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<br /> n.� 1.P�Ym�rns. Bonowor agrees to moke aQpe ymonts on the secured debt wtten due. Unteae Bonower and Lender apree otherwfse, any �;..
<br /> , peymenn lender receives from Bor►ower or ior 8orrower's beneflt witl 6a ep Ued flrst to any amounts Bnnowar owes on tho ttecured debt
<br /> no reduoa or exTeuse anytacheduted paymenttunUl tho aecu�red debt is peld in j�1a1 prepaymerrt ot the secured debt occure tor any reason,k w1li %tryF
<br /> 2.C1atm�Ap�tn�t Titl�.Bortower wt�l pay all taxea,assossments,and othar chargea emibvteble fo the property whan duo and wiU defend tftle
<br /> r,• �'` ��• defenaa whrtch��arrowar mey hava gefn t p�a tim whn auppiy teboi od materie�to impdrove orinel�arin tBt►�e propetrt►e�tgn any�Ights,ctaime or ��,
<br /> es
<br /> .n�:,
<br /> 9,��7ae�eee.Borrower wiil keep the property tnsured under termri aeceptabia to Londet at�orcower's expenae and for Lender's benofit.Aii
<br /> •r_., �� Ineurence poiictea sheil inctude a standard mort�age ctauae in favor of Lenden Lender wlll be named r�a loua payoo or no tho tnsured an any sucb _
<br /> insurance po�lay.Any inaurance praceeda may 6e applied,withln I.ondor's diaaetion,to either the�estoratlon o�repair of the damaged proparty
<br /> .:•r;:J or to ffie Becured debt.If Lender tequires mortgage insurance,Borrower agrees to meintein sueh insurance tor as Iong as Lender requirea. • -
<br /> e
<br /> �� 4.Proptrty.Borrower wilt keep the property in good condtdon and mako all�epa4a reasonabiy neeesserY. ,.
<br />,�f: 6.E:pmsss.BoROweragrees to pay ait Lendera e nsea includtng reasoneb�e etWrneys'fees,M Borrower breaka eny covenanta tn tfita deed :_
<br /> � o}trust or in any obltgaUon secured by thia deed of�st.�onower will pay thess amounts to Lender ae provided in Covenant 8 of thia deed of
<br /> ttusG •.:.^
<br /> . . . ;.,.
<br /> _. �...,.�� g,pdor g��y!t�erats.Untese Bor►ower flret obtetrts LendeYs written consent,Bottower will not meke o�parmh amr changes to eny prlor �.� -
<br /> , � sewrity iMerosts. Borrower witl pertome alt ot Borrower's obligattons under any prior mortgape, deed of trust or other security agroemant, <<�;�•;
<br /> � including 8onower's covenants to mnke peymeMe when due.
<br />�^�-•`'�N*- �' �,pssiaunast af R�nq�s�d Proflb.Bonower aastgns to Lender tho rertta and proflta of the ptoperty.Untess 8orrower end Le�nder heve agraed "�%-:
<br /> _ . :.;�. Lendor.Lender•s �•"�"
<br /> �'"" atherw�ae in wdttna, Borrowar may coiteot and retein ttue rents as long as 8orirower is not in detauit. It Borrower defaulte, k�
<br /> apent,or a couK appolMed roceiver may take poosaselon end ma�ege the ptopeny and coliact the reM�. Any reMa Lender cofleota sheli be �_.;•
<br />:',-,F,? aDP�jad flrat W ths corts of mnnagfn the praperqr, ineiudin9 eourt eosts end ettomeys'teea,eommieelons to rerrtet a Qentb and eny othel _ _._
<br />.;F:,.`,;'��. neeetNry niated expentst.The rama�ning amount of rents wiil then eppty to peyments or►the secured doM as provided tn Covenant 1. Y-
<br />_�;:��;;i a e.L�a��hotdit Coodomi��s F1�nmd Unit DavWopna�.Oonawror ag�oaa to comely wtth the provubne of any teaee if this daed ot trYet i�an `-_
<br /> `�"-'?�;'�r unde►the�co Iv nents by tawi uor epuiatlons�of the condominlum ov ptanned uNt devetapmement,Bo�rower wili parPorm ail ot 8orrower s duties �
<br />. . 1•e� �Re _—'�
<br /> , A.Authot(ty of L�dx to►Ktonn trx Qortow�r.If Borrower falis to dorm any ot 8onowor'�dutles undar thta dee�i of trwt, Lendsr may �_�
<br />� '�,,ct p�Morm tM dutia or o�us�them to be pertormsd.lender m�y atpn 9orrower's neme or pey any amount if�ecesearl► or poKormunce.If eny _
<br /> --�;'+�?'y�: eotutruatlon an tM�rop�riy Is Thfi mey tnatude oompt dnp t�l�ie eon�ua�don�nner,Lentler m�y do whatever ii aeceaaary to proteat Lender's
<br /> 1„„ • tecurit�►Mt�rost in the proprty.
