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<br /> ti.A83ItiNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's r�rquest,Honowa et�all assl�t4 I.ender ell leases of the �.;
<br /> p[Opp1y 811d 8118CC11TIty�OS�tB QlAdO�tl COIIAOCt�OA Wllh 1C8SC9 OP thOP�OPGl1.y.UQOA I�IB 8591$IltI1CIIt,LClid4Z �-..�
<br /> sha4D dave the rlght to modifY,eactan.d ar tsnninaw ihe�cisdng leases snd t�axxute new leases�ln Ltn�a's sola
<br /> di�credon.Aa nsed in Ws patagr�ph O�!he wor�"lease"ehall racru":u�b:�a" if tho Se�tsily Imgttu►reent is on a �„
<br /> ka9chold. -
<br /> H. A&SItiNM�NT OF PBNTSi ����to Lender�Rrents and mveaues(�ens�of tha �':;':
<br /> Bemower absoluoely and uacaadidon�llY as�lgas -.-
<br /> proputy�regerdless of to wbom tLe Renis of tha P�reputy aro payable.Basmwer authotizes Lender or LEUdcr's �.-
<br /> ageats w colLsct the Reata.aad ag►ees that each teuant of the Aopc�ty shell paY the Reuts to Leadei or Lender's �
<br /> ageata Howava.Harmwar shall rxaive the Renta untll(i)Leades�s givtu Bon+crrar notka of d�'fault pius►�ant to _
<br /> p�„aranh 21 uf tice Secucity 1ns�ument and(ii)Leader has g[vea aottc�o Gs thc taiaat(s)that the Rents are to be _
<br /> paiai to Leuder or I.wder's egeat 'fiis a�si�t of Reats constittutas an absolutt as�trnea�t aud nat sn _
<br /> a�signmeat foar addidonal eccurlty anlY• -
<br /> ff I�enQer glvos notioa of breach to�nower.(�all Ra►ts teaeived 6y H�ower shall bo held by Boirowa as .--
<br /> t�a..•ue fcr the beaefit of�,eader aalY.w be epPlied to tl�snma secured 1�ytt�e Serurity tast�umea�(i�Lxadr�shall
<br /> 6e�ntlL�!to aollcct end matve a11 of tha Rents of tha PropatY.(iii)Bmmwer egcas tbat each teaaat of the
<br /> �Y �PaY all Reats dne and unpaid to Leadet or Lender's ag�s upcn Leadri's wcittea dema�d eo t�e �
<br /> �G�)��r�����s wn«w�sa,an xr,�rs co�ua by r�enaa o�r.�►a�a�s a�wm snau be
<br /> app2iod Hcet the costs o1F taking control of ffitd managln8 the P�ro�CY a�d collec�ng tha Reats,incL�ding,bdt not _
<br /> limited to��ys'fees.receiv�r's faes.prc�a�s on reaeiva's bonds,repair and maintaiaaoe casts.ins�nancxs
<br /> �s,taxes� assassme�ts eud otha chacges on the Propacy►.and tl� to tha sums secwcod by the SaGUity
<br /> Ins�nuaear,(v)Leada.Ltnda's ageata or anY 1�Y s��tcd cxeiva s1�a11 be IEab3e to acaount for only tbose
<br /> R�ts acU�ally mccived:and(�Iender shall be ea�m�f�n�1he Pt+npe�ty�t euy stto�wja8� to tbe
<br /> ma�ge u`�e�:q�--ty mid call�t dte Renta ffitd psa&ts �
<br /> inade�n�r of iho Prapaty a9 eocu�ity -
<br /> If the Reum of the Pmperiy am not sufficieat oo coya thc cosU of taldng oonirol of and roaoaging tha
<br />_ Pno�aty eod of�d�e R�ts any fands expended by Lenda for such pmposes shall beoome indebtodness cf ,
<br /> Bo�mwer ro Ira�da sccttral by tho Saaulry Iast�wnc�t Pa�suant to Unifarm a"�veo�t i.
<br /> gorrowa npreseats aad waerants ohat B�mwei tiaas uoi execuced mY Prb�aasi8amatt of the Reats and has
<br /> not acd wN aot peifosm eny act that wouW pmveat I.ender from eaucjsin8 itu rights undet thia pnra�rapb.
<br /> . , s,ender�Qr Lei►der's agtats or a judicfallY appoia�od rocetver,shall not ba�+eqaircd tfl entet upo�n.taloe c,anorol .
<br /> . of a a�alntain the Prq�eity be�ae or afte,r givinB no�e of defaalt to Basmwer.Howeva. Lsnder,or Lender's
<br /> � agea�or Q judiciallY appointed noeiv�rr.maY do so at any time�hat a defenit oocore.Aay sg�plication o�Reats . -
<br /> bhaU not cura a w�ive any dof�ult ar iaval�date aW►otLer r�ght�remedy of Leaxlex.TWs asst�at of Rcxns of
<br /> dse Propaty s4a11 te�m9neto ahca ell the s�ms secured by tLe S�ty Ins�uukat aro paid in full.
<br /> I.CROSS-DEII�AULT P�ldVISION. Bamwa's default ac heach m►der any note or agce�mt in
<br /> wMch T�atler�an lntaest s2uU be a bceach nndex the Ssan�ity Inst�at��at and Laadar may invoYe my of the
<br />- • rec�s penaimed bY the Sc�aitY��
<br /> � AY SI4NII�I(i Bffi.OW.Bat�wet aoapts and agc+oes Lo tha tams md povL�Sona oontaiaad in t6is 1�4 F�au'ly
<br /> � �
<br /> � ts� >
<br /> ,TAIJLBY L TSA30N -BocmRa �B$ PBTBRSON -Bamwar
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