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<br /> THI3 A(iREEMENT is made this 30th day of October, 1995, by HALLEft L. (�0�--
<br /> HOPWOOD residing at 421 South Madison, (irand Island, Nebraska and alsa \
<br /> ownar of 413 3outh Madison, Gtrand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> A. Hopwood is the owner oY certain real eatate commonly known as 421 -
<br /> South Madison, Grand Island, Hall County, Nabraska, said premises being
<br /> legally described as the South 1/2 of Lot 6, Blk 28 Charles Wasnner -
<br /> Addition� Hall County, Nebraska; said praperty beinB i�prc�ved hy part of
<br /> drivewa9 runnin� along the northerly line thereof; and
<br /> B. Hop�ood is the owner of certain real property known as 413 South
<br /> Madison, (irar►d Island, Rall County, Nebraska, said premises being legally
<br /> deacribed as North 1/2 of Lot 6, Blk 28 Charles Wasmer Addition, Hall
<br /> County, Nehra�ks, said proper�y be3ng improved by a part oP a driveway
<br /> ruaning along the southerly liae thereoY; and
<br /> C. The •driveway improvements on the respective properties ad3oin and
<br /> abutt each a'�her, along the common property 3.ine betweeu Lh� t�sa °
<br /> properties, �nd neither driveway improvement alone is sufYicient �o
<br /> accommodate the vehicular traffic relating to the use of the reapective
<br /> adequateeforbthebvehicularWtraffic�ofmboth�propertiea;aandsufficient and
<br /> D. Hopwood by �his A�reement wishes to make provisi.ons for the
<br /> uaobstructed use of said respective driveway improvements for ingress and
<br /> egress and for the maintenance of said improvements for their mutual
<br /> - bezefi�.
<br /> �iaREEMENT
<br /> 1. �lutual Easements. Hopwaod hereby grants an easenent of in$�cess
<br /> and egress over so much of their respective propert�► as is presently
<br /> improved as part of a drivewsy for use oY vehicular traYPic used in .
<br /> connection with their respective properties.
<br /> 2. Obstructiox�s. The partiea hereto agree not to obstruct, impede, or
<br /> interfere, one with the other, ira the reasonable use of such drivewaF
<br /> improvement� for the purpose of ingress and egresa to and Yrom the
<br /> respeative properties.
<br /> 3. Mai tenance. The parties hereto agree to maintaia the respective
<br /> driveway improvements in a usable, neat, and uniform manner, so that the
<br />- overall appeargnce of the se►id driveway improvements is that oP one
<br />- driveway. Any extraordinary coat of repair ar►d rebuilding said driveway .
<br />= improvements shall be ah�red equally betweer. the partiea hereto, except
<br /> = that any damage due to the negligence of any person who uses or has used
<br />- the driveway imprnvements purauant to authority of either party hereto in
<br /> � which case, the party granting such authority to use shall be liable for
<br /> ; such damages. _
<br />�
<br /> °' -_�•- D--
<br />'� 4. Qara�e. Hopwood agrees that eacn owner wiii oe respvna�.,,�c a.+.
<br /> ;� the maintenance and/or replaoement of their respective share of the garage _
<br />'� in thp event maintenance or improvements are necessary.
<br /> �
<br /> 5. �3.ndinrzEf�ec�. This agreement shall be bindin� upon the parties =
<br /> hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
<br /> assigns.
<br /> -1- -
<br />