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' ... ._� � <br /> :.�,��..,F.��� 95�- 1U'�'S�� !� <br /> . . .��-r cova�aNre �;:- <br /> .,.,.,_T� ��: <br /> 1. Pa�nb. 8orrower apreea to meke e�� paymente on tho �ecureA doDt when due. Untete Borrower and Lender epree othetwise srfy <br /> psymsMa lender reaeivea trom 9onowor or ior Borwwer'e benefit wili be a�lied tfrst to any amounte Borrower owea on the saeured debt <br /> ° . ' � rtot reduce or exeuie�any�soheduled paymenttuntll t�he is rid dib�!s pafd in tullet prepeyment of the eeeured debt ocaure for any roewn,it witt �: <br /> +',:' 4.Ct�mt Apdnst Tf�o.8orrower wJil p�y�II texsa,�uaumenu,and other aherpe�etulbutabta to the property whan due and wlil dafend titte � <br />�'`"�`'�'�'��' to the property s�painst eny atalms whloh wauld imp�ir ths 9m of thb dnd of uust.LFrtMor may roqulre Borrowsr to aasipn eny riphte,alaima or <br /> detenaes which 8arrower may heve egalnat parttes who supply lebor or mieteriaic to impruva or meintafn the property. <br /> �� �' " � ;;� 9.lne�►enoe.8ottower w1i1 keep the property insurod under t�rms eccept�bte to lende� at 8onowar's exponae nnd for LendePe bonafK.Atl �� <br /> �; " • ' insurance poltctea shatl inctuda a etandard mort ap�etause In fsvor of Landea Lendet tvlll ba named es to:t paysa or so tha Inaured on ony�uah ,�- <br /> inaurance polEoy.Any insuranee proeeeda maY�eppiled,withln lender'e dis�retton,to etther the restoretlon or repalr ot the demaged proparty <br />:=,,,�,� or to the securod Leader requlres mortgepe Insuranoe, 8orrowa eproes to meintain euch insurance tor ae tong as Lender requirea. <br /> �.� 4.Propsrt�l.8arrower wltl keep the property in pood condidon and inoke aU ropaira roesonabty necasaary. ` <br />''�- �'""°"'� 6.Exp�nsa.Borrower aprees to pay eil Lender'o expenaea inNudirsg roesonebte ettorneye'feea,if Sorrower breeke any covenants in thia doed <br />'"��� ot trust ar In any abitgatton secured by thle deed of uust.�orrower wNl pay thase emour�ts to Lender aa providad in Covenent 8 of thie dead of �, �: <br /> � Vust ��_-° <br />� .r�,`,;.:��... � e--� <br /> - ....;� 8.Ptia B�cu irtc�nst�.Unteae Borrower Hrat oMelns Lendo�e wrltten consoM,Bonower wlil not meke or permR any changes to any prlar � <br /> ���� securriy imer�.Borrower wiii pertorm all of BonoweYa obllgations under any prior mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement, __: <br />-`:F;., � <br /> inctudinp Borrawer's covenante to meke peymeMe when due. `�� <br />"'.:is:�:�'��;' <br />__� y•� , y 7.Aalpnm�nt of Re�ts�nd Ptotitt.BaROwer assigna ta Lenderthe reMa and profite of Me property.Uniess Borrower and Lender have agreed �,_• <br />_==r t3s•� - o�^�`�in wriUng, Bonower mey coliect and retain tho rer�te ae long ae Bortowet ia not in defauR.If Bortower defauits,Lertder, Lender's -- <br />. ;,�.•- egern.or s court eppointad receivar may take posseseEon and manepe the property end cotieac the renta. Any reMS Lender cottecta sheil be <br /> - applied flrst to tfie coats of maneging the property,including,i�lreun apply m8paymeMS on��,e seci,°rea a bi°88�°ov`ia a�neco`��ni�8°v°'}1er <br />==-�s:��- oecessary rolated oxpatfsoa.The remeining emount ot reMe wit <br />�t-�:-.;��� 8.LasNfolds•Condomidums;PlannW Unit Qsvatapm�rw.Bortower agreea to comp►y with the provisions of any teasa if this deed of uust is on <br /> :�::��••+:• �; a teasehold.i�this deed of m�at fa on e unk in a condominium a a plannad unR devulopmeM,Borrower wlll perform all of Bonower's dutiea <br /> �' , under the covener►te,bytaws,or�eguietiona of the condomintum or ptanned unft devetopmant. _ <br /> �-"•ai��k-' Cender mey = <br /> �ER 9,ppwodtY o}L�to p�m ta Bortowar. It 8orrower feVe toyeriorm any of Borcower'e duttea undei thle deed of truet, <br />;'�a�;•;'�',,,,,,, perform the dutiet or eause them to be performed.Lender may eign Borrower'e name or pay ar►y amouM H necea�ary tor ar►y � <br /> r cansuuctton on thep�operty is disoont�nued or not carried on tn a reeaonabie menner,Lender may do whatever la necessary to proteat Lender'e <br /> ki f ' .� aecurity IMereet in the property.This may inctude completing the co�aWation. <br />.;;5�d; � Lender'a failure to perform wiU not precluda Lender hom exercisinp any ot ite other rights under the tew or thls deed of truat. - <br /> ���. ' `'�'� Any emounte peid by Lender to protaot LondoYs security IMereat wlll be eecured by this deed of truat.3uah amouMS wftl be dua on demend _ <br />_�,���,� and wiU bear intereat trom tha date of the peymeM unttl peld in tuN at tha fMerest rate in eHeat on the eewrod debt. <br /> ,...