<br /> '��• LendeY�fdiure to perform wili not prectude Lender irom exereising any of Re othar dphu under Ua law or thla daed of trust. -----
<br /> =`�'!+'t��'� q��mourro Wid by Lereder to Drouat Lender's security iMereat wlil be seauad by this deed of tivat.Suah nmaunts wi�l be due on demand
<br /> end wili baar inteteat hom the dete of the paymer►t unUl paid in tuU et the ir►terest rate in eHect on the�ec�xed debt. �.-
<br />_::�,;;';� -__
<br />--*-•s;.',� 10. O�t�uit and Aewbradon. tt Borrower faUs to maka eny paymeM when due or breeks any covsnaMO under thte deed of truat or an1(
<br /> �"`�"1� �� obitpadon seeured by tAts dead of truat or any prior mortgage or deed of miat, Londer ma�y eece/erote tho meturity o4 the secured debt arul _
<br /> �•F-� demand immediate paymeM and may invoke the power of aale and eny other remedlea pctmftted by appticabte law.
<br /> ry?e�� "
<br /> -','�-�' 11.Rpu�st for Hodo�oi 6efauit.h is i�ereby iequeaiad ihaE wyids ot ihs AGHr.aC 8!dct�stY arsd EEIs!te ssnt to enrh paraen who is a party •
<br />;:z��:.`Y�$ herem,st the addreas of eech euoh person,as Qet forth haretn.
<br /> -°3t:*'_`.ri=� 12.Poww ot SM�.if th�lender irnokes tha power of eete,the Ttuatee ehaU flret record in the oflice et the►ce�ster of deede of e ch eounty
<br /> - -- � wherotn th�uuat propeRy ot soms part or percel theteof le aituatod a notfee of defauft eor�mining the IMormatlon requtred by lew.�e Trustee -
<br />""�`-T�`,+; �haQ atao meit copiea of the notfce of defauh to the Bonower,to each parson wlw is a perty hereto, end to other persona aspresalbed by _
<br /> --=='� �ppliaabte l�w.Not tese than ona moMh atter the Tru:tee reeordt tha notice oi default or two monLtis if the truat property is not in any
<br />::„�,������ ineorporated city or vitlape arM le usod in fertning opataUona eertied on by the uuator,the frustee stiall gioe publio notice of eaie to the persofle _
<br /> and in the msnner preacrtbed by�appytioeble Iew.7rustee,without domand on Bortower, shail eeii the properqr et puDiie auatian t9 the highest --
<br /> '' btdder.If�equired by the Farm Homestead Protecdon Act,Trustee a ha l l o ff er t he prope r t y i n t w o s e p a r a t e s e l e a e s r e q u i r e d A y a p plicebte�aw.
<br /> �y^ �� Truste�m�y postpone�ats of all or any paroel of the property by pubiio annouroaemem at the Ume and ptet�of sny prevtously scheduisd eale. ._ -
<br />-==
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