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<br /> �+..rr..��_.�Y.��.�..�.�s�v " _ _ _. _ . _. . __. —� __-- ..
<br /> .:��- a^---� -�.T`T.:� .'?��{u' }�. s�iT+�s�+�r�-T-m--^�.i'•^.��r�.:�_iT..Il._._.� _-._ ._ .
<br /> A �
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<br /> I► trsct of lend anmprl.einp !he Nortih t�'oarty-oiph� t4fi> =eQt o3 L.at Six tb),
<br /> end part o� the North Morty-eJ.qht t4d) teet a! LotB beven l%) csnd �:i.pf�t •
<br /> t8), all in 81oak El.ght' (8) of Wiebe'e Additian to the 1;:ity o� t3rand
<br /> �eland, Hali Gounty. Nebreeka. more partiaulerly deearibed ee tulloNg:
<br /> HeginaSt�q at the northreaterly aorner ot eaia Lot 6i tl�enae running
<br /> eoutheaeterly along the aouthreotesly line caf �aid Lot 6 a dietenae ot
<br /> farty-eiaht (98) �eeti thanaQ running rortheeatex•�y parellel to the
<br /> northWeaterly line of said Lote bo 7, and 8 a distenae o� one hundrecA
<br /> twenty seven end sixty-eeven hundredbhs t127.67) 3eet to a po3.nt that i�
<br /> ten t1U) tee! Meaterly tmeaeurc3d perpendiaulerly) tram the baak oY eurb oi
<br /> paving o» Loauat 5tree�� theaae running northerly peralle2 �o eaid curb a
<br /> dietanae ot t�.�ty-�ive end fifty�t�.ve hundredths �55. �S) #eet to a point on
<br /> �he northNesterly lina ot said Lot 8= tfieaae runriing eouthweeterly elonq
<br /> Zhe northresterly line of seid Loto g, 7 �nd 6 e dietanae ot one hundrFd
<br /> #iity �three and eighty-tour handredthe �153.89) feet to the �oint ot
<br /> begianing. �
<br /> AHb
<br /> '1'he HortherJ.y �'i�ty-Nour �54) F E+�t af Lot Five t 5 f, in ktloak �iqht t�3) a:t
<br /> H3ebe'e Addit3.on to the City of Grend iBlend, klall County, N�brs�ka.
<br /> ANU
<br /> The Southerly �QVentq-eight. �eet �S%8•) ot Lote hivc� t5f, 5ix t6), Seven ;
<br /> l'!> enc,i �i�7ht t8), �.n Blaak �:ight t8), at Wiebe's Addit.ion ta the t;ity at
<br /> Lirend Islend, Hal.l Cnunty, Nebraeka, exeeptinq a c�rtoia traat !o th�r (:ity
<br /> ot t3rant:l Ze.Land ae ehor►» in ltetura ot Appraieere reaorded �.n 13ook l2, Ysae
<br /> 9.
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