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<br /> __�!__6�.A—Il6AL RSTAT� NOl�TGAQ��IWitb T�x CUun) ���.. ����/��fimm ind Ftiton�Wotf.Wdton,fl�.66161� I f _
<br /> KNOw ALL rl�N 9XTHE8E PAE8ENT8s Th.s Curt�.e E. Thienel �nd Herbare 3. —
<br /> Thienei, huabana and vrifo =
<br /> o} County.and Btate of Nebraol�m .fw ronaidesettoA of�he aum°� ---
<br /> �uPfalo ($25�000.00) ppLy�� -
<br /> �wentY-Five T'tzousand �nd 00/].00--��-�_...�_----�----�--- i �...
<br /> in haRd pstd.do henby BELL and QONY'EY nnto Trinidsd �. A�il11Ae aad �onnie �T.
<br /> Ap;u31�Y� huabanQ and criPe �-
<br /> oi �Bll County.8late oi Nebraoka thexoUowin=descxib�dRremiead4wtted ---
<br /> in R811 Counly,and 8tate of Nebraeka ,ta�wfts —
<br /> The East Thirty-Eiqht anQ One�Ha�P feet (E38�') of Lot Six (6) , Blook
<br /> Eleven (11) in Arnoid and Abbott's Addition to the oiLy oP aresnd IBland,
<br /> Hall Count V, Neb raska. _-
<br /> Property Add�ees : 916 Wost 3rd Street, arand Island, Nebra�k� �
<br /> The intentton being to convey hereby an abeoluto Pltlo in tee eimple, (ncludtns dl !he rtahte oi hotnestead aad dower. I
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pnmtees�bovo deacribed. wilh all the appurtenanees thenunto belongina.us�4o!he�id
<br /> mort�ee(s) and to➢�ia,her or thei� hoies and aealp�o torever. provi�ed �lway0. vu1 lh�ss PnaeAEs ara upon !he aspreM
<br /> eoadition thst ii the eaid monsa�or(e).hls,her or thei�heire, e:ecutom. admSntstrators or aeeiaus rhaU pay or cawe to be
<br /> paid to the eeid moctgegce(s),hie.her or their helee.onecuto:e. adminintratorn or aasigne,the p�laeipal num oi S ��s 00�.00 .
<br /> payable aa follows.to wit:
<br /> 312,500.00 at the time of closing and remai.nder of pr�.ncipal due and
<br /> peyable Junel , 1996 mhieh paqment shaii inciude intereat e�t the rate
<br /> of 0�.
<br /> with intereat aocordina W the tenor and eAect oi the modgagora wrHten promiaeory aote bearfn�even date wIth lhese pryunb
<br /> and ehall psy all t�ea and saxasmenls levted upoA eaId real e.+tato.and nll offier f�e�.levtes and aaseaarnents tevled upon th3�
<br /> moetaase or ehe note wbuds Uila mortaaae ie siven to aecure, before the eame becemes delinquent,and teep ffie Ma�tdinEs on
<br /> aa[d pxsmiaes inauiced fiar th�r aum ot S ��j���3�i.�t3 . lae�. it an7.PsYebie to�he aai�i mort�agee.i�ea theie�s peeeeafis `
<br /> to ise void,otheiaviae to 6e and reraain in full Iosiee.
<br /> IT IS FIJRT�IER AURBED (1) That ii the eatd mortsagor ahall fail to p�,y such lues or procu�e such Inuariace,the
<br /> safd mortga6ee maY pay atch ta�cee and prxare Quch inaurance;and the eum ao advanad. wfifb interest at pei
<br /> cenf,ehalt be repatd by mid mortgagor,and thie mortgaae sl�ull etand a aecurity for tha esme. (2) TF�at a iailura to pa�r tny
<br /> oi eaid money,either princi�al or interesl,when the eaine becomes due. or a tajlure to Qomp(yr with aiqy oi the.tore�oin�
<br /> a�eementa,ahall c�uae the whole eum of money he:ein aec�red to become due snd oollcct+�le at once at the optioa oi the
<br /> mort�ee. —
<br /> ' s�►�a�,�3/.�ag ot october � ,ia 95 .
<br /> - .�._.��,,�,�,_.i � �.�..____�..._...._..�_�..�� �.��. �....._.... -
<br /> .�`��,�
<br /> .__.._....�._�..._..._�_............_..�........�.�.........�........�. ...._..............�.._��..,.._.....
<br /> bTATE OF.......N�74xel�k$..........Countq of . .........HalZ........:
<br /> .... 5.
<br /> The Foregeing a�atrument was ackreowledged mefore uce ..........4C�4A��'....`��i1!t...19.�
<br /> by....T�inl3a�d.J_..A�uilar and Bonnie J. Aguilar, Rusbsnd artd WiPe•
<br /> ' �i11GTTAR1f,SL�e at Ai1ri� •'•�.. . ... �. ��� •�-•••-•�.•...
<br /> �
<br /> MArtt3AR�tN.on.�l�► Signa �f Person Taking Acknowled�nent
<br /> Ml►Co�'ExQ Jury 2,18l6
<br /> ' 'l�tIe................................. ..........
<br />_ - st�ATE oF ��l� EAte�ea on numBrI«� inat� �ia mea fo: :e�o�t
<br />_ caunty .�.. _.�.. J ��e x�r.t�:or n�,o��r�a c�ty tn�
<br /> .:..w......_.„..,d�y et»»..._..__.._ .__. te.......�....at..»..�.»�....�......_...o'docic utea .r..M,
<br /> ^ and reoorded in Hoo� .. _._...at paae........_. -
<br />— ai Deed�
<br />'� 8y..__ ��...�enuiy
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<br /> -a =
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