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<br /> with ih�Lia�ns�r.the License8 agree�W assunie and�aY all costs relating W the replacement or _
<br /> repair of the fmpsovemen�
<br /> Lice�see agrees W remova the exisHng asphalt wtt(�in the sidewallc area, and install a Portland
<br /> Cemeait Concneu in such sidewalk a�'�a. `
<br /> 4. EFFBCTIVB DATB. This�ic�r►se agr�ement shall take effect on the date it is
<br /> executed by ths Mayor of the City of Orand E�laad ��bel�ow�.•It shaU condnue for an
<br /> indefinitt term undl such time as it is tesmirtated as pr� -
<br /> 5. T�ATION. 1This li�omse agr+eemeat shall oenninabe aPon one or mor�of the
<br /> foU.owing occurrenoes:
<br /> � a. The sarvlce of�i�cty daYa wriuen notice af intention to terminate by any
<br /> p�ty ugon ihe eth�r party .
<br /> b. The L�ansse�ee's applicadon for a Permit tfl alter saTd impmvement or any
<br /> patt tl�ereof,unless said permit is faz wark due to an occurm.nce os descrlbed in ParaSraPh
<br /> 3 above and said wark has the prior wrttten approval of the Licensor.
<br /> c. T�yi�aen�ee's oonstrucxto�or insmllaHon af any stcucture or�mprm+ement
<br /> - af any t�rE �on the real estate ownod by the Liaensor except that descn'bed in
<br /> paragia�ph 1 s�Ybov�.
<br /> � Upon the termination of ihis i.ic��se Agr�n�t► tlx Li-`'��1 be�+ec}uir�d, and
<br /> heroby�grees,to�aa►e said dmpruven�t from the Lioea�sor's real es�edat s aftar rax��
<br /> wlthout co�t to the Idcxnsor. Said nmowal to occur no late�than siuty Y S abwe.
<br /> ndix of intait�On to Lerminate or aar�y of the oiher c�ccurr�enoes set forth in Paragragh
<br /> Should the Lica►see fail �o da so, the Licxnsor may remove or cau�burse the Id�sor
<br /> improve,�na►t from tb�Lqoansor��tl estate and the I.icensse agc�e�s
<br /> fos all its oosts.
<br /> 6. 3UCC�.SSORS AND ASSIaNS. 'mis ag�en►ent shall be binding upon the parties
<br /> hereLn,their suocxssor and�ssigns.
<br /> 7. �I[tE At3Rffi►RENP. This lieenst agreement cansti4utea the e,�tire agrxment
<br /> betwaen the parties noiwiths�►ding any atha aal or wrtttea agneements to the amtrary. This
<br /> lioenae ag�eamatt st�I ba ama�docl only�n wridng e�cecuted by all pattites he�±eto.
<br /> 8. CKOICB OF IAWS. This lioatae ag�►t shall bt oonstrudd'ns aoo�rdaRCe with
<br /> tha law�of the State of Nebraska and the City of Grand Island,Nebrasl�a.
<br /> 9. CONTBXT OF LANOUAt3B. W��►er d�e eontext of the language in dus Hcense
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