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}'.4k R �t�•�ylilt� {--i - --..---�—( --�.-".1.- t,�r �.i ,'T��'i�f�a`.>:�=— — -+- :,� J-�Y.�- - ---- -- -- - - : - _-- rr_�� ____ -- � <br /> t. i " � � �� .� S� �•�j(�d'f �3!'!1-ll �!i-.�,. , tC.r'?]��� li♦- � .�t t�. .� <br /> . . t f1Y:S ' -b�; t ` - S . � (� . !3L4.�ftiY:.r I <br /> ,� ,:�1�'- t .-?.i: :.1� . _ . • �Fr!�;ar:. � . <br /> s, . ..,,y�t .. � "' <br /> ' , i , .� <br /> � ",+5���� � , (, ,.. � ., • '~c•�.. <br /> .,i' „ , _ -+I.iYN�y, .. .*,.�r. • . . ;w,.,f... , . �:'.;,.war,MYDY�+. _ ^�_ .._. � ' ...s"i.�- .�.��." <br />. � <br /> .. a_ a,... .___�__._.—___.'_.__�._-.....______—.__ �l.. <br /> , _..� ��� __ <br /> •����:ti,.�,c�� . • BXIlI81T13 <br /> , . . . Y,� • g�_ 10�4�� _ <br /> - .� ""''`. MORTQAOB AUIDQND[1M <br /> � � � The�ollowing n�e addenda to the Malgage. Ple�se check the applicable adJendum. The addendum�heak�l shall be inwrporateJ into,artd � <br /> _��f.:� � � �eoorded with,the Morigage.The tem�"Morigege"shali be deeme�l to indude"11eec1 of't'rust;'i�applicable. <br /> .� .• .. n� �HA and FmHA AUDENDUM <br /> ;c,i`;;. =•, .. _ <br /> actober <br /> �� THISTAX-SXEMPT EINANCINO RiDER is made thia 27th dayot .i9 .��� ' . <br /> r�-•T��°�=`� incorporntai iato and shall bede�m�l to amend and aupplement the Morlgage,Deeclof Ttust orSecurity Deed("Security instrument")of the � <br />?_ aame date given by lhe nndecsigned('Borrowe�')�to��c�F�E��te�'�� "�lo BANK <br />-�"ti' •�'�.,� „ ("Lsnde�')of the sunedale Rnd cov�ring lhe pro�edy d�cribecl in theSecurily Instrument and loa�ted n� <br />:.�,...,...� <br /> =.;"''�'.'.` CiRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br /> - ':� .'',z 411 E 6'TH STREET _ <br /> :�-y�°„ [Propedy AddressJ <br /> }��5 <br />. q O+`:K• <br />. '"-7ni.�'.. _ <br /> .. i:�:•r y,. . . <br />�_•.,;��,�,� In addil�on to the aovenaals and agrcemenis made in the Security Instcwnent,Borrower and Lender furthercovenant and agrce to amend = <br /> =��`���`'-" Paragraph 9 of the Model Mortgage Fom�,entiUed"(3rounds for Aaeleration a[Debt"as by adding additional grounda tor aoaleraGon as <br /> `,��,k�. : lollowa: <br /> ;-;-.,- .. <br /> --�°•� l,ender,or auch of its suooessoca or a�igns as may be separate instrument assume responsibility torassuring oompliance by the Bortower <br /> �`� ' vlith the provisiona ol't�isTa�c•Bxempl�nancing Rider,may reqare immediate payment in full aFall sums se�ued by lhis Sa,uaty <br /> '`-�•� Insitument if: <br />.��_'•�.,t� <br />- i ']xYt <br />;=��`k��� (a)All or pad of the Propedy is sold or othenvise transferrod by Borrower to a punchase[or other t�ansferee: <br /> .:.�:� <br /> '�`� (') y � PY P 1� Y P I� <br />'�=�_..��:�. � Who cennot rasonabl 6eex ted to oau the ro rl as a rinci I residence wilhin areasonable time after the sak or <br />'--��,�� tcansfer,all as provided in Seclion l43(e)and(iX2)af the lntemal Revenue Code;or <br />- .-�-=r:�rna�a7� - <br />_�:s:Ty;���� (u)W6o has had a presmt ownership inlerest ia a prirta�!Rsidena during any part of the lhras-year�eriod ending on the date <br /> -==�� o�the sak or tmnsfer�all as provided ia Scction 143(d)and(iK2)a(the Internal Revenue Code(exapt thnt"100 perant"shall be <br /> =���^�� subsGtuted for"95 peroentormeon" where the latter ap�ea�s inSacUon i43(dKl));or <br /> --:�s�� <br /> --_�„��� <br /> --w=_�:� (u7 At an aoquisition cast which is greater than 90�erant of the average area punchase pdoe(greate�than 1!0 peroent for <br /> -=='-�`� targetcd area residenas),s�as provided in Sxtion 143(e)anJ(ix2)of the Internal Revenue Cade;or <br /> -- --�--�- (iv)Who has a gross family income in exaess of the appliatble perantage of applicable median family inaome as provid�d in <br /> ---------- Scction 143(Q and(iX2j o[Ihe Internal Revenue Code;ot <br /> -����� (b) 6orrowet�ails to oocupr lhe pro�erty describe�!in the Security Instrument wiQiout prior written consent of Lender or iis <br /> �j-""�`� suooessors or assigns des�xibed at the beginning of the Tax•Exempt�inancing Rkter,or <br /> -_:� <br /> �—"� (c) Borrower omiis or misrepresenis a I'act t6at is material with re,gpect to the provisions of Section 143 of the Internal Revenue Code <br /> �= in a�application for the loan sxured by this SECUrity Instrument. <br /> -- -== Refeancesare to the Iniernal Revenue Code as amenJed and in eff�:t on thedateof issuanaof bonds,the praocedsof which wi1!be <br />-_-_-�_---- uscd to Cnance the 5ecurity Inslrument and are dcemed to include ihe implemenUng regulaGons. <br /> -u:v <br /> '`�,:�_";_� � BY S[GN1N(3 BELOW,Borcower aooepts and agrees io the tenns and provisions in this Tax•Bzempt Fiaancing Rider. <br /> '�Y��!.r...�:i}Fc. � � <br />- •`"-'P"� BO([OWCf � <br /> =�_�:.,r°;;r._;� <br />.°_.:r:. �: � .�. <br /> � : October 27, 1995 • ¢�r,r! <br /> ,�� - _ , �u Borrower B J <br /> - -:,.. <br /> -. .�n�s- 411 E 6TH STREET <br />;:;i:;_�;• .• � VA MORTGAGE ADDBNDUM �p t St�t�, N� 6g801 <br /> :�,::: . t . <br /> . lf,so long as theMorigage is ou�landing,ail orany pad of lhe pro�erly is sold or tr�ns[erred by Borrower without I.ender's priorwrittea <br /> � ,� . consenl,other than a irnnsfer byd�vise,desoeni or by ope[ation o�law,the Lendermay,at Lender'sopiion�declare all thesums secured by the <br /> � Mortgage to i�immediately due and payable. <br /> • Borcowcr <br /> .. g.� <br /> ' ' ' October 2T, 1995 <br /> �� �� Dale Borro�ver <br /> �- - . . . . .---r-�.--�,. . - - - _. <br />