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<br /> #O��N'� �OR I38$Tl3ICTI9S COV�ETAaITB, RsS'17�3ICTYOaTB —
<br /> �A�iD CODIDIT=O�T� 80jt ■�LAOD �BT11'1Z8 SQBDIVISI�•
<br /> Rep,.of Ooed p
<br /> WHBRBAS, Lawreace R. Blrod is the owner of all of the lots in � �
<br /> "Elrcc! Sstates Sulbdivision", an addition to the Viilage of Alda, �
<br /> Hall County, Nebra�ka, situated upon a part of the B�SW� of 3ection
<br /> Five (5) , Townehip Teu (10) North, Raage Ten (10) West of the 6th
<br /> P.M., Hall County, Nebr�ska, all as more speci.fically described on
<br /> the Plat of sa�d Subdiviaion as the eame is recorded in tche office
<br /> af the Regieter of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br /> WHBRSAS, it ia the desire of the aforesaid owner of said lots
<br /> to improve the lots in the subdivision by encouraging the eale of
<br /> lots and the conatruction of modern and desirable dwelling houses:
<br /> I�QL�?, TFiER�?POP.E, 3n aansida�ati�� thaic�£, and of the mutual �
<br /> benefits to be derived by t2�e owners of said lote, and any
<br /> purchase� or puzchasera, thei.r heirs, devieees, pe�s�nal
<br /> representativea, and assigas, the ownere atipulate and agree that
<br /> any and ali lots in eaid subdivisioa soid, traneferred aad
<br /> conveyed, shail be aud are �ubject to the follov�ing protective
<br /> covenaats, reatrictione aad condition�, all of which ehaZl run with
<br /> the land, as follows:
<br /> 1. All lots in the subdivision ehall be known and described
<br /> as residential lote. No co�aercial or busiaess enterprise shall be
<br /> conducte� or operated on any lots. Sach lot wi.11 have no moxe than
<br /> a si.ngie family d�elling or a dupiex thereon and euch dwellinq
<br /> shall meet the followiag miaimum square feet requiremente not
<br /> including attached garagee or open porches:
<br /> A. Any one-stdzy d�eiling shall have a mir�imum square
<br /> footage of 1000 square feet on th� grouad floor.
<br /> H. Any two-story dweil�ng shall have a minimum of 900
<br /> squa�e feet on the grouad floor.
<br /> . . C. Any split-level or split-foyer type dwelling shali
<br /> �ave a minimum of 1000 square feet above ground
<br /> - lev�t and the finiahed aub-basement of eaid
<br /> _ dwelling shall not be included in computing the
<br /> 1000 sqaare feet.
<br /> No atructure ehall ]be erected, aitersd, plac�d or permitted to
<br /> - remain on any lot other than one dwelling un3t and an attached or
<br /> detactaed aarage for not mor� than three cars. Not more than one
<br /> additi.onal out building shall be permitted but must be of the same
<br /> _ quality and material of construction as Lhe outside fiaish and roof
<br /> ,� of the residential structure �r a new factory manufactured ateel
<br /> - buildia4, DIO�@883anallv �rc�r.taA nn n�*o ti... •s.� L...e�as__
<br /> �j ryo MYiiYifjy
<br /> � manufacturer or ite franchised dealer. Bither type of out building
<br /> �i ehall not have more thaa a 14 foot exterior wall height and shall -
<br /> `� not contain �aore than 500 equare feet of fiaor apace. No used or -
<br /> - xecoastructed building ahali be erected or moved in to the -
<br /> _ subdidi.sion and no pole buiidings shall be permitted. No
<br /> commerciai or bueiaess use ahall be conducted �.n any out bu31dia3.
<br /> No build3ng shall be constructed of uneightly materials, ecsap
<br />�� lumber, boxes or other similar lumber. Occupancy shall be limited
<br /> ta one family per dwelling unit.
<br /> .9
<br />