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<br /> utrr�o mont ry/nstel/menis ot Funda!1 tho amount of the Fnnda hefd by BeaeAclary shal�aot be dMlalertt to pay taxaa esaessments,
<br /> insu�crtco promlums a►rd praynd�ente as thoy faq due�Tiusta artnll pny ro Barteflclary eny amount�ocesaery to maka up the doficlency wJthfn Mfrry _
<br /> deys Irom Mo daro noffto/s metlesd Dy BenoftGary ro Ausio��quost/nB PaY�'�nt the�eW.Upon payment inluf/of e/l Indebfedrres�Benef/etary shell
<br /> prompty refurtd to Jluator anyFunda hetd by Bertbfkls�yR!f the ltuat Property/s sold unCe�the powurof salo oi Me Dast Proportyla othenvlso f
<br /> eC7uirad Dy BQneUGary,Bvnoflclsry ahut!appty�ImmedlntNy pnor[o tAa sate of fho ltutrt PropaAy o�lts atqu/sltlan by BenofJclaryt ery Funda hsld =
<br /> by 8orteflciary et tAe tlme o1 app!lcal�on as a arodlt Qgafnat the Indebiodrtoss,il Bana!lctary executos o w�Aten walw�of Ttusfa�'e obllgallona urtder
<br /> thla psragrapA 4�Tlusto�covenevit8 srtd egreos to payS before tho same become delirtquont,el!texe�esaetsmentsi,lnau�ancv promiums,pmurtd _
<br /> rents�artd el!other charges whataaava�lavk3d upon or easessed,pineod or mado egalnst tho 1Yuat ProponX 7lustor lunhor�gmos,upon wdrcen _
<br /> reque�t by Benefletery,m p�omptrydelJ►ror to 8eneftclary NI reeo�pta fa the psyment af aueh chergea�iva�r 1lkewlsa aQrees to prry a11 tezes�
<br /> assosamonts aad aMo�cha�gas l6vWd upon or nssussed,ptaood a mndu epalnst,o�moasurod by4 thla Deed o1lYuat��the recordst►on he�eof. _
<br />� S,AppllceUon W R`oymenh�Afl payrmanls roc�ttvcrd Oy Bone!lclary as to crrry de0t t1ablBty o�obllQatton owed ro Boneflciery by hueto�mcy tso app!'.:d hy
<br /> Benaflelary to tha payment otqre Indebiednesa or to any such other debt,Aeb1/!ry a obQgaUon,ln eny o�daro�manner ofeppllcation whkh
<br /> Berteflc/eryc!n Ita sbsolute dlacret/on,deema eppropdata Unless afhenvise elecie�d by BonoflMary,eny+sudi paymont sAall be daomEd epFlied llrat
<br /> ro the paymeni ot any dobt Qeb/Ilrya obllgeUOn ofhe�than tha Note.
<br /> bt Charges;Uena 7h�ator wlll keep the fivat Property hee trom aU Aens ead encumbrseces wh/ch!n any we/may�U►the/adgment of Ben�lclslyt hwe
<br /> ��the obligatlon sec�bys+�h0en U►�nnereccsptabls ror�ef(otary snd hall!n goad fa!!h con�suc�llen�by eppro�te legen�g�� —
<br /> proceedlrtgs efiective ro prevenl tiieeriforesmsnt of tAa Itan a�d ths loss at eny lnferest In or part o1 Me TNat Properqc �
<br /> 7.Hazend Insvrartca Thrsto�shaA keep the bulWiags and ofAer tmpraemenrs now exlsNng o�hereaRer erected on the hust Propeny lnsured by
<br /> lnsurenr:e carrlara sedshtctary lu Berretielery agalnat(osa Oy Nro�haze►ds frtcluded fn fhe term'gxlendeat cae�aye"end sucfl adrar haz&rcl� �
<br /> casuatUes snd condngoacles as m�De raqulred by Beno�Iclarx!rr sucA amoanes end for sucb pedods eamay De re�uked by 8erteflclery.T►re
<br /> po!loyW lnsurence arha0 be!n(armaxeptabin to BeneUclary,provlds that dre same mny not be caacefleda rnodilled wlMout flfteon ryb)deys pdoi
<br /> wdtten rtoflCe to 8eaefict8ry,artd 8he11 haue kss ptysb/e ptwls/ona In tauar of&ed!n form exept8b19 to 8eneflcfary.Ap premluma on/nsurance
<br /> polJctes shall be pald!n dre marrnerpnovlded under peregrepA 4 he�eo/o►,llnoJ paldln s�rch manrte�by tiustormaking peyment stleast Bfteen(ib)
<br /> deys prtcr to the due date�dlrn^tryro thelnaurance cs►deR Beneflclary shafl have Me►!ght to hold d►epoDdea end ianewals thereol end nustor shaU
