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<br /> o.��'" �.�r���� 20627483
<br /> Upon rccelPt of payment ot the price bid, Tr�stee shali deltver to th�purchaser Trustee'e deed canve�+ing tl�e �
<br /> Peoperty. Thc rectteis in tQee Tnistea's dced Rhall be prima P�c�c evidence of the tenth of the stutcments mude thcreln.
<br /> T�astce PAenit c�pply thc p�cc*�'d-g o4'the r;ulc tn thc foltowlnq urdcn(o)to uil coste and expenses of excrclsEng thc power obf
<br /> �nte,and tha r�ale,including the puyment af the Tr��4ec's[ecs uclually IncuPred,aot to r�cee�
<br /> of the prl�iclpal amount at the note at the thne of the dcctnratton of dePuutt� nrtd rensonnble uttor�teyK'[a�s ns permitted
<br /> by lawt tA)d►afl sumx sccured by thls Socurtty lestrumenti und(c)ony excess to th�person or person9lega�liy entilled to
<br /> t�. �
<br /> 2Z. R¢conveypm�e. lJpnn payment of a11 e+ums �ecurai by this Secudty Instruntent, Lender tihalt u;yucst Trustc� ro
<br /> reconvey the Property and shull �ur�ender this Sccurfty Instniment und nli notes evidencing debt secured by thia Seeurity
<br /> Inxtcvment to Trusece.Trustec shull reconvey the Fraperty without warrunty and without churge tu the persan or�ronns Iegaily
<br /> endticd ta it.Such per�on or persons shnll puy any rccordut�on costs.
<br /> 23.Substitute 7'rustee. Lender.at itx optian. may from timz to time removc Trustce and uppoint a surcessor trustcw to
<br /> uny Trustee appointed her�under by an imstn�ment recorded in the c.ounty in which this Secur�ty Instrument ia recon�ed.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the successar irustea shall succced to nll the title,power urtd duties conferred upon Ttuste�herein _
<br /> nnd by applicnble lu�v.
<br /> 24.Request lar NoElces.8ormwer requests thnt rnpies of the natices of defuult and sale bo sent ta Borrower's uddress
<br /> which is thc Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Ride�to thi�Securtty Lnstntment.If one or more ddem are executed by Borrawer und recorded tagether wtth this
<br /> Security insuument.the covenants und ngreements of each such dder shall be incorpornte�i into nnd shnll nmend and supplemem
<br /> the covenants sind ugree*.nents of this Secudty Instrument ns if the rtder(s)were a part of this Security instrument.
<br /> [Check appftcable boa(es)]
<br /> Adjustable Rate Rlder �Condominium Rider O 1-4 Fumi1Y Rider
<br /> Cfraduated Puyment Rider Planned Unit Development Rider Blwe�kly Payment Rlder
<br /> Balloon Rider �Rute xmprovement Rider Second Home Rider
<br /> 0 V.R.ltider p other(s)(speclfyl
<br /> BY SI(iNINtf BELOW.Borrower accepts and egrees to the tem�s and covenants contained•,n this Securtry Inswment end
<br /> in azry dder(s)executed by Horrower and reoorded with it. �
<br /> �. ���f�4'Gw/'�—'� ($e� _
<br /> AMES B MCELROY •��We*
<br /> � (�)
<br /> DEVRA A MCEI.ROY -a��w�r
<br /> (Seal) ���
<br /> -Borrower -Botroarer
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASIaA, Caunty ss: HALL
<br /> 'I'he fotrgoing insm�ment was acknowledged before me dils 28TH day cnf OCTOBER , 1995 .
<br /> Wimess my hand and notnrial seal at pRAND I SIAND, BRASKA �� n'•�1e���oresaid.
<br /> My Commission�xpires: �
<br /> Nomry Public
<br /> �At MlTAArSqb M wM�IRi
<br /> OMwID R OOtiAiEN
<br /> �b�a fsaA�,�,1896
<br /> �ieote w�soze s►so
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