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n,:.- ;) -- - - <br /> ` . �°�-,,.-F��•L�`,a.7�`;'i.a r� ,�4� .!i .i... � .,t\t���y��f4�y 71�)fy7E^:...� .. ���:/-�r=�-, -- ;�r - - - --_- --l --— -- - . <br /> �jwu i` .N 7. �{{��V_U <br /> ;���� r� <br /> j ��si jVY. .�p .. i �!� <br /> � � <br /> ;f .�� � ,. <br /> L . . . .. _. � . . M.p.�.yr:r <br /> � , .l � . ..-: <br /> . �i • .. ..'1 •• . .- ' 6S� - <br /> , �^ , . r . . . . . � 1�AII_YlMCML I:. __ <br /> • � ..=r� y'•• . . . � . . ... ,, . . . ,'�wf+AMCI�lA►`Yf1Wp�,.drwx.»_...._YT-_.`..__�-.�_�_��if5...,....� <br /> - . .i. .FY_L_���__......�.....�-_...�...�_.�_.."_......_�....... ._ . <br /> 6Y1_=" <br /> ..._ � ,r_. .• ---- <br /> _•. �.c� <br /> „ � ;,.�_ `�g-°�°���� -__. <br /> ��''1.���U•' � �� <br /> _-.- psymenb may no longer be raluind,at tha opflon of I�nder.if moitgaga lnsurenca ooverega(in the amoun end o <br /> � � ' '' that i,cnQcr rcquir�s)provldcd by an insumr approvod by Lcndcr agaln Ix�came.�avaflable end ia obtainod.Bflm�war ahaU pay tho �'e:� <br /> ` ",. ., �` pr�ntum�ra�ulred oa malnWn martgage tnsurenco in effact�or W provldo a loss ressrve�undl t�o raquinment for mortg�ge °•:�;. <br /> � insutenoe cttsis in eocordonca w i t d any w r itWi�etnen!h Ctwoen Borrower an d L c n d c r o t a p p ll r s G l s l u w. ,�., <br />- ., : 9.In�p=etbn. L�nder ar its sgcnt mny m�1cA reasonabl�u►Mts upon and inspcctfons of the Property.Lcndcr etiell glvo . <br /> Barowu noltcc at tha dmo of or prIor tn on iuspocdon spocifying rcasoiwbla causa for the inspccdon. <br />"'��:� ���- 10.Condemeitbn. 'ltio pracecde of any awud or cWm fa d�mngc�.dlrcct ar ooneequa�ttlal� in cattnect�on with any ,�•-. <br /> � . wadcmaattaa ar c�kss�'smg nf eay�rt oi th9 Pr+aprriy�er fc►r oaneeyPn�e [n tl�n of sundcmneilan.ara hcrcby asslgrtcd aM <br /> „ shall ba paid to Leatde�. -. <br /> ;:�;� In die ovem of a totel taldTMg of thc Prcpeny,the psacade sha11 ba e�pA�d to the aums secuted by this S�curiry Ie�awment, <br /> whatt�er or not thea dne.with eny e�cass patd to 8ortowu.��he evaat of a p�iel ta?dng of the Proy�erty t��whtch tho fair rnaricet <br /> � veluo oY tt�e Propa�ty 3mmadietoly bcfore the taldng ia equal to or ge�eaus�han tha emount of the swna secured by this Socuriry <br />--- �� z Ias�umeut imn�atiely before the taidng. anless Barrawea ond Lender otheiwise agree!n wrldng.the sums socured by t��s " ry. <br />-- "a x Sa�eity lasuumsns sl�all be zedus�od by the amount of the pmcoeds middpllad by thc folBowlAg hecdon:(a)the total amaunt af 'r��: <br /> '.:'_'� tho suma secured Lnmediatety before the taking.dlvtded by(b)the feir maricu value of tha Proputy tiamatiatcly befom the __rt;� <br />:°-�:--�:�.:., .� taldng.Any belanoe st�alt ba paW to Bonowu.In tha evemt of a p�etial aidng of the Propaty In which tne feir maricct vatue of the ,--- <br /> n• ;.: _.. <br /> _ ^ ;. . Ptoperty imntediataly before tho taScing fis less than the aa�annt of the sutns sacured immsdiatoly beforo tlte talcing.unless `�.` <br /> =�.