<br /> pramptry Juml�t to Bsne�klary ell renewet natkes end a11 patd premfum recelpts reaehred DylL/n ao everAahell Beneflclary or livatee be hetd
<br /> responslble for tellure to paylns��ance promlums or for eny toss w damase edsing ovt of a defect!n e�rypollcy ar adsfng out ol eny fetlure o1 any
<br /> lnaurance opmpany to pay forarryloss ordemsge lnaulod aga(nst or lor lallure by�tusio�ro effeet the Insaancerequfred he�unde�In Me eu�nt o1
<br />_ los�ltustor shall ghre prompt oaticeby matf ro Me lnsurance carrler and BeneBdary.Beneflclary may make psool ofloss Haot made prompdy orin
<br /> pr,opur fom►by�iusiac AApoUClasoNnsmance and ary end sll refunds of uneamed premtums ere herebyasslgned to Beaeficlary as add/tlonai
<br /> secmlly la the payment of the/ndebcednes�in Me event of BeneNciery's ezerclse of tl�s powa�ot sale cadaEned heraln,a/n the event a/
<br /> faeclosurt;elf right,dtie and Intera�t of fiulor/n and to any lnsurance pollcy then/n lorce ahall pasa to fAe purchaser et the dustee's safe a
<br /> Mreclosufe saJe.In case of any/ata thelnsu►artce pmceeds may,at the optlon of Benaflelary�be applledby Benefldary apon the fndetrledaess,or
<br /> be�sed�p1 adng or sto g tlre Ti�st Prope��w ro Ity de�sU+�Yed Go s co�rr�on setisfa�etory�ro Beneflc a►Y:o seid�s��rar ca eldier
<br /> proceed�o►eny ponlon tlre�oof,mey be�eleased to nusta.UMess Beaeflcfary snd Avstor otherwlse egree In wdtlng,eny such eppllcrtlon oi
<br /> Insurance proceeds ahall aot extendor poslpone the due dete ol the Natq orany/nstallments cepedfor d�ereln.o�change tbs emonM o1 such
<br /> Inst811menta 11 the Thiat Pioperty A�acquJred by 8enefldary pursuaM to dre exer�lse of dte powe�01 safe aotherfo�eclosurei,ail dgM,titfa snd
<br /> laterest of]lusi�iln snd ta any lhsurance Pmoeeds Payable ea e rasult of damage to Me liust P�operty prb�to tlre sa/s ot ecqnlsltJon shallpase ro
<br /> �y sn�shalt h!+en�fi�ar to the costa snd expenses Including ettomev fees.lnwmed ln co!/e�hg such proceeds.tlien!n the rrtanner
<br /> 8»d!n the o►de�provJded h8ref►i.
<br /> &Presgrvetlon and MalMeaanoe of Tnut PPOperry.Ausfor wU!ksep tho bufldings end off►erlmprwaments now or he�eeRe�e�ecied on the 71ust
<br /> Propertyin good►epalrand oondltlon�nd wUf not commlt or permft weste�wlll aot aller the design orstrodural dreractarc�*►sdWdng ary bullding
<br /> nava hewafte�erected on end oaAStltudng dre first Proeprty without the prlor wrlttert conaentof Benefidary,wUf not do snyaG athirt8 wh/Ch
<br /> would unduy/mpalr or depredate tlre value of the firat Properfy and wiU aot ebendon the 7iust Prope►i)c pustar wlll noi remaue eny I'�xtures
<br /> canstltudng tha 7Yust Propeny unkss the same e�elmmediepely rvplaced wltl�UkeAropeny subJect ro t►re6en end secrnityirneresi�thls Deed ol
<br /> 7tustend al at least equsf veNa end utlllry.TYusto�wllf comply with ell present arrd fuWre o�d/nanceR reg�deHona end requframents ot eny
<br /> go►emrnerrtal body whkh eie epp9cable to the 7lust Prape�ty and to tha cccupancy tind uso thereol.ff tltls D�eed of 1Fust le on e unit in a
<br /> condomlNum o�a plsnned unit devefopment TJvator ahall pe�form eil of 7lustu�s obllgallonB�nder the daderaWns or covenarrta c�aaUrtg or
<br /> govsming dre condom/nium or theplanned unR devekAment,the byls�rs and regufa8ona of the condominWm or planned unft developme�ead the
<br /> consddrent documents.
