. - - ,..�_;--_-_---._--_--- ..�.- ,-- ----- - - - - - -
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<br /> . � s„�k��,. .-<-� , : -�;.: ,.,_: , .. °�R;�::•��;
<br /> r� .:;� �� , �-���� �
<br /> 5������:N�tif�sl��y.?;� - -(,} i ,- : • ,'�f ,i i, .
<br /> � ?. . �'\ � f�� t . �
<br /> S:;j;���j.. .�au,; `':.,'`". . . , , �� .
<br /> �.::n �...�t, , �
<br /> '�i:..:
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<br /> .. :��'�� .. . , . . � .. � . �� �.� "� .
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<br /> .. .. � c � .. . . - �
<br /> .. ..i.r«�Wid�p,.,.k, . � � � - .. - � �� ----"- ... . ... .. ......._�.
<br /> -.. --___----_��_-�__..--- �5 q �0'�'4�� __
<br /> � 18. @orrowor'o Rl�ht to Reln�. ��eonowe►nw.a a�rm�+eondu�ar►e.8orrorre+sha6 havo the�ipht to Aaw�nfom�en3 oi
<br /> � � thb 8reuriqr InaWment ditoonthwd at any tino pda�to th��uWa ot(�)E 6��rs(or tuoh oth�p�►od aa�pD�r Yw may W�oW lor
<br /> retnatatemer►t) Mton ss4 of th�Prop�pr pu�awnt to any powar of sata aorKntrtod h thts Securit�r tnabumen� cr{b) snbl►of�N+�"�^s ,.
<br /> � anto►eln0 thit S�eurU�r InttrummA T!►aa condRtons�n Mat Borroww:(o)P�YS��'o�eums wAbh thcn r�oatd be du1►undo thb 8�aurttfr
<br /> " InsWmont and tho Naro had no acrAl�vaUon oacurt�dp @) auns sny dYfauR°i mr oihor eovenant or aprsammtei (o)Oaye at�n�s
<br /> heur►cd In anto�clnQ thb S�curN�r tnabummt,hctudlne, bu2 eot ftnk�0 to, r�asonfbte attom�ye' teea;md (d)tak�s auoh aotbn�e I.K►d�►
<br /> 1 may naaonabN �w to assuro that th� iMn of thb S�ourBY Instrurtw��LsndYrt►iphb In tRs Property end 8orrowd� obf�tbn M O�Y
<br /> ° ebt!g�t�ans s�rod hsrabY c8h UremaM NRY etteotNe ae�I no acce�erat�ion nad occurtad. Ma bwsva�t b�tpt►t p�hetau sh�not sppb M
<br /> tho caao of acealanttoa under ptn,�n�ph 17. ,
<br /> --;�;":-:- 19. 8ale of Note; Chanpe ot L.osn Seroicer. TM Nof� or 4 ptAkl hter�at M th� Nob (topolhM wMh U►k S�CUrM
<br /> InstrumK►tI mtr b�sotd orn or mon lYrNS wNhout P�lar �ottao to 8orro�w�r. A u�M may rauR h a chonp� b th� enN►Y(known �s tM
<br /> .. �� � �to�n Senfa�tlut coMeots monthy paY�►te d¢s under th�Nots and this &�audf► Insbumwd. Tlnn atso m�f E�o�u or mon oMnpn
<br /> of th�Lou�Seivkro►unraloted to a sak ot ths Note. If theh b a o1wi0�of the Laan 8�nfcer.8o�ro'�w�a S� '�� notia af t1u
<br /> chany� In acaordartce wKh paregniph 1A abov��rtd�ppNoabM I�w. fi�noUc� wtl etab tM narn��►d eddras of the nsw Lan Srvk.w
<br /> and tha addr�ss to whbA p�Y�1s shoulA b�ntids. 7M notlee wiN abo e9nt�in mp otMr htc�n�adon�+lnd bp�Dp�p iaw.
