,.,� - - � - —- �
<br /> _ _ -- - - _ -- — - - -- -- - --
<br /> _ -- - � � p �H�.
<br /> ��tyf,a ',u� -,.....t..�"��'i .`�H r�- ; -� 't," 'l,�,� ' �'!w"t"' �fT"t'�,—T"_ _ �
<br /> ,:
<br /> ..... � • . t.i,; � . . � ... . .t� ;,,,.t' U<`'..`:.r�_
<br /> � . • r
<br /> l � ., .� '
<br /> ,�i �k� ' . ' . . .
<br /> . '+-'�'{, ��l1�`n . R � �r .. -V.� .. " r. ..f�Mel�w��r+ (j .i .. . ^. .. .�'PS`-�+�� �~�•.
<br /> � -...
<br /> n .
<br /> � .�.L'� '.i ... .-.- .
<br /> .. � ___ ' ___xai..."�irn n"t_..:n::..., . .. .. _" "_.....«_.....___._..,_...._._ . .
<br /> .. _ . ._. _ �.�.
<br /> � �, • 1Y. Traed�r of 1M PropsiRy or a Bm�4lotd Int�►�n ln 8or�owor. t1�tt or.ny pert of th� Pro�ty or ���'
<br /> � , ' any IntKSat I�it is�ntd a trra�l�rr�d(or N�trn�tlotal tnt�rast In Flarrowa�i eotd ar tnnslNroil xnd Qonower le n�t� r��Nral '���
<br /> . person)without Lendat'� p�or wfltton cansont,Lendsr may,ot lts opticn,requko Immeditte p�yment H�Nf1 ot st!euma secu►ed by
<br /> thta S�curiry InaWment. Howmv+r,thta apUan atioA no!be exercteed by Lendw M�x�rati�!a prohlblt�d by bdenl lavr u al th� •
<br /> , date ot thb Beou�lty Ina�bumet►t.
<br /> • � tt lenda�a�cerctaes this opilon, Lenda ahW QNa 8orrower notice ot aoaN�raUon. Th�nolla shW provld��t petlod at not
<br /> lesa thm SD deye from the date the noScs ta detherod or ma0ad wllh(n whtoh Barow�r muat pay dl aums aeaund by lhis
<br /> SecurUy Inatrument tt 9ot►owor Wls to pay theae numa pdor to the e�kaUon of thl� prlod, Lender nt�y Irnoke ony rem�9es� •
<br /> . permitttd by this 8�aurtty Instrumes►t withoat tudher not�oe or demend on Bonower. �
<br /> . 18. BoPrOUra7'o Rl�ht to RoIn8tAt9. tl Borrorrer masla cerfefn coadtlons, Borrowa ohali have the�ipht to Iwve ,
<br /> eMorcanent of thta 8ecuriry lnatr�ment dtscootinued at�ny ttme prtor to the e�rRer o1: (a) 8 daye (or euch othe+r perlad aa --
<br /> appNcaWe Itw may apeetty tor rehstaterrtent)bafore eole of the Properiy purouent to�ny powe►of sWe contalned M thle Saaudty � '�
<br /> '�' lnatrumer�or(b)enby of t Jud�rnent enfondnp thta Seeurtty Instrument.Thoas c�ndttlons aro thu Bortovrer. (a)paya lendr�11 � ,
<br /> ��..Y,,,R : suma whtch then wauid be due under thts 9eou�ity InstrumeM and the Note aa N t►o te�eleraUon had oaauned; (b)aures any �
<br /> .,.. defauR ot eny oiher eavenud ot e9��; (aI PaYa aN e�enaes Inou�ed in en4ordng thts 8oau�lY InaLvment inciudlny,but �
<br /> not W�fted to,reasonabie�ttomrye'tc+es:and(�tekes such aatloo ae Lendar msy re�sonebly requiro to asaum that the ffan of •
<br /> • ' " thfa 3eourtly Instruma�� LendePe dghis In the Property and Borrawa'a obNgaUon to pay the suma secured by thls Seourity +� _
<br /> •• Instrumen2 ahaN coMinue unchmgad. Upon ►ek�statement by Borrower. thia Seeudly Instrumad and the obAg4ttone seared ';;�,::
<br /> , , •� r hareby sheN remnki tuily eHecWe as N no acooleratiort had oacumed. However,thia dght to rehatate sheY not appy in the nse `''.