<br /> a lnspection.BeneHclary or ftsagenb mey,ef e!!neasonsble dme�enter upon Ne 7tust Pmperry lor the p�pose ollnapet.ilon.BeneNdary sfrall Aere
<br /> eo dury to meke sucA Inspectlon and shap aof 6e llabfe to Iiusroror to snyperson!n possesslon N Rmalms o�fells to malce eny such Inspecdon.
<br /> 1Q Protectlon al Seeeefty.!l TtusMr felb to peAorm enY ot the cwenaMS end agrmemertta oomefned/n Mls DeM of�tust,or He►N acUon a proceeding
<br /> ls commenced whtch does ameyadversety aifea d►e Tlust Property or the lnte�est ot 7►usto�or Senefldmy A+re�eln a the 8de ot liusto�theretv�
<br /> ther►Beneflciaryt et 1l8 optlon,mayPe1bmr auch canonenb and egreement�matce sueh ePPe�►►t�ss. defend agalast end/nunsN9ate such ectlon
<br /> oi prpceeding srrd talm auch ptheractlort es Saneflclary dsems necesssry to p�atectlts lntereat Irttt;ludlrtg but not llm(ted tq dlsburseme►rt oi
<br /> rea5ortable etMmey fees endenbyupon the 7iu8t Prepe�ry to make iepal�Any emounta d/sbursed by Beneficiery Pursuant to tlds paragraph iq,
<br /> wlth/nfctest thereoa.ahall cor►SNMe Jndebfedrress M 7ltistot secured by th/s Oeed bt 7Fust UMess 1}vstaend BenetJcaryeg�ee to other termaW
<br /> paymen�sveh amom+ts shaGba pq�able upon notke ham BenefiGary to Tlusfo�requesting puymolrt tlrmeof. snd sha/l beer/Memst from the date
<br /> o/dlsbwsementat Me defeWtasia UanK set torthln tha Note,or otherwise et Me hlghest�ete permitledb/law.NoMing contained!rt this paregrsph
<br /> shaYrequlre 6eneflclary to Inwi ery expense o�teke arry aatlon Aemurtdec 1lustorlrrewcebty authortnesand empowera Beneffdary ro enter apon
<br /> tha 7tust Property es 1lustoi'a egent end,ln linsror's aame or othe�lse to peAom�eny snd elt covsnsnt�end agreements to be performed by
<br /> Tiustor as Aere1n pmvlded.8en�dery ahafl,et fts oWon,De subrogated to srry onwmbrance,qen,clalma damand and to e!1 dghta ertd aecurltles
<br /> for tho payment the�ol ps/dor d'�sdis�ged 6y 8enefir.laryunder the provlskns hereof eed ery such submpatlon Nghta shal!be addtUonal and
<br /> cumulative seourily for tl►!s Ooedaf Thist
<br /> 1L Condemnetlan.fie prooeedaof en/ewaM aGsfm tor damage�dlrect or conseqttentlal,ln aonnection wlh arry condemnetlon a other taldng of the
<br /> 7iust P�aperty,oreny part Metao�f,aforowxepa►�ce in 1len oY orin enGclpetbn of condemnetlon,ere hereb/essl8ned m and shall be pald to
<br /> Ben�tc►aryc Tarstor wUt Nle srMpmsecute�!n good leftli snd w1lAdue dlEgo�c►cet its dslm far ary such awarda payme�and wJll cause Me same to be
<br /> colle�xed arrd pafd to Bene�lderys anal,ahould It feil to do&0.Tiustor l�rewcaby autlrorfzes and empowers BeneHda►y,!n dre name of Tn�ata or
<br /> otherwls6t to N!0.D►ose�m�setd'e aoor►Wmmise any such dalm artd to colleci,reeelpt for end r+eteln tha pooeeda If tlre T}ust Propeny!s absndoned
<br /> by Dostor,o►,eRer notke by BeneBdary 10 7lvstor tliat the cortdemnw�fefs to mata�en award orsefGe e cldm for detnsgeR Tiustw fa1►s to respond to
<br />- Beneficlary wlthln thlr�(30)days efier tlre date such noilcels ma!led,Beneflclaryls aufhaimd m oollerx aed aAPN�e p��in tlre msnner
<br /> lrrdbated here/n.The proceeds vtery swerd or clalm mayt e�Aar deduding al/roasronsbfe costs and expense�;/nduding ettomey lee�whlch may have
<br /> b9en IrtCUned by BeneflGary N the oolPectlon d►e�eo%at the sole dlsaetlon ot Bene�clary,be released to 7Nsror.apPlled to restoraUOn of 71usi P�PenY.
