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.�+.. w t�F r "1 i a -P�n f r� �r !f�rfl4j�rtr� �cCti, . �r�."�(3 f7°`�C� `t."�'f�'?4C'�;� � <br /> ��f�S'a.�J�ndc C:v - .:�,�19`�jYSfl, Y vf1_��i � �- �S��. .i �� r itF 4 � lS��"��.Yr - _--. .. _. <br /> ��.. °{.rV,�.-� . .,,� � -� S� +Y- <br /> � .... ' .�ib!,. ' . ....,.,..��..«�..... .� <br /> � ��� . '�• .�+ „� . . .. .�. ^.Cn_� <br /> . T r,r <br /> t ..:+i1� .. .. . � � � , o� 4 .•\... �'• r/ �f.ta I � . <br /> � � . �'.Y.;"y�'T':S�'.�_ '..�.. . . r . ...., n.• . . ••'�•r���i!s.:!�. �.�N�:;. -,.__.....��--�""_" �r_`. <br /> a v.r+f...� .. ..._.. . <br /> _.. .� _ �'-"' <br /> A?pL11 001-51006010 �'` <br /> .i � -- <br /> wR <br /> E` <br /> ADJ[J��'ABLE ItATE ItIDER �9 b-- �Q7'St➢f �.;, <br /> �, <br /> r: <br /> TEIIS ADNSTABL�RATB RIDBR!S medR fbL4 25�H d8y oY OCTOB$R � i995 .Bttd iS r' <br /> incaiporutefl into and ahall be deemod to emend end supplement tha Mortgaga Deod of ZYnst or 5aurity Deed(the'Satuity _. <br /> Insi�ument")of We eame date given by tha uudeiaigae�1(�ne"I3onuw:a")w.^.�Botmr�er's AQ��sn!bte Rn�s�Nota(the �-- <br /> �0t°•)�0 ga�s 8�nsx�u. sAVZxas a raor+x assocsATxoiz oP a�c�m sar.arm �_ <br /> (the"Lenda")of the same date end covcring the property de�aibed in dte�ecauiry 1ASuument and loasted sx <br /> 1616 WBBTNORTH FRONT — <br /> (}RAND ISY,AND, N�81tABKA G8001 � <br /> [ptopesry AddreaJ . <br /> TI�3 NO'PE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOW�Iti FOR CNAN(iES IN M�l 1NTEREST RATE AND YNY <br /> MONTHLY PAYMENT. INC1tEASES IN 'D'HE INTEYtFST RATL WII.L RESULT IN HI(iHER PAYNlENT3. <br /> DECREABES W THS aNTEYtEST ItATE W�'I'RF•��'T W LOWER PAYMENTS• <br /> ADDTiTONAL COVENANTS. Tn addttion to the coveaents end agreemeats made in the Sec�aity 1nsf�vmeat, = <br /> lsorrowu end Imdac funhet oovenant and e�ree as fo}lows: <br /> A.DVTFRES'T RATE AND MONTI3LY PAY1V�1�7�C�IANGES <br /> '!he Nooe prnvIdes fur aa inidal interest rese of �.750 9b. 'fhe IKote provides for c6anges ln Wo <br /> int�rest reta and tha montle�y PaYmei►ts.a�foltows: <br /> 4.IIVTERESf R�iTE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> 4A?���� - <br /> Tbe intarsc rate I wjll PSY�Y�88 on dia flrst day of xovsr��ii � a000 .aad a►d�at day <br /> �y i2T8 month theceafter.8ach date on ahich my intenst iate could change is called a"Change Date.° <br /> (BD The Inee�c <br />_ Seginnfmg with tbe 6uat Change intaest rate w�71 be based on an Yadea.The"Index"is: ._ <br /> THE WEEKLY AUARAGE YIEI.0 ON UNITED STATE5 TREASURY SECURITIES ADJUSTED TO A <br /> CONS7ANT �IATURITY OF 1 YEAR, AS mADE AVAILABLE 8Y THE fEDERAL RESERUE BOARD. <br /> ltie most raxat Indax figure avaiLabb a4 of the data 0 45 days❑ <br /> ixSare each Cl�mga Date is called the"Cumeat Index." <br /> If the Index is no l�nga aveilabb.the Note Holder w�l choose a new iadeac t6at is�upon comp�rable infornaUion. <br /> The Note Hold�wlll g6►e me ttotice of this cttoica. ' - <br /> (G�CAic�ttlon ot Cbanges <br /> Befere each Change Date,d�e Note Holder wIll cek�ulate my aew interai:aLe by add�ng 9b)oo tha Cmnnt Yadex. <br /> T�to � Ta�s$ Qm�tTBRS PercentaSe Peint(s)( <br /> '!!�e Noto Holda wlll 0ea mund the msiilt of tt�s addittoa�o die 0 Neaxe�t �Next F�gt�s [�Nau Luwest <br /> oxs si� ( .�s 96). <br />- Subjact to the limfita sm�ed in Section 4(D)below.this mundod amount w�l be my aew in�es+t rate nnt�the na�i Change <br /> Data <br /> The Note Ho1der a►�11 theu desermine the emo�u►t of the monthly paymeat tbat would be su�cient to repay the anpafd <br />- priaclpal tl�aat I am expocLed w owe at the Change Date in full on the mawrEty datc at roy new lnt�rest rate in subsmntlally <br />- �1�PaY�ffi.T6e ns�ulrof this catcutstion w3ll ba the new eunount of my monthlY PaYa►enG <br />� <br />- (0)I.imits an Interest Rate CLanges <br /> � e check approprlate ba�:�no box is clucktd.dtera w7l1 be rco ntaidnwm IGnft on changes.) <br /> - �1)There w�l be nn maximwn limii on interest�ate changes. <br /> � �ac (2)'The intarst rate I am reqt�ired to pay at the fast Ct�ange Date wlll not be greaicr then 9.75 O 96 <br /> i ..rinend,sn S.T50 �. <br /> � � xx (3j My intacgt rate witl never be increased or decteaced on any s3ngte Change Date by mo�than - <br /> Two prxc�rrr p�nmge l�oinc(s) ( a.o00 �6� �ro�u �he _ <br /> - xete a,f�ta+est I have boea payin8 for the preceding pertod. <br /> IJ(4)My inLerest rate will never be greater ihan 12.750 46.which is ca�led the"Maximnm Rate." _ <br /> THg ��MZNiNNM Rf►TS° vnII.I. Nsv.6Ft ss s,BSS TgAN XX1�R4l�fX 5.?5yb = <br /> MUL718TATE ADJUSTA�LE RATE RIDER-Sirtgla Famlly ��o+ ° <br /> Pap�1 ot p /y� <br /> �-809A(0408) VA�P MORTCiA�B FORI18•(800�621•7201 inNlt4: �►�/ _ <br /> , < - • "b ' <br />_._'� ' ° <br />