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„q '��tr��.� — - — �.`a = �y��.,� - - __— _” �MQ,�sxwaa �-- . _-�--_-__ _- . -.. —_- - —------ <br /> �.;•1,..,. �t 4,�.�.'" �,,,. � ' • � <br /> . � � .�ti... �%i:;:. �__ .. - . -')., ; � ..�1`. . _..,1�;. <br /> ,:� . , , . . •{.;:�:.,;. <br /> ... ''�� . .. �;�:.. <br /> . ..• . <br /> .:r. � � � .. . ., <br /> - 18. Borrower'a Rtpht to Relnstete. i4 8orrower meo�� �h oondkions. earor+K en.� navs e� �ni eo h'r' � <br /> ' �ntore�n�nt of thi�800urRy UaWre�ant dlsoonthu�d tt tny ttm� D�r to th�Mrfi�r ot (t)6 d�ys (a suoh oth�r p�iod as�pP�w <br /> . ��,�yy ap��y(pr ntnaqtbrtMnt)beloro ub of the Proporty purauont to�ny Raw�r of�sle oontabsd b thia S�curM�r InsbumenC ar <br /> �)�ntnr ot a pdp�nent�ntor�bp thb Saudry UsWmon�Thos�oondidons�» that Borrow�r: (U oa��^�nu suma vrhbh thea <br /> woutd bs due unda this 8raurRfr la�tnimK►t tnd th� NoU tm M no ac�ratlon had oaaum�d: @) ouro�s u+y dehuR o!mr oth�r <br /> cov�n�r►t a�9���; (o)Wfa�y��beumd b antorohp thb S�au►�h► Inatrumen� holudh9� but not Omlied to. nasonable <br /> attornays'1eea;tnd(di fak�s suoh aotbn�s L�ndo►may reaaonabN nquti����tt tlw I(M�ot thb 8eourily insburtwnt�LendKs C4 , <br /> rtphts b th1 Prop�rt�r�n6 8orrow�a om�tlasl W B�y Rh�outn� teourod by tP►Is 8acudtY lnsbument ahap oonthue unohareQed. Upon (n <br /> �hstat�t by 8omowa.Mb 8�c�+dY Intpurtant tnd th� obNOtUon4 s�ourod bsreby ahaN rort�ab Nty�ttaotiv�ea (f no �oceteratlon �� <br /> had oocumd. Hawsvar,thts dpht to nhattts sha�not �pply h the o4se of�aUon under pana�raPh 17. <br /> • 1�. Stle of Note;Chanpe ot Loan�ervlcer. 'R!e NOts Ot a ptRla htY�st h ths Note (topether wkh thB SiCUdh► <br /> ' � Inatrumint)may W sob on�or mon tYrNS wRhout prbr notteo to Borrowsr. A eab may roauk h a chanpe h d►e ent�Y(� <br /> Ovm is th� <br /> `�an Savictx") that oowote monthN PaY�+� dw uader the Note and this SaaurK!► Insdumam. Thero also may be one or mo�+s� <br /> oh�nps o�ifla I.oan Swvio�r unro�ted to n anb of tha Note. It tt�an Is a ch�rr0o ot tRi Loan Sonlcer�Bortow�wifi b� qkon writWri� . <br /> not�s ot 1ha ohanps h acoordma wRt� pu�rp►aPh 14 �bovs and�pplbabN Mw. Th�notbe wi�atat�ths name and utdnas ot th� � <br /> new laan Sa�vfaa and ths addreas to whbh p�ymaits ehoutd bs rt�da Tho eottcw wiA also cantah any other intomutbn�e4ulnd by�., <br /> appNabN kw. . <br /> Z0. Hamrdoua Subafnnees. Borrower shel not causs m pemik ths preaeecs.uoe. dlsPaaal. Mora�. o��M�o}�ny . <br /> H�rdous Subarinca on or b the Propety. Bartower ehaN not do,nor aUow anYaa�ISe to do�anYMhO a1�a�o�sto� th� <br /> ts b vtoYtlos� of �ny EnvironmmW Law. Th� P�hO two esnbno�s shaM not aPPN to th�0��I residenWt ue�s�nd to <br /> .. ProRe1q�of smat 4�artdt6�s o!iiasardaus�batareed that e�e @eneraM��8^�d to bs aPProP� i :•, :- . <br /> , ° mahtenanoe ot ths Prope�ty <br /> Borrowar ahaM promPW ptiw Lender wr�en nodca ot any inwatip4tion.ct4Mn.dwnena kwsuk or othar aotbn by any eavamm�ntal <br /> or reputator�► �pe�oY ar prNata 0�f►�khp ths PropeAy and any t1�a�k�horRY,�ttut any romovat�botA�nrt»diitlon <br /> eotuei knowbdpe. M 8otrower I�me� or b noliP�d bY �ny pO�►� , ` <br /> . o! anY Hanardoua Substance affeoth0 Ne ProPenf� b ne�ess4rf►. Borrowar stwll PrompNy take sp necessery remedW�ettons b . <br /> aceordana wih EnvironmM►ta1 Ltw. <br /> � As uaed in thb parapraph 20� 'H�nrdous 51�bstences' ere thosa substa�►ces defhed as toxb or hexardoua subatanaes by <br /> F.nvirot�mmtnl Law and th�tolowb0 eubamncas: �soilM, kwosen0.ottwt tiortWnabl�or toxlo petroleum products�taxb Pestbtd�s and . <br /> �, MrbbWos�voYtiN solwn4s.mabrtala cor�uhNp aib�ato� or fam�sid�fiyd�. �nd ndlo�otiw mate�Ws. As ua�d h thb per�pnPh 20� <br /> 'EnvYonmmtat Law" rrwons tedwal lawa�nd kw�ot ths l��n whin th�Property Is batted that retate to h�alth, sttotf► o� . <br /> _ _ �ffi!�Ml�!, <br /> . _ NOI�WIYIFOFNA CO�IENANT8. 8orrower md 4rtder tuRhK cawnant and tprae aa tofbw�: ,- <br /> � �1.AeoeleraUon; Remedtes. Lender �helt ptve r�oUae to Bor�owu prtor to aaaeleraU�n foltowin� : <br /> � Bo�rrower's breach ot any covenent or �preemeM in this Security In�trumeM (but not prlor to �,�,, __-.' <br /> aeeelerotlon under pe��yraph 17 untess appttcable taw p�ovidea otherwtse� The nottae shalt�eaity: �.^. <br /> . �.�, <br /> �� � � (e) the detaui� @) the acUon required to cure the defaut� (a)a date. not less then 90 days trom the .�'�� ; <br /> date the notice Is phren to Bonower. by which the detaut!must bm curedi and (d)4�at lai�ure�o cure :,��r�., <br /> , �� the detault on or betore the date apeeitled in tha notice may result in acoeleratton ot the wms : : <br /> � aeeured by thta Seeurity InstrumeM and sale of the Property The noUce shall turther tntorm �.. <br /> :�...:..�. . <br /> ,� ,: Bonower ot the rlpM to �etnstate eftcr aeaelerat[on and the �Ipht to brinp e court aetlon to easeK the Y:�_ <br /> - - aor�xi�t,en�e ot a dotaul3 or any olh��defe�ae of Bonower to acaeteratlon and aete. M ths det'ault ls „���,,.__ <br /> , not cured on or betore the date q�ectfled in the eoUce. Lender at its optlon may require inr.+edtate ;"=' ;: <br />_ , . � � psymeM In tutl of ett wros securod by thts Seaurity lastrument wlthout turther de�snd �nd may s <br /> ° '' � Imroke the power oi aals ar�d any othsr remedies permitted by ippltosble Isw• Lender slutl be ,�:�`���. <br />- . ���. entitted to cottect att expenaes inaurred in pursuin� the remedios provided in this para�raph Z1, �:r'�•,i•-_ <br /> �' ° inotudinp�but eot timited to, ��soneb�e atborneys' fees and cos4 oi ttUe evidenaa �:.,.'�:=� <br /> �}*���r It the power of sste is Invoked, 'P�uatee �hall record s notice oi dsfautt In ea�h aounty tre whieh «�� <br />_ ':,�; any part of the Properly Is�aceted and ahall matl ooptes ot wch nottae In the menner presc�ibed by �� <br /> � �,�'� ; appttcable taw to Borrower and to the other persons presoribad by epPilcabls isw. Aiter the ttme �T��: <br /> '� req�etred bY applfeable law,'�rustee sheil pive publle noties ot sale to�tp�o�ea��e�p blto �::�-:--. <br />= ' � ..