<br /> � �0. Ha:ardous Substances. earowr snw � caus. o► p.nn� uw at'� �a. a�sao�. etor�s. o��.wa or anr
<br /> ' Ha�ardoua Substancss on or b tM Frop�lr. Bortowar�h�1 not do.aor abv►anlons Nss to do.anlM„0�M9��P�f►that b b
<br /> vbltUon o!anY EnvYoamenttl Law. fis O�inp twa eanhnea shal noi spPM to th�Pr�s��us�,or ttorap�o� ths Proy�tll a!trnio
<br /> quenUtes ot Haardoua Substanc�s that an�n�nlh► ��i�ed to b� +iAProPri�U to nemW �idmUtt�ea�s �d to mslntamnca ot tha
<br /> PtopeRy. •
<br /> .� � Borrow�sheY promPUY Ske Lender wrttmn noti�a of enr hvest►pation. ciatrn��m:nd,bsr.�uR or oth�a�tbn by �ny qowmm�n or
<br /> nputttoq►�Oa+aY o�P��P� �Nhp tM Propwty�nd an�H�rdor rspulao�r auMcrRf►�M�at any�romaral ar otf�r�rrdlttlon �
<br /> , knawieci�s. If 8orrow�r te�ma� or b notYtod by my 0� �
<br /> , ,. Homrdoas Subatarteo allecdrtp Me Propert�r Is necessary. 8orrawer shar P��� fake an necessary remediel ectbns h tccardtnca wth
<br /> .': Ernkonmantat Law. �
<br /> Aa uead h thb P�W�Dh �� 'Haaraous 5lcbstanaaa' N thos� subst�oas dWhod aa twda or hamrdaus wbstane�s Dr
<br /> �� EnvYonrtwnW taw �nd tho toiowhp eubst�nc�a: gstoi��kKOS�. oth�(�rmybl� or to�do DMrotaum P�� toxfo P�id�s �nd ;�_
<br /> � : hNbiCld�t. vOltt� sONm10� rtumcl4ls ConWninp aab�atos or fOrRMdehYd�. and tadbaetl� �b. As ussd h thU P�h 20, .
<br /> �6ivtonr�nt�1 Law' m�ena isdaet �vra and kws of tta I�� whw dw FroA�h► b bc�ted that nkt� to hoaRn, saAh► or •n�:
<br /> .� ` MnAtOnmMlt�l Prot�CtlOn. ;;�)
<br /> . ;�; � NO�WNiFOi�A CWENANTB. Borto�wer�nd 4nd�r tWrthx covenant and s�as Poiowx _
<br /> .. ,, r_ �_ ��, Aecelerat[on; Remedtes. Lender ahell �Me not�ce to eorrower prior t� �cceler�tOn totbwinp �N:---
<br /> . 8orrowePs bre.aah of eny covenaM or e�reemeM in fiis �ecumq i��:+� i�! �s � �" '"'
<br /> ,, r � accetentian under parepraph 17 unless ap�qcable tew provides otherwlaa�. Yhe no�Sce shstl �peairy: (a) ��-
<br /> : �, the detwt� (b)the action required �o care the detaut� (c)• dete. n�t tess th�n SO day��irom tD�date the �_
<br /> notTce b�tden to 6orrow�.by whiah tha default must be cured;�nd (d)that tailure m mure ths detault on -
<br /> � � � o�betore the date apecifled In the noUce may reault in acceleratlon o4 the rums seeured b1l thls�c�crliy �
<br /> �'. � � . InaVumeM and aie ot ths Property. The nottce s1�aU turt�er IMbrm Bonower o!ths ripht to retn�te aRer `
<br /> aacelerdton artd the NpM m brinp • court satlon to assert the n�n�xlatenae ot a deteuft or �nY o�her
<br /> � � detensa ot Borrower to saaelerallon end sale.if the detsult is nqt cured on or betoro 1he dtte�Pecifled In �
<br />`` th0 notice.Lender at its optton mty requtro immediate pMneM In tull ot stl aums seQUred by this Securiry =
<br /> - InstrumeM without turther demand and may Invoke tt�o power of�te end aml other remedies permitted =
<br /> --°`� :s=:: ,. bY aPppcable law. Lende� shalt be eMiUed t,o wtteat at! e�enses tnavrred tn purauinp the rernedtes
<br /> -�-'-s:����'"� � provtded [n this para�reph �1. Includtn�, but not timited to, resfonabte attomeyr tees and cwb of tWe
<br />����--�.- evidence. � -
<br /> �:p'.-'`_ := It the powar o! sate b ir►voked. Twstee �hall �ecord a Rottam ot detauR in each county In whtah any
<br />���'-.:,� part ot tha Properyl ts bcated and sbdl mail coptes ot suoh notice In the mannar pr�saril�ed by�►Pltcable _-
<br /> !aw �o Borrower and to the other peraons pre�med by �Pptxble taw. After ths time requtred bY -
<br /> '--". . epPttrabte tsw, Trustee shsil glve publta noUae ot ssle t4 U�e penons a�d In th�e manner pres�ed by -
<br /> �:'`,.� appttdbis law. Trustee. wtti�out demand on Borrower. thall +�ell tfie 'Properly at publto auatton t� the
<br /> '.�;:-'��.r.-�_- � hi�hest btdddr at tl�e dme and ptsce ind undar the tenns destpnated in the nM[ce o!sste to one or more =
<br />'-°��'`= paraets and tn u�y order Twstee det�mfnes. Tiustee maI► P�Pon� asie ot dl or any paraei ot the r,
<br /> ....< .., . _
<br /> -_� _ - 3 Rroptrt�l bY Publt� �nnourtcemeM at ths tlme ae� pla�e ot ury prsWou�l �hedutsd sate. L.ender or [ts �_ .