<br /> . oi acceleraUon under parapiapb/7. :, �
<br /> ��� 19. Snlo of Noto; Change ot Loan $orvlcar. The Note or a a partW htareat In the Note (topether with thts ;,,'ti;
<br /> ,,• Secuttty Insburt�t)may be sold one w more Umea wkhout pdor�otice to 9orrowef A ale may reauk in a chan�e In the mtily '��
<br /> . , :� ;� (knovm�s the'Lo�n Seevlcer')that coitects month{y payrt�ents due under the Piats on6 iNi�Seouriy Instrumeat fi�abo mny �-,�.
<br /> be one or more ohanpea ot the Lan 8enloe► unrelated w a sale ot the Nota H thero la a chanps ot the Loan S�vice►, ���`
<br /> � � � � , 6orrower w1A be given wrtlhn rtotiaa of tha ctunge h a000rdartce with paraqraph 14�bove and appYoabte kw. The notToe wil
<br /> � state ths nama and addre�s o1 the�ew Loan Senlce►and the address to vrl►!ah paymenta ehould be made. The notlae wW also .�4
<br />- , • , :;:� .!1�. conWn�ny other intotmation roqulred bY ePP�le I�w. �?
<br /> 20. Hers8rdo11a 8ubstan�a. Botrower shaN not atuse or pertNt the presence, uae,dtapoasl,storese,or ateae of
<br /> ' �' arry H�Mous Subafances on or tn the Propery. Bortowar ahai! not do,na aYow eiryone etse to do,anything afteatinp the ��'��
<br /> . ?,:��,�'. PropeAy th�t ia h vblaUon of�ny Emtronmmtai Lew. The preaedinp two aentencea sheN no1 appy to the proaenca u�e� ar �;}'??_:
<br /> • storaqe on the Proper[y W srrwp 4�ea of Haserdoua Sub3tances that ere B�ere!N recogr�f�ett to be eppropda4e to rartn�i �_—
<br /> �--
<br /> - : •�"'� � restde�tal usas and to molntarw�oe o}the Pro�ty. --
<br />- - • �<. . : Barowa ehaY PramWN �Ne Lende► wdtten noSoe of enY Inreatl�nnUon. ddm, demend. I�wauk or otha aatlon by anY �z=--
<br /> '"•'`-:° ;: govemmenLl or�eguktory aqenay or prNate pttty{moNing the Propedy and any H�rardoua 3ubshncs a EnviraunenW ttw of •"
<br /> h+
<br /> .,:.��` t: whtch Barowa rtas acwtl t�owleag�. tf 8otrowsr tetme, or Is not'fiai bY arnr ywemmanfiai or �ep�+i�i�rY r�it��Y��`+��r.y _
<br /> cw
<br /> '"'� ron+ovat or other ranedi�Uon of arry Huardoua Subamnco atfectin0�P�Y � ��►Y. Barower shtt prompty talu ai --_°
<br /> - / . �� necess�y rernedioi aaUona h �ocard�nce wNh EnviranmeMal Law. _
<br /> �;"':'�� _ N ua�d h thla para�ph 20. 'Hvardow Subatanc�s• are those wbaC�noea delhed as to�da or hmrdous wb�ncK by
<br /> - • Er►viranmadal L;w �d ihe tolowhp aubahncea: �tsolhe. kenoaene. offier �rbls a toxia patroMum Produals�imdo
<br />-- _ ..,:;��, � peatiddes�nd habiotdea�voTatAe aoNer�.natedala confahin�aabostoa or tormeldehyde,and ndtaacUve mataWe. As uaed N
<br /> _- "�:• --. P�9nWh 20. 'Env(ranrne�l law• mana fw�erst kws�nd kvra o!the jurb�tlon when ths Pl�oprty Is loctted tlwt nIW to
<br /> -=;-::-...::'' hadtti,eatet�►ar mvironmenta!protsation. . -
<br /> -��:'�«;: .; �': �
<br /> •---r�--�"'--:y NON-UNIFOAM CAVENMlI9.Borrower md�,ender Nrther wvenud and�y'ee as ta0ows: _.
