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<br /> . � - --.. , 1b. Bdrrower'a Rtpht Yo Retnst�te, n eorrow.� nwers � canamona, eorro�r anen nave �ne r�ne co nave - ...
<br /> �ntore�rtMnt of thb 8aaudty tnsburrNrtt dkoontinwd at�ny tYns pBor to ths brWr ot(a)6 day�r(or suoh oth�r p�rlod w�ppNcabi�
<br /> °� ° taw may spsoRy br ralnatatarmr►t)bNora eab ot Ns Pro�y►pursuant to �ny Pow�t of saM aontah�d h tAk S�ou►1Y Initrumrnt;or
<br /> (b)�ntry ot a jud�nmt�nforohp thh 8�ew1ly lastnim�n�Thos�oondtions w thtt 8orrowK:(�) pays 6�uM►aN sunn whkb tMn �O
<br /> wouid b�du�unda thk 6�ourlty UflWm�r+t and tht NoU u N no a�tbo had 000ttmtd; (b)ourM�ny dNtuk of�np athM CJ1
<br /> oo�mult ot apre�rtMnbi(o) MI����� incum�0 h mfOrohp thk 8�pt�► InsWrt�nt� inobdhp� but no! IMlad to�reason�r .b
<br /> attorta��'hu�i and(d)tak�s auoh�otbn af L�ndK mty nt�onaby nquin to wsun that tM IYn of thte SeourUy Imtrummt.I.rnd�fs .
<br /> riphri b th�Prop�rty and Baroanrs ob(Ipation to pay tAo wms�ound by this 8ecurily U�Wmmt shaN eonthw unstun�. Upon �
<br /> �stat�rtMnt by 8arowa�th�S�eurKy Ins�um�n!ard th�obY�attons acund hrnbY slul nrrxb NYy NHotl�a N no�ec�atbn
<br /> Qt4d eewrs9. Moe:'u'..r�thb tfght t0 tE!ntSMte bhs!rtot e�py h th�aas�of ocqiKatbn undar pirtartph 17•
<br /> 19.8�1�01 NOtO; Chft100 Of LAt11 Str111C8�• Th�NoU or a prA�et i�ta�ast M th� NoU (top�iher wAh thYt 8�urty
<br /> :��.-�---- Intwmw►t)may M�o1d on�or mon ttr�s wlthout prtar notte�to eonow�r. A ww rnty�auR b a ohinp�h th��ntKy(w+own ae N�
<br /> •lo�n S�vlarr') th�t eoN�ots monthy P�Ymmts du� under th� Not� �nd tht�8�ourY�r lmtrumonb rnus abo rt►ty b�on� a mon .�
<br /> . chuspa o!tM�an Ssnk�r unr�t�bd to a ule of th�Nob. If th�n ta a eh�of th�Lan SKVIar�BorroaNr wIM M OM�n wrtUn
<br /> „ . notla�of tha ohtnp�in�cot�wilh Wnpr+�0� 14 abori and�ppaoabM kw. TM notia wil sttt�th�aam�v►d addrrat ot th�
<br /> �se�Loen 8�nricrr�nd th�addnss to wfitoh paymnts Moub b�n�ad�. Th��oHa�w8 aMo aontah�nr othw htarmation nWfr�d by
<br /> • appYOOby�wr.
<br /> �0. Mmrdous Subs�neef. Borto�+rr shW not cwt� or pwmk tiw p��,uso,d�asnl,sto�,a reksee of�Y ...
<br /> M�vdous 8ubstrno�a on�h tM ProP�tY. 9arow�r shaY not do.not abw anYoM dc�to do�anythlno atNothp!M Prap�t�►tMt
<br /> ' is in vbkNon of rny Environm�nW law. 'R►� p�dinp two antsnaa �hal not rppy to ths P»�nc�. us�� or ator�an tl�
<br /> Prop�ty o!smtN 4wnWa at t�larardaus bUba�r�oes that a»p�n�rab neo7�hsd to b� approP�to normN nsidmtW us�s�d to
<br /> •� ' m�htmmo�Ot tlW Propwtf►.
