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<br /> � the Property in violation of a�y law, ordiaanae, or requlationj
<br /> �:'.
<br /> and shall pay and promptly diech agahar es 1 vied8 imposed or �
<br /> -�; "�` expense al]. liens, enaumbrances an �J -
<br /> , . . as€�e�saed aga�.aiet the Property or any part t�ereo�. Q
<br /> �.,
<br /> � � ° .,,i 6. Eminent Domain. Lendeac ie hereby aseiqned all -
<br /> -���.;: "� �, aompensation, awarde, amaqea and other paymen�s or relief _
<br /> .�; (hereinafter "Prcceede"I in aonnec�ion with aondemnation or other
<br />_ , takinc� of the Progerty or part thereof, or for aoaveyanae in lieu
<br /> � '��� oi� condemnation. Zender shalJ be entifiled, at ita op�ion, tio
<br /> ��� "`'"�� aommenae, appear in and prosecute in ite own aame any aation or -
<br /> �:.,.,:.,:,;,�.�
<br /> . :,,„,;� . proceedinqs, and shall also be entitled to make any aompromise ar
<br /> ;,� .,;,:.. - settlement in connection with such taking or daiaage. In the
<br />°�`�"� ` event any por�ion of the Property is so taken or damaged, Lender __
<br />_:��.. ° ' shall have �he option, in its sole and absolute discretion, to _.
<br />:.�;�f.:..,: .
<br />_;- .��,::! ag�ply all such Proceeda, after deduat�.ng therefrom all eoata and
<br />,. � -�� expenses 3ncuerr�d by i.t 3.n connection with such Proceeds, upon
<br /> any indebtedness secured hereby and i�n such order as LenBer may
<br /> =,"'���' determine, or to apply all such Proceede, after such ded�2ationa,
<br /> . Ti; . . to the res�oratsoa o� the Property upon euch con8itions as Lender
<br /> ';°:'x.-<M- , may determine. Any appliaation of Proceeds t a ine ts urider theil
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of any p Ym
<br /> ��`� ': Note, or cure any d�fault thereunder os laereunder.
<br />_:;:,:9�. _
<br /> � =' � - 7. Performance b Lender. In the evet�t of Borrower•s _
<br /> ;�G�:.
<br />.����;, failure to per crm any of the aovenants herein or make any paY"
<br /> . `
<br /> ments ze irad hereb , or if any act is taken or lega� proceeding
<br />-�==�A��'�. ��np��e�which materially affeats Lender's interest in the
<br /> -�.=�'�_°�� Property, Le:nder may in ite own disaretion, but raS.fi�o�iL oh2�.�a=
<br /> _���'�W`j.�'�� t3on to do so, and without notiae to or demand upan Borrower, and
<br /> —�,�,�,i without releseing Borrower from any obligat3oh, do any aat which
<br /> ����
<br /> -=�._�.3,�;� � the Borrower has agreed Ibut fails to do and may also do any other
<br /> - -`=--_�� aet it deems necessary to protect the securi�y hereof. Borrower
<br /> _������ shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender
<br /> .r..��.:� � all costs anc'� expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in
<br /> --.�.-��� conneatioa with the exercise by Lender oi the foxegoing rights,
<br /> -������ together w�tlz interest thereon at the default rate provided in
<br /> - �" the Note, which shall be added to the n e tedness secured
<br /> -- � hereby. Lettder shall not inaur any liability beaause of anything
<br /> ___ = it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> � 8. Bazardous Materials. Borrower ahall keep the
<br /> Property in eonnp ance w any and a11 federal, state and local
<br /> " laws, ordinanaes and regulations relating to industrial hygiene
<br /> or to �nv�tros�mental conditione on, under or about the Proparty, ,.
<br /> � 3naluding, but not limited to, sofl and qroundwater aond3t9.cns.
<br /> Trnstor shall not use, generate, manutfacture, store or dispose of
<br /> - on, under or about the Property or transport to or frora the
<br /> - Psoperty any flammab9.e explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous
<br /> - wastes, toxic substances or related matexials, includinq, without •
<br /> � limitation, any substances defined as or included in the defini-
<br /> ------�� tion of "hazardous substances", "hazsrdous wastes", "hazardous
<br /> ___-�=-�� mater3als" or "toxia substanaes" under any appliaable laws,
<br /> ' i=� ordiaanees or regulations �aolleatively referred tn hereinafter
<br /> '�����,�� ae °8aaaxdong Materials°) . Borrawer hereby �oarrants and repra-
<br /> =��w:.�=��;? seats to Len�3ex tha� there are no Sazardous Materials on or nnder
<br />-.�.w�4n'-°_':
<br /> .��,- �, ,� the Property. Borrcwer hereby agreea to indemnify and hold
<br /> �?���'����" laarmless Ler�dex► itia direetors, officers, employees and agents,
<br /> =«_T��:-�_ �
<br /> : a. , and any successors to Lender s intereat, from and against any an
<br /> �" all alaims, da=aages and liabilitiea arieing in aonnection with
<br /> . .-���,.-��; the presenae, use, etosage, disposal ar transport af any Hazardous
<br /> �._= ��� Materials on, under, from or about the Propertp�jiacl�uding;Q ith-
<br />_ :.`""'"'T ". out liAeitation, (a1 a�1 �amsges direoyiY �L �itYii�VV1►Z .� ----�
<br />.. T.�
<br /> u�~`�� '•��{ out of the uea, generation, storage or 8ispo$al of gaaardous
<br /> -=�="4t�� ' Materials by Borrower or aay prior owner or operator of the
<br />�F.��*,e.-.." .
<br /> - � � Property� and (b) all aosta of any required or necessary repair,
<br /> 4 eleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any closure or
<br /> � other requfred plans, whether such action is required or neces-
<br /> �� sary prfor to or followinq transfer of title to the Property, �o
<br /> the full exteat that suah action ia at�r3butable, direatly or
<br /> � " indirectly, to the presence or uoe, generation, etorage, release,
<br /> ,' �� " tihreatened releas@ or diaposal of Hazardous Matarials by any
<br /> . �� ' person on the Property prior tn tranefer of title �hereto by
<br /> .. ,: _��
<br /> �. „
<br /> ..,._.....�._.._.,._,.�....,... • .
<br />