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'-- __, "____.� .�Mya.:+. -.- . <br /> . -. <br /> . . � <br /> . � ,- ..__'" _"_ir..�.�..� w.l.. ��. - . .�.. . .._�_ <br /> .� .• <br /> . ..�M�.� -...�_� L,._.._ .. _._... .. ... ��_.�� �.� <br /> , �.��..�.�•.�-.�.""�"����'"_�_ ��.._'.+��__�_'"' �..'. <br /> , 1ar Borrower'e Rtght to Flelnetate. tf Borraw�r meete catatn condtttans,Bono►ver shall havo the dpM to have entoraane.nt ot this ���:� <br /> � 8ewrtty Inatrument dlsaontUwed at any Ume pdor to tha ea�Uer of: (a) 8 days (or suah other perlod aa epAllaebie law rttaY epecli�l b w, . <br /> , • reinatatement) betore eala ot the Property pureuant to my powar of sale contalned In thls 8scurtly �nshument; or (bj entry ot a judpmen " <br /> � enforok�p thla Seoudty Inatnenent Those condNiona are tl�at 8orrowar. (a)pays Lender aU euma whlab then would be duo undcu lhlu Secu <br /> • InsUument end the Note had�o acceteraUon occurtesi;(b) curoa any defautt of eny other covenant or a�yreements; (o) peys dl �enses� - <br /> Incurred(n entordng Nb 8eourtty Inafitment, Including,bu3 not I:mlted to, �easonable nttomeya'faea;and (� takes sueh ictton as Lender� <br /> • may reasoaably requlro to caeure that the Ifen of this 8ecudry �nstrumEn�, Lender'a dQhte in the Properly md Borrowe►'e obRgnllon to pay 0 � <br /> the auma seairod by thls Sacu►ity Inatrument ah�G conUnue unohangod. Upon ►einatatartent by Bortawar.thla 8ecudyt InaUument md the� <br /> obltgutfona�ecured hereby ehnq remnin fury eftecWe es It no acceteraUon had occurred. Hewever, thts dght to relnatato shnll not appry in� <br /> _ , - � - . . tha cs:o of IIcccictaltosf und��artrqre�h 17. '� :, <br /> ° 19. Sale ot Note; Chango of Loan �orvicer. The Note or a partlai tntereat tn tne Note (together witb thts sacuriry <br /> ��-"." , <br /> -,:;;,r�� lestrument) may be sdd one or moro Umea wkhout pria notice to 8ortowa. A sela may teauR fn a ohanye in the entily(known as the <br /> ".w..-•,•�-+-" •Loan Savicer')that coUects moMhly paymeMa due undar the Nate and thta Security InetrumenL Thete a►ao may be one or more ohanBes - <br /> ot the Loan 3ervicer unn�lated to a sate of the Note. M there is e change ot tho t.osn 8ervtcer,Botrower w10 6e given written nottae of the <br /> ahange in aecotdence wtth pnragreph 14 above snd appUcable Inw. The notice will state the neme and addresa ot tha aew loen 3ervtae► <br /> . and the address to whioh p�ymenta ahould be made. The notice wID alao eonteln amr othe�intortnatlon required by appAcabia {aw. <br /> � 20. Hazardous SulastatlCes. Bortowet shell not cause or pemilt tha presence, uae, dtspoani, storaQe, or reletsa of eny _ <br /> �• Hamrdous 8ubstences on a in tha Properry. Bortower ehaC not do,nor aAow anyone else to do, anything afiecUng tha Propeity that is In . <br /> � violatton of eny Enviranmemel Lew. The preceding two eentenaea shal not apply to the ptesonce,use,or etoiape on the Property of am�1 „ <br /> � �'- quenUtles of Ha�rdous Substancas that are gencfatiy�eca8eized to be approprlate to nortna! reslde�fat uses nnd to tnek►tenance ot the �:- <br /> a• " � � �A�Y • ' i` <br /> ° •• ' � Borrower shaU prompty give Lender wr(tte�t �oUae ot eny InvestlgaUon, elalm, demend,tawsuR ar other adkn by any go�et�riletttoi or <br /> "„ .+ �� reguiatory agenay or prMate par4y ImoMinq the Properiy and any Hezardoua Substancs w Envkonma�W Liw oi whlah Bonower haa actua! <br /> Imowledga It Borrower leems. or is nodfted by any g�vemmemal or reguiatory suthortty. Nat eny removal ar other reme�tEon of any - <br /> HareMouo Substsr►sse affedhg the Property is necessery. 8o►rower shell prompUy take vl neceasery remedia! actlona in accoMence wlth <br /> . � i� '� Emironmente!l�w. =--- <br /> ' � Aa used In thta paragreph 20, 'Hazerdoua Substenees• are ttiose aubsmncea deftr►ed as toxlo or hezarcloua su6atances by �:�� <br /> - . ..�'�`�� Envlronmentel Law and the tollowinp nubstances: gasoGne,korosene. other�bts a to�do petroieum produots. toxto peatictdes �nd <br /> , ;�._;1, fieybtctdes, votatile sok�ta, rt�etala►a eoMeining asbestos or tormaldehyde, and radloacWe m�te�hia. Aa used in thla pera�eph Z0, ==-� <br /> - '�vTronr�iente{ f�w' mesna tsdcra! (atya snd lawe ot the jwlsdloUon where the ProgeAy is looated that rdete to hesdh, sataty or <br /> . "� ernlronmental protealton. ��� <br /> ' ; . � NOIJ�IJNIFORM COVENA[�lT9. Borrower and Lender fu►ther cov�ant ond apree as toUowa: ��- <br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Ramadtos. Lender ehall givo notico to 8or►ower pHor to acaoloration foilowtnp <br /> -'"� � �; `' '�`�' BorrowePs breaah ot e�ry covenant or agreement In this Seaurity InstrumeM (but not priar to � <br /> -=- �•� ` - : acceleratlon undar p�ragnph 17 unteas appltca6le taw proWdes othorwise). Tho notic� ahall spooHy: (a) = <br /> �-� �� the deiaut� (b) iho �cHon r4qutred to curo the detaul� (c) a data� not t�ss than SO days irom tha data th� <br /> _>>:�*���:. �. natico Is glven to�orrower. by whtch the defauit muat be oured; and (�that f+�ilur�to cur�ths da�fauR on � <br />_ or lagfore the date specNted In the notice may �eault tn acaeleratlon of ths sums seaurad by thi� 8acurity _�_ <br /> _ <br />