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<br /> }:� . 17.TrensPQr of th�e Property or a Benet�cial Interest in Borrower. If all or any purt of the Property or any interest in it _
<br /> --- Is sold or transferred(or if a beneficia!interest in Borrower is sald or uansferrcd and Borrower is not a natural persan)without g
<br /> �� Lender's prlor written cansent, i,endcr muy, at ita option, require immodlate payment in full of ull sums securat by this __
<br /> " -�'o Secur�ty Instrument.However.thfs option shall not be exercised by Lender lf exetcise is prohibited by federnl law ati af the datc =
<br />"� " of this Security Instrument. �
<br />-^`� If Lender exerclses this option,Lender ahall give Borrower notice af acceleration. The notice shall provide a perial of nat �_=
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ot mailed within wh(ch Borrower must pay all sums secumJ by this
<br /> � Security Instrument.If Borrawcr fuils to pay these surns prIor to the expiration af this pedod,Lender muy invoke any remedies
<br /> ' permitted by this Sccurity Instrument without further notice or demand on Hormwcr. �'
<br />•`''F''�, 18, Borrowe�'s Ittght to Rein�tate. If Borrower mcets cenain conJitions, Borrawer shull have the right ta hav�
<br /> .u,E4• enforcement of this Secunty Instrument disconsinu a i at uny t ime pr tor ta t he eur lier of: (a)5 da yr� tar such other perlod as =
<br />—� upplicublc luw may cpecify for reinstatement) befare raale of the ['ropc.rty purxuunt cu uny power of sule contained in thEs
<br />_�� Security Inwtrument;or(b)entry of u}udgment enfotcing this Security in.strument.Thase conditiom urr.thut Bonower:(a)puys —
<br /> l.ender ait eums which then would be duc undcr thiti Sccurity lnstrumcnt and the Nc►tc a� if na uccclenstion had occurre,ci:(b)
<br />..- 4.� cures uny defuutt oF nny athec cuvenants ar agreements; (c) pays nti expenses incurred in enforcM�this Securtty Instrument. ^
<br />=�a.-x including. but not limited ta, reasonuble nttameys'fees; :uud ld)wkes such actian ar L.ender mdy reasonably require to assure
<br /> °° �, that the lien af this Secnr�ry Instrument. I.ender's rightR jn the Pmperty and Borrawer's obligation ro pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Secu�ity lnstrument shall mntinue unchonged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br />`� ��. obliguttons secured hcreby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However.this dght to reinstate shell
<br />-;;�� not apply In the case of acceleration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> — 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loaa Servtcer. The Note or a partial Interest in the Note (together with this Secudty `
<br /> �-�——' Instcument)may be sald one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> -_-- as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thfs Secudty Instrument.There also may be one
<br />"::�� or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bonower will be
<br /> _�- given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraPh 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br />°`.S'.� addrcss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made. 1'he notice will also contain any other
<br /> _ informador required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. I�IIa7ardous Substances. Borrower st,all not cause or permit the presencc, use. disposal. storage. or release of eny
<br />-'�'� Hazardous Substances on or in �`:e Property. Borrower shall not do, rtor allow anyone else to do, unythin$ affecting the
<br /> — property that is in violation of any Environm�ntal Law. The pre�:eding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br />_—= storage on the P�+nperty of small quanddes of Hazardous Sabstances that are generally reco�nized w be appropriate to normal
<br /> -- — residendal ases and to maintenance of the Pmperty.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I,ender wdtten noQce of any investigadon,claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by eny
<br /> govemmentat or regulatory agency or privatc party icivolving the Property and eny Hazardoua Substance or Envlronmental Law
<br /> — of which Borrower has actuni knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is noufied by any governmental or regulatory authority.that
<br />- - any renxixa!ar other remrdlar;�,��f nny Hazandous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptty teke
<br />_== all necessary remedlal actions in accordance with Environmentai Law.
<br /> -��� As use� in this paragraph 20, "He7ardous Substences" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � Environmental Law and the following subsWnces: gasoline. kemsene. other ttammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> :��.� pesticides and herbictdes.volatile solvents.materids containing asbestos or formaldehyde,aad radioaetive materials. As used in
<br /> __= this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means fedecal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � ° relate to health,safety or environmental protection,
<br />--�—= NON-UIVIFORM COVENAIVTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> - 21. Acceleration;Renuedies.I.ender sheU gtve nottce to Borrower prior to aoceleratton followU�g Borrower's brPach
<br /> �� of any covenant or agreement tn th[s Security instrument (but not prior to aoceleration ua�der paragraph 17 unless
<br />__—= applicable law prnvfdes otP�erwir�).The notice shsil sp�ecify: (a)the defaulh (b)the action requlred to cure the default;
<br /> — (c)a date,not less Ntan 30 days from the date the notice is given to Bomower,by whtch the default must be cared;aad
<br /> (d)that faiture to cure the defaWt on or before the date spectfied in We notice mny result in acceteraHon of tde swns
<br /> ----- sea�red by this Securlty L�strument and sale of t6e Property.The notice shall further inform Borrower of tlie rlgdt to
<br /> -- reWstste at�er ec�cele�'atiaa and the dght to brtng a court actton to assert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> "' �efense of Borrower to acceleration aad sale.iF the defaolt is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> �� L�der, at its option,may require immedlate Rayment tn full of all s�ms secure�l by this Security Insfrument without
<br /> � �� further demand and may Wvuke the power of sale and any oWer remedies permitted by appl9cubie law.I.euder shall he
<br /> enNUed to�ollect ail¢xp¢ns¢s incurred in pucsutng the remedtes provtded in thls paragraph 21,including,but not Itmtted
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fee.s and costs of tiUe evidence.
<br /> --- — If the potiver of sale Ls invoked,Trnstee shalt reoord a notice of default in each couuty In whic6 any part of ttee
<br /> — Property is located end shall mail copies of such nottce in the manner prescribed by appltcable Iaw to Borrower end to
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable iaw.After the time required by appllcable law,Tcustee s6�a11 give public notice
<br /> of sate to the persons and ia We manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall seil
<br /> the Property ut public auction to We highest btdder at the time and place and under the terms desigaated in the notice of
<br /> sale tn one or more parcels and in any order Traistee determines.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the
<br /> -- Property by public announcement at the time snd pisce of any prevlously schedWed sale. Lender or its destgnee may
<br /> _,�_�._. purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />°�""' Form 3028 9/80
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