<br /> 8orrovrr.�ahaA p�omyttp phra 4d+der� notbe ot any krvatlgaUon�oWn.dKntnd.1lwaut o�OthK iotion by anY pov�mmcnit�
<br /> or npul�tory�pa�tcY a P��P�Y hvokhp tha Propriy and any H�rdous bl�bshnca or Em�ronmenW Law of whbh Bortow�►h�s
<br /> aoWat knowLdp�. M 8ortow�r M�ms.or ta notMNd by any Qov�mm�ntit or npuktory authorl�►.ths!�ny nrt►ovai a ott►K rwmdktlon
<br /> ot any Harardoua SUbitano� athath0 tha Propaty t� noceswf►. Barrou� ehN P�� � eN necessary ronwdW a�ctba�h
<br /> ° a000rdmo�wRA E.nvlroenwnfal Law.
<br /> . . As ui�d in this p�pnph 20. "Has�rd0us Subtt�nCM' a►� tt�0in wbat�tlC�E dMtNd q tOxb a hmMous wbstanCM by ' .
<br /> EmironnwnW liw md!h�tobwbp aubshnc�s:posoYn�,lce►os�.othK fWrrn�br or to�do P�roYum produob.to�da O�tlald�s N6
<br /> Mibbid��voWY�solwnb. mttxl�l�oonWnlnp wW�tos or torm�ld�hltd�.�nd ndto�ctlue matwlW. As us�d M thb pus��ph Q0. .fi :
<br /> �"• � taws and iows of�r'w jur'�Wtion wfwo tha Pro�ty+b bmbed thet reble to heelth. Wf�r w ,.
<br /> 'Envtanm�ntai Law m�rns t�daat •:
<br /> Mivt�DntrNntal proMCtbn. -����
<br /> :. , „ NON�tJNIFOFM CONENAJ�iTB. 8orrow�r�nd I.�dK iuAhK coventnt�rtd a0►M a fobws: :-�:_
<br /> .� �_ Z7. Acceterotion: R�medt�s. Lender Y�ti �{w �otiw to Borrow�r prior �o aaceteratlon toibwinp ...,,
<br /> y�:
<br />- . Borrewar's breseb of any �ovenant or a�reement In tfi�s Se�riiyr insQU�i�iY �: �•�i ,;.:�as t�s �;:-
<br /> ,..,v accsleratlon und�r pwpn�fh 17 untas �p�pticabls law pro�ides oU�awi�eD. The �otice ah�Ii sPealA►� ��°:�
<br /> ' :.,y (a) ths aletwt� (b)t!w actlon required to aure th� d�twt� (a)a doU�eot las than SO daya A^on� tlie �_�-
<br /> �t � date the notlae b pivsn to �oKOwer,by wl�tch tlw d�twlt must tw curad; and (d) th�t hltur� to cur� r�_`
<br /> the detwit on or batort the d�te �peolAsd �rr th� no'Hae msY reauit In accetenfbn o! th� iums �__.
<br /> . , % � �seur�d br tl�is Ss�urity insaum�nt and at� ot th� Prop�rtf►. TN� notte� �1y11 fluri�r Intam !�-=•--
<br /> . ��. Borrow�r of tM rtaht to rd n s t a U�l b r acad e r a t i o n a n d f h� H p h t t o b r i n p a a a u r t s a tl o n t��t t h s �---
<br /> � �� .. non�dstenw oT a d�twit or rny ottNr det�ns0 of Borrower to aca�terdlon �nd at�. If the detwit ts �._
<br /> � • 'k not cu�ed on or belon 4fu dst�cp�cifled tn t l w no t ic�.�tn der a t I�s o p t l o n m t y re qulr� Immeditte �=::
<br /> payme�4 In Wii �Q �il aums s�oured by tht� Securlty InstrumeM wlUaut further deen�nd and m�y
<br /> tm�ta the pawer ot os�s and �ny ott�er �emedlas permltted by �pplicabts law Lender MMtI be
<br />�T.":,•::'. ,..� � �ntltled �o eWlect ell ��nses Ucurred in purauinp ti� r�medip proWdsd tn �IY� para�'�Ph �t,
<br /> ��_��:,=:.,�� Inaludin��but not ItmRed to�res�on�bl��rteya'tees and �osb ot tltle svid�nce. —
<br /> -_=.-.T-�-.�, It the powar ot sels Is lnvoked, Ttuste� si�etl recard a notic� of dehult In atah aounty tn wNch
<br /> -- =- A.•.:�`.: , �ny �rt of the Prope�/ b ba�ted �nd �hsll nail aoptes o!woh noUcs in tM manMr �raaribsd by