� ';�.: pre�eribed by apPlicable Iew. Truetee, without demand on Borrower� ��� <br /> ee <br />_- ; � ;��� nuoUan to tlhe hiphest btdder et the time and plsce and under the tern►s dest�nated In�ne�1e�of ati �---�` <br /> sale In one o� more parcets end in any order Trustee determtnes. Trustee may PostP .�.-- <br /> ublio annouacemeat at the time and plece o4 any previoualy �^�;�= <br /> . . . : ` or ar�t percei ot the Property by p �:�.�". <br /> t .-.� ti: <br /> � • aaheduled sate.Lender or ibs destpnee �mey purchase the Property a4 any eale. = 1= ; <br />- � : Uposa reaetpt of payment of the priee bid. Truetee shalt deliver to the purehaser Trusteo's dee� <br /> � comreyi�p the F�operty. The reeHals tn the ?raatee's deed shetl be prim�facis evideece ot the truth ., <br /> ot the stetementa mede therein. Trustee ahail appty the procoedo of the aate in the totlowin� order. „ <br />— � (a)Zo ue cost,ss and e�enses ot exercis�ny the power ot�te� and the aate, Oneludin� the peYmeM of <br /> � the Trustee'�tees actuatty Ineuned, aot to exceed 3�G of the prtncipat amount ot the note <br />' et the time of the deelerallon of deteuLt,end rcasonabte e4torney'a tee� as pormitted by tew;(b)to at� <br /> � `> aums securod by thb Security Inatrument; and (c) sny exceas to the perwn or peraons lepalty . <br /> - � enUtied to It � <br /> t <br /> , �., •� ?.�.Reeonveyanee. UPo� P4f�^t of ae�ans secured bY Mic Sac�+rllr InsCUment,Lsnder aAaN�equost T�uste�to neonvey <br /> � ---- the Properi�r and sha8 surtender Mis SecurtlY Insbunwnt and ab�otas evldenoinp dabt cocured by this 3eou�►InsCumant to Tmatee. � <br /> ----- -- ..�_.....____�. r....w.......,w....e�n�f�.eascn or araons boehl�ntRbd to L Suoh person or <br /> - ---- Tntstetthal re0omw�r m��op�7 <br /> A4t1YY�wa��mn� �n. ......�. �' �. " ' _ - ' __-_ _. <br /> � pe�soas ahW paY anY�aoMadon costs. <br /> 23.SUbititYte TfYbte@. t.�nder�at ils optlon. mar 4rom time to t� remova Truutao and aPPoht a suxeseor trustee to <br /> - any Tiuttp �PPoht�d hereundar by m inatrumont reaoMad tn No eounty h whbh thb &�ou�lf► {nstrument Is nowded. WRhout <br /> ,. comrery�nce ot the Propert�r� suc�essor trustee ahop wcceed to ab the Nde. power and Eutias aonfertad upon Truste�herein and by <br /> - appifcebl� �rv. <br /> __ Zd. aeques�ror Noaeea. 8o�►owar nquests that coplQa ot the�ot�es ot detault and sab foe sent to Bomowei's addreae <br />— wh@h b tA� PropoA�r Addresa. <br /> �� �6. Aiders to thls Security Instrument it ane or moro rldars aro �xecuted by Borrower and recorded topether wRh <br /> thB 8�cu�r insbumM►�U►t oovenint0 md apreen�ants of eaCA du0h rlder OhaY b�hoorporofed hto tnd shaq ur�d and auDp� <br /> ,. the eawnant��nd+�pnert►�nte ot this Seeudh tnabument as B the dderts)were a P�o!thb Securlt�r�nawmens �,.m ooss woo <br /> Ft070.LMf1�0175) Pap�a of 6 <br /> • tof <br />