�.;�-:; ',;,,. <br />- ., ,': 8o�rowrz and LendFr otlu�se agrce in arltIng or unles4 applfc�ble l�w othuv�tse prov�dos�the procmeds sda11 be applicd W the - <br />�'i-=�� sums secuned by this Securlty Instnuawt wheshet or noi the sums ere tben dua ����=: <br /> _?;�;�=;1 If the Propaty is abandoned by B�rowa.or ff.aftei aotice by Lenda to Boarowu that the condozanor offees to make an _-- <br /> .`.�;�:;�� aaard or seNe s claim for dua�ages.Bwnowa fa�is oo respo�ad to I�adcx wl�'�iu 30 day8�r t�a daie the natira fs givc�.l.a�Q� -_- <br /> - is autha�izad to collect and epply the its aptian,eit6a to restoratton or repair of We Pmpesty or W the stuns secured _.... <br /> •-^.�`.��` by this Securlty Ins�ument.whetl�er or not thea dua R. <br /> �;. ��.= `' � Unkss Leaidec and Bornowa otheralse s�ae in wrldn8,anY ePPlic�ian of pmceeds to principal shall aot axteud oz postpone . <br /> ��'�.�1;� the due date of the�aont�lY P�Y�►ta refemed to in garagrapl�s I aad 2 or ch�nga the emount af suctt payiaeats. <br /> ���_.:��.; il.Bore+osver Not RetwsMt For6eArxna By Iandv 1�Iot a Waiver. B�caaslon of the ttrne for paymeat or modi8codon <br /> �=��� of amoatizatian of die sums sccurcd by this Sxurlty Inswmwt grentod by Lenda w any suoce�or h►int�a�est of Borrowa sl�all <br /> '-�'k'"� aot opesate to relea�e tDe liability of d�e original B�owc or Bcarowa's s�t�scrs in lnta�est.Lwder sdaU noi be nequired W <br /> commmoo gmoxdings ageinat eay suco�ssor in jntaest or nfase to e�d dma far payment�od�cwise modify amo�tbn of <br /> w�'';#-�-� the sums seciucd by this Sexan�ity Ins�nmeat by reason of any dunand mada by the alginal Soerowu or Bamwer's suoxssona - - <br />-��=��� in later�t.Any fa�bearnnce by Leader in eaercising any dght ar remedy sLall not b e a w�ivu o f or p r i c l u d o t h a ex e�s e o f aay <br />_�.�-���:�:�i:i �°rrem°ds'' <br />-.;-�;:;�;; . 1Z.Suooessora Ar+d As�igns Boundt JoLrt and&veral Lia6nity;Caatgne�s. The coveaaats and agceanaita oY this <br /> ,,r�. ��;, � Security Iasocumeat shall bir� and beaefit tho suooessors and assigns of I.ender end Bomower, subjoct W the provlslons of <br /> = _=� P�B�➢h 17.Barowa's coveaants and ag�eerneats shall be joint and seva�L My Bo�mwer who caslg�ns tbis Socurlip <br /> - -- Ins�umeac hnt dnGS noc axecum the Note: (a)is oo-signiag 16is Secanity Inst�umeac oniy co m�cga,ga 8�and oonvay thu <br />_---�-=�'� Boimwer's inta�ast in the Prope�ty tinder the tams of this SxarIty Insnnau;nx N)Is aot per�unally obligatcd to pay tha snms <br /> __. __y��.� secn�ed by dils Security Inst�mea�aad(c)tigrees tbat Leada and siny other Ho�+rer may$giee to extcnd,modlfY.forbear ar �� <br />-='N"�;=.��T�� make any accommodationv wIth ng�azd w th�uxms of this SeGUity Instcummt or the I�Fate wIttsout Wai Boimwer's canseat <br /> __�.,,�� 13.Loon Charges. If the ioan sec�by this Sec�ndty Instnuneat ia subjoct to a law which sets ma�imtmn ban charges, <br /> - .`.