�._.`, <br /> � 10.DNwtt e�d Acc�IKaUan.If Borrower talis to meke eny peyment when due or breaks any covenante u�er thia deed of trust or any <br /> ___--�� oblipstion secured by thia dned of trwt or any pdor mongage a deed of trust, Lender mey acc�teQate the maiurit�►of the secarod debt end <br /> _ �����..���y�.��yg�y�Qt q��g�y nt����msdiea Qermkted b a Ilceble law. , <br /> _.��xa•a�� <br /> .����'�� 11.R�qwst!or Notiae of O�twit.It ta haroby regueeted thet copiea of the noticea ot defeuk end snte be Bent w each percon who ta e party <br /> __ „:�. hsrsto,at tl►e addreu of each weh peroon,ss set torth hereEn. <br /> 1��-� 1Z.Pown o!S�N.It the Lsmler invokss ths povrer o!sele, theTrurtee shatt flnt reeord In the offtcs ot ths repiner of de�de of uaA eounty <br /> ._"'=--,.°"�` , +� wMntn ths tru�t propsrty or tome Dart or parae!theroof Is biw+ted a notice of dsfautt contelNn ths tnformatlon roqutad by law.Ths Tru�tee <br /> eh�tl atso m�il eoples of ths ratEas of defautt to the Borcowdr,to each penon who is a party Rereto,and to othe►percon�apr�salbed by <br /> �pptlwbN t�w. Not tesa than ons mortth atter the Truatae reoords the rtotiae of defauR or two moMhs if the truat properiy It not in nny <br />. -_--_�� IncorponUd elty or vittap�and it ussd in fsrmiaa o�Deratloin eartbd an by ths uuswr,the'Frustee shsfl yiva puEtta noUee oi sal�to ths perco�t <br /> �nd in�m�nrar ptetcribed by��ppptiae6ls taw.7ruatee,withaut demand on Bonowsr,ahatl sell the propeny at publla au�qon to ths hiphest <br /> -�---� btddar.If tequUed by ths Farm Homeatead Proteation Act,7ruatee ahall otter the property In two separetb p[ss af repuired by apptiasbt�isw. - <br /> __ _� Trunes may postpons ale of tlt or any pereei of the propercy 6Y publio announcemeru at the Ume end piace ot any provlouaty scibduted eate. <br /> Lender a Itr desipnes may purchaae the property et eny eeie. <br /> � Upon receipt of peYmaM of tfie price bid,Truatee ehaU deNver tothe purehaser Truatee's deed aonveying the property.The roaNla[s cor�tsi�d in <br /> Trustes's deed shQd be prima fads evldience of the truth of the etntemente coMained thereln.TnteMe ahall appty the proceeda of the sale In the <br /> � iein�meM fe a��(bf to�aii su�ms s�ecu�red by thls�a a o�°vus�nd(o)�e alance�annya,to��rsona I�pelly erntded to r�ecei��re�t feea and <br /> 13.fondonw.At Lender's option,thts deed of truet may be foreetoaed in the menner provide by applioebte taw for toroetoaute ot mortqepea <br /> - on raal property. <br /> - 14.Yup�atlon Lender mey erKer the property to Inspeat ft it lender glvea Borrower notice betorehend.The notloe muat atete the�easonable <br /> caiue for tsnde►'s tnspectlon. <br /> 16.Cond�on.Borrowar ass1�na to Le�er theproceeds of eny award or cletm for dama ea connected with e condemnetton or othet taking <br /> -- -- - of ali or any part of ths propsrty.8uch procaeds wfU ba apptfed es provtded in Covenant 1.�ia sesipnment is subjeat to the terms of nny pHor <br /> � - sseurity�a►aemeM. <br /> -- 18.Waiwr.8y exeratcing any remedy svailab�e to Lender,Lender doee not give u any rigMa to Iater use any other�omedy.By not exerci:ing <br /> �- eny rernedy upon Borrower's defaylt,lender doaa not walre arry r(ght to leter conaPder the event e default if k happeru apetn. <br /> "'- ��,�o�t�e�d gsw�d Ltabiiitv; Coalpnus; Suea�aaors md A#ga Band.All dudes under this deed of trust are pi��t and severet.Any <br /> Bonower who caatpns thts deed ot truat but does not¢o-sipn the underry�ng debt [nstrumertls) does so only to prant and cornrey that <br /> ------ Bortower's httereat in the propertlr to the Tniatee under the tettns of this deed oT additfon,such a Borcowm agrees that the Lendet and <br /> - anY other 8onower under thla deed of truat may extend,mad�y or meke any othm changes in ti�e te�ms of thte deed of wat or the seeured <br /> - debt without that Borrower's conannt and without reteasirp thatBOrrower Bom the terms of thTa dead of uuat. <br /> �'= The duties and benafita oi thfs deed ot trust shaU bi��d and beneflt the euccessore and essigns of Lendet and Borrower. <br /> �� .._� 18.Notta.Untose othsrwise required by law,any�ottce t�Borrower ehatl be given by deQvering It or by mailtng k by certHied mait addressed to <br /> ---. -s� Bonow�r at dw propeKy nQdreas or eny�other eddresu thet Bortower has gWen to Lendar.Boaower will give eny notice to Lender by cenified _.. <br /> - �_-� maq to�eadn'�address on paps 1 of tf�le deed of truat,or to eny► other addresa whtch Lender has deaipnated.Any othor notice to Lender shall -_ <br />-`__ <br />