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<br /> tl,�;�.�;;:• �� ,�b.,. 1(�'743�
<br /> 20, A��iAneNnt of R�nta:AppWntm�nt ot Rscelvsr;La�der In Po��e�asion. As edditional secutlty hereur+dar, Bor�ower
<br /> hereby assigrts to Lender the�ents of the Praper�t prcvided that 8or�ower shatt,prior to ecceletation undar peragr�ph 18
<br /> hereof or ebnndonment of the Praperty,have th3 rf ht to coltect and retafn such►ents es thay bocome due aaQ pnyable.
<br /> Upon acctteretion under pa►ag�&Dh 18 hereof or e�ndcnment ot the property,lartder,(n person,by eAent or by Judiclaily
<br /> appolnted�eceiver shati be entitled to eater upon,teke possesaton of end manage the Property and to collect the renta of
<br /> the manngement o{the Property and ao�tectfon of renta inctuding,but not Ifmited to,�ecelvor's fee's,Premiurs�s on receivers
<br /> bnnds nnd reasonabte attorney's 4ees,end Yinen Yo t�o sum,^,s2cured by this DeQd of Trust. Lertder end tP�a recetver shall
<br /> be liable to accou�t onty for those�ente actuaity received.
<br /> 21. Fubs�Ad�►encas• Upon reque�t of Bortower.Lender,et Lertder's option,prior to tuil reconveyance of the Ptoperty
<br /> by Trustee to Borrower,may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advences,with Inte�est thereon,shafl be
<br /> secur�d by this Qaed of 7rust whe�evEdenced by promissory notes stetirt th�t setd notea are secured hereby. At no tlme
<br /> sha�l the pdncipat flmount ot the indebtednesa secured by this Deed of�rust,�ot inctuding sums advanced iQ eccordanCB
<br /> harewkh to protect the security of this Deed of Truat,exceed the a�iginel amount of the Note pfus US 8__�t�__�___•
<br /> ?.2. Rsconrarerke. Upon paymaM of eil sums seaired by this Desd of Trust Lender shatl request Trustee to mconvey
<br /> ths ProQerty en0 shell sunender this Deed of T�ust and atl notes evfdencing tnde�tedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee. Tnutee shetl recon�ey the Property without war�anty and whhout cherge to the persan or persona tegetiy entided
<br /> thereto. Suchp�rson or persons shelt paY aU costa of recordation,if any.
<br /> 23, &ubstltuts TrustM Lendet,et Lsnder's option,mey hom ttme to time remove Trustee end eppoint e successor
<br /> trustea to arry Truateeeppointed hereunder by sn tnstrument recorded in ihe county in which this OeeYi of Trust�s recorded.
<br /> Without conveyanca of the Property,the successor trustee shali succeed to ati the tide,power and dudes conferred upon
<br /> the TNStee herein and by epplicabte law.
<br /> Z4. R�quat far NotGxr. BoROwor requests tF►at copies of the nottce of defeult and rtotice of ssie be sent to Borrowere
<br /> eddtess which is the Ptoperty Address.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHHREOF.60RROWER has executed this Deed of T st.�
<br /> T�y �7� rrow�r
<br /> n��`���'`�'°'�
<br /> . rrowe
<br /> He].1
<br /> STATH OF NEBRASKA. County ss:
<br /> On this 2� day of ��r -- '�-1395 -b iT og re me,J e u�nid��Natery Pubiia
<br /> �tC.�ssn�8ns!�!l�ft!u!f4r said caunt�r, sontilly.beme_ lII1DtiYy —
<br /> �irittl�.a �Ai�lGeti •to me known to be the Identical peraon(al
<br /> whose name(s1 nre subseribed to Me foregatng instniment and aeknowledged the executtan thereqf to
<br /> be �r voiurtery ect and deed.
<br /> Wltness my hand end noteriat seal at �� �� i�se�d cau�tY�the dete
<br /> eforesatd.
<br /> • ' . My Commission eupires: ���.��� , � � ,
<br /> �10.NN E FULIER ��'�
<br /> �,hI�R MMC�2�l� NotsryPublia
<br /> tfl'•TRUSTEE:
<br /> .. The undersigned is the hofder of the note or rtotes secured by thfs�88d of TrusK. Sald note ar�otes,toDether with sU
<br /> ather�Mebtedness secu�ed by Ws Oe�d of Tnut,hare been paid tn fuU. You are hereby directed to canCel said nate or aates
<br /> end the Deed pf Ttust,whtch ere delivered hereby,end to reconvey,without warranty,ell the estete ttow held by you w►der
<br /> tNa Deed of Trust to the person or persons Iepaliy ertiUed the►eto.
<br /> bate:
<br /> ISpsos Bebw 7itb tirn Rasnvad For l.andn and R�oord�h �
<br /> CC 1023 tg198) �
<br />