlae 6i� Truatee shefi daiiver tn iM�pu:ehase�Tnsstae'��esd eo:sv�ytrsg the�aps:ty -
<br /> �•. ��� sold. Tho recitata In the T�uatae's dood shall bo prlma facle ovldonce of tho truth of tho atAtemonte modo thoroin. Truatae �"'
<br /> � ehall eppty tho procooda of tha salo tn tho fo�lov�ing order: (p)�0 01)fpe80t1Ab18 C08t8 QRd 6Kp0I1908 01 th0 8�1e.inotudlnp. �
<br />_ � but nat limltod to,7ivatoe's feas of not more than °�01 tho yruss aole price,roasonabio attotnoy's aea ond coeta
<br /> of dtto oWdonca;(b)to all auma aecurod by tnla Dood ot Yrust;and(cl the oxcoae, if any,to tho parean or peraons lagolty l,,,,
<br /> ontltiod theroto. �
<br /> ••=�� � 18. 8arawe�'�Kll�hht to Roinstote. Notwlth�tanding Le�dor's nccolorotlon ot the sume securod by thls Oood of TruAt.
<br /> ' porrowar shoil huvo tho dpht to heve any proceodinga bopun by Londer to enforco tho Qond ot Truat discontinued ot any t�ma �':`
<br /> � prlat to tho ab�liar to occur af(1)thu litth doy bolaro tho eAlo of the Proporty puraunnt ta tho powor ot splo contuinnd In tho .
<br /> - Uaad ot Tn�et lii)antry of o�udflmont ontorcing thla Dat�d at Tn�st If: (o)eorrowor ppya Londor mll aume which would bo thnn
<br /> duv undor thfa Daad ol Truot, tho Noto ond natoa sacuring Futuro Advoncos, 11 Any, hod no oaaolarotlan occu�rod: !b)
<br /> Borrowor curoa pll broachea of ony othar aavonanta ar agroomonte of Harrawar contalnod in thia Dond of Truat:(cl8orrowor .
<br /> ' � poya ail rvnsorwblo oxponsos incurrod by 4c�ndor and Tn,staa on}arctng thu covonnnte and ograc�manta ol Borrower contatn�d
<br /> � in this poad of Trust ertd in pnlorclnp LondaPa and Tru�te�'o�emedies os providod in part►{�raph tA horaot,Includinp,but not �.
<br /> Umitod to,rt�osonn010 ottomoy's loos;and ld)Borrawer tAkoe such oatlon ea l.onder moy roosonobly raquira tn oasura thnt ,
<br /> tho Uon of thie Doed of Truel.Londor's intorest in thp Proporty and Bo�rower's oblig�tlo��ta pay tho auma sacurod by this
<br /> • Dced ot Tniot sha�l continuo unimpnlrod. Upon Euoh pnymont ond cure by Borrower,thle Dood of Trust ond tho abllgetlons
<br /> eocured horoby aholl�omaln In full force and eitacf ea il no[�ccolorotion had occurred.
<br /> o ��� 3
<br /> CC 1083181061
<br /> �.
<br />