<br /> or eppUed ta the payment of Ihs lndebiadaesa Unless Benetlafery antl itustor othBnvlse egree ln writlng, en/such&ppl►caUon olpraceeds ro _
<br /> fidebtedness shell not exQsndo�poslpoee Me due date of tlre Note a dre paymerrt of eny/nsGeOmerKS ca0ed for ffielawrde,
<br />- i2 Ilusto►Not Released.F.xtenslon d Ure tlme fw paymertt amodiNcaUon of aty emoXizaBon of the lRde6K3d�ess granted bY Ber+ellda�Y M enY
<br /> sucoesso►!n/�asf W Tiusror sheBnof oper8te to rol8ase�!n eny manne�the llablltty of 7}vsMr and liusiofa suc�rs!n 6rte�est Berreltclary aha!!
<br />- noi D9 requlred to oommence p�ocsedings�qalnst such suoce�sor or refuse to extend tlme for pey�ment o►otlrenvlse moddy amortlzatlan of dre °
<br />= fndebtedness by reason of ery aferr.errd made by Thutor and 7lustor's successara!n lntsrest
<br />° *o er.,�e r.�,.,,,or�„ rU,...,�or�,.nv nf Renallrlane n,tamr w111 anvlde m BeneNclarv wfthln nlnetY(90)d�s of the close o!each/!sc&i year M -
<br />� 7lustor,the consofidated balance sheet ertd statement o!eaminqs of Tiustor and arry and sll guarenrors d the fidebtedness secwred he►eby,!!any. _
<br /> and w!1!provlde snd deliver ro BeneHclary such other Nnenclal lniormetlon and!n such manner es 8enefidary mey roasonably request Imm time ta
<br />: ame:
<br /> 14. Flne►rc/a!Covenarrta fn edd'dlon to eny other Ilnanciaf covensnta of liustor made lo any other egreement h+sirument or documerrt fiestor shsl! -.
<br /> = compy wlth end aha0 csuse arry and all guarantora of the lndebtedness sece�red horeby ro comply wlth,a�e!n comp!lance wlth,the/olfow/ng -
<br /> - Unanclal covenanta:(fils peregraph sheff not apply H covenants and reqvlremeMS sre not sef foRh hersb.) °
<br /> 1S Schedule o/teases Withfm m�(10)dey9 efler demend, Jlusto►shafl lumish to BeneHdary a schedula catlffed to by Trusror,SetHng lorth af!lesses
<br /> of the 7Yust Prope�ty,or erry portlon thereot,lacluding(n esch case�the name olltre tenents or xcupsnlx e descrlpNon of the space occupted by
<br /> - such tenant or occupant,the renfal paysble lor such apace,and such otherinlormatlon and dxuments wifh respect to such leases and tenartcles
<br /> : as BeneAciary may reasonebly�equest.
<br /> - 1fl Covenants of 7lustor wide Respect ro Leases Wlthout the prfor wrllten consent of Beneflclary,]iusror she7 not,dlisctry or lndirectty,wkh respact ro
<br /> any lease oi sptttce!n the 71ust Properry,or srry Aortion the�eof,wAethe�such lease!s now or herealter!n exfstenca
<br /> 1 -- - --
<br /> 1 fGlfl�SR�V4 .-.,Tfi��Q���•�...-..a...a�.��.�.�.r�.,�.e.--��.-_�_.
<br />