<br /> '�—'�°:�=� 21. IlacN�radon; R�mwlt�s. L�odu �hatl piv� natlR� to Baraw�r prior to �N�rtlton
<br /> .:._.t;^;%�t ti
<br /> ��_�=���� Wttowlnp 8oriaw��'s bnach af any eov�e�M or a�rNm�nt tn tht� Stourity Inshunant (but naR
<br /> '�'�`"�'1=`"�'� prior to acc�t�ratton und�r panpnph 17 unl�ss�ppticabt� law provid�s oth�rwis�). Tfw ndtc�
<br /> --.�:P:.Y'C.=.�.1'3L�[
<br /> --��._=_t-T:.�' shail sg�cNy: (a)t�doitui� (b) th� �ctlon roqutnd t� aun ttu d�hnt� Ia)a dab. rtot loss than
<br /> ___����-��•� 30 days fram th� d� ti� t�fiiic� b pW�n to BorroMnr, by whieh th� d�t�uit must b�eurod;md -
<br /> --�"°i�� (d) that fallu» to eu� th� daiwlt oe� or baton !ho dat� sp�oiR�d In th� notla� ma�/ r��uR !n
<br /> � _=_�,° accaloraHon of th�wmo s�aund bp this S�curi4y Instrum�nt�nd Wl�ot!h�Prop�rly.Th�naNes
<br /> =,,;�n�:�;�� �hall 4urttur tMorm Bo�rrowar af th� HpM to rotnslaM a�r accolonUon and 4ha risht zo b�in� a
<br /> --�'""'�° aourt aatlon to ssrart ffio nom�dston� of a dohul! or am ot�tr d�es� at Borraw�r to
<br /> --__-'__�„�� -
<br /> .-,���- acaN4�ation �nd sw. R th� dofaut! U not aund on or b�for�th� dab �p�cHted In th�nad¢��
<br /> -=---_ �nd�r�t Ib optton mry roqufn tmm4dlab payms�nt tn tufl of d! sums sscund by this S�our�t�►
<br /> =���'� Instrum�nt wtthout iurth�r d�mand and may tnvo{c�th� pow�r o� sal� and �ny olMr nm�diws
<br /> -- — p�rmlthd b�l�pPlic�bt�taw L+ond�r sl�ti b� �rrtidod to cotl�at ail sxp�ns�s Inaurnd In pursuin�
<br /> �`; � t1w rom�dlos prarided In thts paraIIraph 21, Includtnp, but eot tim6tod to. nssonabl� attornoys'
<br /> -_-_�� f��s and aosb of tiNo �vidon�.
<br /> ��� �f th� po�wor o!t�lo is tmokad, T�usea� �ha11 ncord a natic� of dofauit In oaeh counlft in -
<br /> _ _ -:.:�: whtoh any put af th� Proparly a Imcatad and sha11 m�tl �opios of such noRla� In t1w manrio� __
<br /> .�:.' prssa�lbsd br appticable law to Borrowar aad to tho att�� porsons prasortb�d by applEcaWo law
<br /> ARor th�timo �quUad bY appqcaW� law�Tnista� sh�ll p[w puWia aotic� af sat�to tho p�rtons ==__
<br /> � .�..� and In tho mannar prascribod by apPlloabl�taw Tructaa,without damand on Borro�roa. d�Il�!1
<br /> . �� tho Proparty st pubiic audlon to th� htghwt btddor at th�tim� and placo and und�r � R�rma �-_
<br /> : y de�l�nrtad In tha noRic� ot sato tn on� or mo» parcol� usd in aml ordor 7susta� doUrmtnes. ���
<br /> �
<br /> ,. � . Trustao may Postpano sato of a!1 or am parcal o! tho Proparly by puWia announaamot�t sd tha �.��
<br /> � „ .. tima and pi� �u�y pr�viou� schadulod �nla. L+ondar or tb deslgn�� may purch�tho �i'
<br /> , Property at ury�ala
<br /> •L_� `���r �l� �r j Y.� �J_� 4�.a ���►�� �L�ft J�tL.�� v ai� r. � - �� �'-
<br /> —`�� _-- v�rvu rs��rps w pqwa�aw w a� �rrsa:� �n�� �rvaw� �t�� v�s�v� w aw �w�w�ww� ��w��•
<br /> ' deed �orvey[n�t�a Prope�The rocltals In tho Trustad4 d4ad �l�all be prima ta�ata ovidenco of
<br /> ..-ar-= tho truth ot tha sta�mont� mado thorofn. Truatao shall aPPhl ti� proceads of tha �ato In t!w ,
<br /> . fWlowin8 ordor. (a) to all aosta anal �ena�a oi oxorclan� tho pawor ot �alo. and tit� �alo,
<br /> tncludirtg the paymatt ot tho Trustoo'�feos actualiy incurrod,nat to oxcaod three
<br /> 9L ot ffio principal amoLnt ci the
<br /> nota at tho tilres o!tha doctarsdion of defaut�, and r�asonablo attom�y's fQOS aw ponnittad by Iaw; ,
<br /> (b) to all sums aecurad by this SecuMty Instrumen�and(c� any eoccoss to thv Rercan or persons �
<br /> lep��fly entWsd to t�
<br /> �a,a.ufo p/9� vaae s ot s °�� 1_r.
<br /> �
<br /> I e6159 {
<br /> �
<br /> � .
<br />