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<br /> The iadebtedaees secured by the Deed of'Prust e:ecuted by �• orris Paol and Mer],ene M. Pool. �
<br /> K�6end a d N�fe each i n hi s and her nwn r;�h� �nd es aeovse nf eACh other.. _-- ��,
<br /> As�ustor,to Earl 0. Ahlechwede. A�torneX .
<br /> ea 1lruetee.for thA beae8t of The Equitable Buildiag aud I.oau Aesocia�ion of t�rand Ielaad,Nebraska,a Federal
<br /> $avinge Bank, ae Benefidary.dat�d Nova�t�er 26 1991 ax!M�di 24 . 18�`'i . and reoorded in
<br /> the offidc�of tl�e lte�igte�r of Deeda of�_ Hall _ County�Neb�l�a as Docnmenti
<br /> xo. 91-107978 end 95-101811 Qr in Bool�c -p� -
<br /> ha�been paid,and the Beaefidary has requested in arlting thst this Deed uf Reoom►eyance be�ecuted and deliv-
<br /> ered as confirmed hq ite eadoraement below
<br /> 1a cansideratioa o;such paymeat and in aocordanoe with t,�e request of the Beaeficiary,tlie�rustee reconveye�o the
<br /> pereon ar peteons entitle thereto all the rlght,title,interest aad alaim acquired bY the�lruatee pursuaat to the Deed
<br /> of'hust ia the follo�vinBa
<br /> Lot Thirty Four (34) in Block Six (6), Unit One, Cor�tiner�tal Gardens� an Addi�ian to the
<br /> City of Grand Islend. Hall County, Nebraske.
<br /> . Da�; NOVEMBER 3. 1885
<br /> ZYuatee
<br /> 89
<br /> The foregoing 3nstrnment wae gc�onowledged before rae on NOVEMBER 3. 1995 �.
<br /> by Earl 0. lschwede e Membar of the Hebreska Stete Ber Assaciatian �lruet�ee,
<br /> ��MOfARY,'�NM�M�i1 .
<br /> N Public NARENM.tr1EiN
<br /> M14Mt.6�lWDt.11i!!1
<br />-- The Heneficiery reqaesEs the TSrustee to reoonvey the real eatate described above to the peison or peraona enti
<br /> tled thera to.
<br /> The Eqaitable and tton oi Graad Iel�nd,Nebras��,A Feder4l 8avinp Bank
<br /> t5u r e ble B ding and I�oan Assocla�tion of Gzand Islaad,Nebraska
<br /> 8���, Preaident CEO Ci�tle)
<br /> _ '_ �
<br /> - �` J.R. V1SQf1 �+�' +
<br />_ �f���q� �t
<br /> STATE O'F NEgRA88A � �i� �..� �
<br /> COUr�l'1'Y OF HAI.I �� � S�AL '
<br /> �
<br /> The foregolag in�trumen8 was ac�owl ��OVEMQER 3 ig 95 ,
<br /> by ' (title) f The Equitable Building and Loan
<br /> Asexiation of Grand Ieland,Nebresks,A Federal Savings aak,ea Ben
<br /> �pE�LROfIIRYi��liilc� Note�y Public
<br /> {��fap1�IR.t1,tM1
<br />