<br /> .' .� �PPtiqibt� law to Borrower and t� the ot� p�raorts �re�� bp �PPitabl� lew. AfWr tlM tirn� _
<br /> `-;� :�. �equtred bY �ppitcable taw.Trustee �hali pive pub{to notice of s�te tc the per�ons and in tl90 menn�r
<br /> .;�; ;;"r:�� pr�scrllaed b1►+�PPIEc�bis law. Trustat. witlwut d�m�nd on Bono�rer��iall �!1 th� Propwty at puDi{e _,_
<br /> � ; �:.,:: - actlon to tl�e hlahest btdder at the ttm� and ptacs ind under the tum� dalnmtsd fn sel�o!dl -
<br /> .;�-::�:i:'„�: iets In on� or more p�rceb�nd In tny order Trus�ee d�t�rn�tne�. Tru�s m�y postpon ___
<br /> ':�:�:::: -':�. . or anY Pxcel of the ProPeryl bl/ Publio rutnouoaem�M wt the Ume �nd plac� of any pr��hl _
<br /> - �ohsduled a�is. L�rtder or it�d�tana mry purchw tM Prop�Ky �t sny aw. F
<br /> � V� Upon rsaipt ot p�yment ot th�prtcs bid, 7Yustea a1at1 dettv�r b the puraf�wr Trustes'� dtsd �
<br /> � �� �onv�ytnp tM Property. The reaitale tn t�Tivat�'s deed sh�il b�prims he1� svfden� of tM lruth �l=
<br /> ��' �t t1w stirt�m�nts m�d� th�r�tn. T�u�Le� N�il �pPly tl+e �t�►o c e e d s o f t M �le in t h s t o i b w I n�o rdK: =
<br /> a �_:
<br /> � -:. (�)to all cosU and expenses of exerctsing tlw pow�r ot sd�, and th� �te. inatuding th�paym�nt o!
<br /> the Trustes's t��s aatus0ly tneurrsd,not b ueessd _ mf tM pNnetpst amount of th� not,�
<br /> ' � at the tlme of the dsotaraUon ot dstault,snd rea�o n�b t�a t t o rney's tees as p�rmtitad by taw; (b) t�o�il
<br /> � _ � . , wms seourad by thls 8eour(ty InsErument; and (c) anll � to tho peraon or peraons INI��U
<br /> , , ` eMtttsd m It
<br /> 2Q. RecomreyaRCe. UP�Wf� of�N wmt aound br this 8�cudY InftrumnL Unda snar�,.n m,sa.to�oonwr
<br /> " ths Prop�ty�nd thall surrend�r Mb Seouriqr inttrummt and aN noUe vvldmohp d�bt aocurod by thb 8rau�y IntWnMnt to T�ustr.
<br /> . . � Tiustae shaM naonwl►th�Prop�tf wkhout warrnly md without ohtrpo to ths pe�son or prcon�MQaYy anlRled to R. Such pN�on v►
<br /> = •� ' pasoas shtt PaY�ny noondation eosb.
<br /> -------------- �ee �..�u..h Ti..■.�� t....�.. .s �. .winn. m�v trem tYro m tlmY Irrtlow ltustM ltld a000L�1t i 6UCQ�itOi tNStM t0
<br /> __,:—__..____--___.._ �r��Mwwww ••w.r�. �..�..� _ ..��__. .._� _
<br /> , �ny TrustM op9ohbd Mnund�r by an h�trument reoord�d b tM oounty M whbh thk S�a+►YY lnstrurrNnt is naord�d. 11VNout
<br /> . conwyar�ce of th�Propwty�suoassor trust»ehali�ucc�d to aB the tkte. POw�r and dutiea eonNrrod upon TnrstM h�rh �nd by .
<br /> , . appNcabp kw.
<br /> . �4. Hequeit tOt NOtiCes. Bortorrsr r�qu�ats Mat aopies o!th�noticoa of dM�uk and eaM bt s�nt to Barow�e adOrass
<br /> '� wh�on t� ene aroperh aadress.
<br />� " a6. Rtden to thta 8eaurity Inst�nament it one or mon ridsrs ora exeouted Oy earower and rocorded topeth�wlth
<br /> this SecurBy inatrument,th�cownmta and�rwments of woh auch rkla ahaY b�hcorporatod hto and shaN amend and suppNma��t
<br /> � ths ooveiunte and�reara^ts ot thl�SeourY�► tnebvm�nt as N the�Wer(s)wero a V�o!thb 3eeu►ilY InebumenL Rorm 80Z1 WYO
<br /> FtO�Y.l�tO(Y/o6) PaO�4 ot 6
<br /> , �
<br /> � tYY �
<br />