<br /> .'="�;�..:."� desi�aee may puraheso the PreReryl��q►d� -: -
<br /> . . Upon r�etpt ot psyment of the price b[d. Trustee shaq detiver �o the purct�aer Tivstee'a deed �-:_
<br /> _ �T� , conveytnp the Property. The recHats 4r� tl�e T�ustee'z deed N�al1 be prima tacie evidenae ot the Vuth ot ���
<br /> �
<br /> the statementi made than[n. Trustee shatl �Ply the�►ro�eeds of the ssle [n the fotbwinp order.(a)to dl r�-.-
<br /> � � caab and expe�rtses o!exerctatnp the power oi aal�,and tho ssle. irtdudfnp ffie psyn�eM ot the Trustee's �_;�
<br /> . tnes acfluairy[ncuraed, rtot to exceed 3 x of tha pHnatpal amount ro�e��m seau�cd hy x�
<br /> ihe deNaratton ot detautt, and resaonamle attorney'�tees as pumit�ed by taw; _
<br /> this Secu�ity InsiPaarnee� �nd te)anY ex�e�to the pe�aan or per�oes legaity erniiled to If. - .
<br /> ' 2�. Reconveyance. upon wr�«�t o�a�sums acu�.a ey ms�s�nb�+��d�r s�w eevu�c�co�ea+�ar�+.
<br /> aop.n�,ma snu su�aer m�stiav�r�+snun+�+t.na u no�.s s�a«�er+v a�s�r+.e ar ms ssauir �s�.�e eo Tivaw. m�sb.
<br />_ :. .,�- : an�cae«n�r tA�P�ao�rQ►.thout wartar►1��nd wideout eRnw t9 tlr g�aon «vasons bp�i►«►tlrse co t bUen wrsoe a►wrs«�s sha+
<br /> wr�+r��
<br /> _ ,....._ ..,. ..�r,m,ms�ar wsb.m�t+r
<br /> —__�_ = 23. 9Yb�11t0 T�1t�. t.enaor. �t i►s opoan.rt�:��un"s a+an...�....� ..�...� __ �- -
<br /> Tnuw waor�tea nr.unda Or an 1nsu+mwnt rocoraoa �mo eourtnr b wnien tRts s�ari�r tr�►t b r�era�d.vYU�out eonvar+��
<br /> , du Propa�tr.su�e�ssar tiustee shae au�eed to a�tM 43t�.Rowar artd duiTes aon4erted upan hust�Reroh and Ol►cyaSeaDb Im►.
<br /> 24. Request tor Notlees earowar�equasb Uut eo�s o�u.not3as o+aetwt.ad aar.w sa+t co eaRO�ars aa�sa.rnict+
<br /> � b t1�Proparq Ad�ss.
<br /> Z6. Rtders to thta Security InaZruMent n on.�mas rraers u. a�eu�a or eeno�rer ana �a c�ne►w�n v►rs
<br /> Seauk�r tnsD�umenL Ns eaaena�ri� �rtd tyraaner►b ot w� auah ridrr sAW Oe lleerPortted hto tnd ehal amertd sad suDPM�t the
<br /> " ° COY�tiMS�ttd��O�th$�YCY1�UtstrttliNRt!S Y tit�fl�l(s)Nr�fi�C�of tltls SYCI1Til!►�f�W��' wrm aC2�W90
<br /> Rap�ot 6
<br /> ft00AlY0(4�)
<br /> 1W
<br />