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<br /> �9 5-�,0�►45�
<br /> MON-UMFORM COVF:NANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agre�e es follow&:
<br /> i7. Furerlosure PmcEd�re. If Lenderrc�uins 3mmedIate puyment in full under paragra�h 9,Lender mr+y lnvoke thc _
<br /> power of sule und any other remedies permittel by applicable law. Leader shall be entifled W collect aU expenses incurred in
<br /> parsuiag the reme�ie�►provlded in thie pFUaagraph 17,including,but not 1lmited to.reasonable attorneya' fees and costa of title
<br /> evidence. �
<br /> It the�ower�ot sak�tavokcd,T�nstee shall rernrd Q aotice aP detautt!n each wunty in wf�►��pseZ of Q�:a
<br /> pi+o�r is Iocated and shAll mall oop�es ot such notioe in tde manner pr�scr[bed by a p�blc IAw to Borro�ser and tn
<br /> m
<br /> the other pe�sons prescribed by appl�[c�able l�w. After the ttmee�qWred by�pplkab I�w,Tnsste�ehn11 BK'e Publk
<br /> notice of sak to the persons anclln the mw�aner presai6ed by appllcable 4tw. Trusier,without demund on Harrower,
<br /> sha11 sell the Property�tt publlc s�udlon to the�lghest l�idder at We dmr and pt�ce snd under We terms destginmud in
<br /> the natke of snle in one or more paroei+Aad in s�ny order arustee deteru►i�aes. Teustee mpy posh�n��of oD or any
<br /> �wred of the Property by publk announo�sent at the ttrae ond place oi ony prevtously sc6ed�ed sale. I.ender or tts __
<br /> de�nce may purchwse the Propeity at A»y srl�
<br /> Upon receipt oi payment oi the pdc�e bid,Tivstee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's decd conveytng tlie
<br /> Property. The reclt�ls in the Trasteo's deed shall be piimn fade evfdence of the riuW of t6e statements mAda Qherein.
<br /> ����PPIy the prooeeds of the sale in�tee foIIovvi�g order. (a)to all oosta end'exp�nses of exer�g the
<br /> power oisal�,and the sstte.lnctuding tl�e AAyme�oithe TnuRee's Iees�Il}'tnau�l,not to eaceed f ive °k
<br /> af the prindpW Amonnt of We note ot the dme of the dedaratbn oi default, wnd reasonable attorn�ls' fces av
<br /> F�b3+�Ri t�►)to st21�s�re�by tl�is SSec�a�dty inst�+�men�and(c)�'exoess W the peison or pets�a9 _
<br /> IegWly entitled to tE.
<br /> 18. Reoon�eyauoe. Upon payuieat of aU sums sewred by this Serurity Insuument,Lender shall request Trustea w
<br /> reoonvey the Ptoperty aad shall sucnadu dns Security Insuument and all notes evldenc�ng debc secured by this Security
<br /> Instnunent to Truste�. Trustee sha11�econvey the Prope�ty without waaanry end without charge to the person or per�ons
<br /> legally entided to iG Such peison or peesons shsll pay any[eeordatton costs.
<br /> 19. SnbstiWte'fru.� Lender. atits opdon,may fmm dme to dme remove Tcust�eee andsppoint a successor tivstee W
<br /> �y�qe�.a�Ointed he�euader. Without conveyance of the Property.the successor uustee sha(1 suocxed w ell Ei�e tit1�
<br /> pawer snd dutteg confemed upon'husbeedere3n and bY aPPlfc�ble law.
<br /> ?A, �cx�cWt tar 1►Ioflces. Botroever r�9nes�.g that copies of the aoti.ces of default and sale ba sent to Bomowet's addcrss
<br /> wlnch is dte Pmpeity Address.
<br /> RWeis to tms Secudty Instramen� If one or more riders are eacecuted by Borrower and recorded together with thia
<br /> Security Instrument, the covenants of eac6 such dder shall be incrorporeted into aad shall amend and supplement tAe
<br /> sxi��ssu3e ss:d af this�r:�y Tnswment as If the riderls)were in a Dwt of this Secusity Insirument
<br /> [Check applicab e box(e.$)]•
<br /> ��n���g(� �Giaduate�i Payment Rider �Grawing Equity I�Lider
<br /> ��lanned Unit Development ltide,r X❑Othet[Specify� MOt2Tt3AGE MQE9�'ml�"!
<br /> BY SI(3IdING BELAW. Bosowu accepts end agr�es m the terms oontained in pages 1 thmugh 4 of this Securiry
<br /> Instnurcent end in any ridc�{s)executed by Boaower und re�orded wid�it
<br /> Witaess:
<br /> •• �� �s �
<br /> MAR 1 A ftCDFt 1
<br /> (Seal) tSeal) .
<br /> - soaower Earawrs
<br /> (�) (Se81)
<br /> ' Bonawer 9arower
<br /> (�) (Seal)
<br /> Borrower B°n°wer
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKfa. MALL '�ounty ss:
<br /> On this . 31st .. day of O�ober, �995 ,before�,t�e wtdasisnod,allosary
<br /> Public duly comm'sssioned and qualificd for r,aaid couniy,personally came .�p� p ROpl�1 t�Z MD PdAR t A M
<br /> , ROLI�t l(��11�JSBAl�D MD 9111 FE ,to me�snown to be the _
<br /> idendcal person(s)whose name(s)are subsaibed co die fotegoing iustrumeut and ackaowledged the execuflon thereof oo be
<br /> }��3r voluntazy actand deed.
<br /> �mess my hand end aotariai seal et C�2APD I�!� in said oouaty,the
<br /> date aforesuid
<br /> s�[wwmi�Rwi� �
<br /> �
<br /> NMMtO�D
<br /> My Commisslon expues: � M���1f.� Nomry Publtc
<br />_ , .. :pF�CE?'BER 1T, �998 IRViN J REED
<br /> 'PO TRUSIEE:
<br />' 'R�e unde�signed�S the holder of�he note or notes serured by this Deed of Tcus� S�td note or notes,togeth�r with all
<br />-= oiher indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Tius�have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cnncel said note or notes
<br />— nnd thls Deed of T�ust,whlch are delivered hereby.and to c+econvey.without wairatity.all the estate now held by you under
<br />= this Deed of T�ust M We person or persons legnlly entided thereto.
<br />' Date:
<br />� (Page 4 of 4 pagesi
<br /> `� . ,
<br /> �
<br />