�:`£-��i and that law is fma]ly iatapretcd so that tha�ntae�t or other loan cherges collected a oo bo collectad in�wIth tha loan <br /> _��� exacd die pesrntued�en:(a)any such ban ctiarge shall be t+eduoed by tve amovac noc�►co reduce tLe charge w tbe <br /> - -= Pamitted 13mi�and(b)anY sums eh�ty oollccted frnm Bormwer which e:ceoded pamittcd limits w71 be refunded Do Harowa. <br /> -_�? I.eoder may choose tn mato�this refund by ndudng the principal owed nada the Nom or by maicing a direct patynx�t to <br /> :' Barawa.If a nafmd red�oes pcinc3pal,tt�e redudion atU be t�eated as a P�P�Y�t wlthont enY PnPaY�t�8� <br /> _----- undar tha Nota <br /> - �4.Notlas. Any nWice to B�wer provfdad 8or ia this Sec�uity In�unmwt sLall be give�n by delivering it or by mailing tt <br /> - by first cl�ss amil unless applic�ble law reqnires use of aaothar�ethod.'1Le u:o�shall ba dficected tfl the Property Address a <br /> -- - �°!' eny ot6er addcess Soimwcr designates by aotke w Lender.Aay aotice to Lender ahell be givea by&at class mait t�I.c�der's <br /> addcess stated herein or eny odter ad�ress Leader desIgnates by notioe�Borrovvtx.Aay nodce provided for in this Sec�riry <br /> � --� InsGUmeat ehall bo deemed w have beeu given to Bortowet or Lendex whe�given as pcovidod in thfis pategwph <br /> --_= Li.Govtrniag I.�w;Scverabitity. This �eauity lnstcumaat s6all be governod by fedeaal law and d�e law of dte <br /> -- _—�.- j�on in wt�ich the Propecqr is located.In the eveat Wat eny pmvisinn or cla�se of thia Security Instcument or d�e Nota <br /> ��,� conf�wId�applicable law,such conAict a�all not aff�ct other p�ovislona of this Sociuity Iusnumeat or the Note which can be <br /> �- __- = gtvm e�act withaut the canflicting piovisloa 1b this end the provlsIons of this Secudty Insaument end the Nou a�e doclarad m <br /> ------�':,�`.� be severabl� <br /> :- -- =:�� _ <br /> �� <br /> ��y:.����� _ <br /> .;�,,,�,,;�ti, Farm 8028 Ol�O F� <br /> _ �T,��; �.aR(NEj(o2ta) P.p�tote InHm�: - <br /> s�f ��r�+� . �1 ,q; �_ <br />_- :.f�{I'��;""�� b � -. <br /> _"-•'�y.�•� • r.'.. <br /> _--- .Y�MKr•� �r� <br /> .�1v.: ... .,Z"' ' � :I.�' <br /> ` - �i . . ' ��,� <br /> � M .. _ �`�� �- . . <br /> .. . _. ._ .�� .. . . i. . <br /> �. <br /> ti <br /> }� . - � p .. _ �,l <br /> - .- . y . . . . . . <br /> � '� . <br /> :,,�M <br /> .�.. i ; . } . 1f ..� � .7��I.i <br /> _. .5 . - .__ '_-_.- _____ ...___ --_ - ___ _ — I "_ __ _— __ 4.. <br /> _, . .. � . _-._- _-.__- _ ._ __'. _-_.. -__- -.-._ -_ _ _'_- .__-._ . '_- �_.�_.� __ -' _-__ . . <br /> � <br /> ... t _ <br /> _. ,.- � y. . . . ..._ <br /> ��a�'n�'i. . . ° - O ��Y'���.1 w � .. '��r - - -' - <br /> . <br /> S� <br /> . . .. "�" � .. �� .� . � . • • •- ..t ..+. .. ¢~. - .. <br />. , . . . . . . . •• � ' . . <br /> __ - � Y.��, , .. •' l . . . . .. . . <br /> ., „ .. y .. . �� ,f <br /> -. a. . „ .. . - . } .. .�. �.° :.t-f���•:�a�ti s..�. .u�� , .. -. <br /> C . _ , .' ' . .. ,t _ r+e�M����. ' . <br /> , . . . � .. .� .. " ''t, y� ' ., � Y <br />� ` ... ' . .� . � �, ' , j - , .. - � ., ), <br /> � <br /> U - .. <br /> ., „ � <br />�' : . . . .. .�. � _-_'____'__'j <br />