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" T. ....r.. ✓ s/M*..f��c . i. i •4 . ., _ .v�0.._.._. _ . _. _.__ .:-_ <br /> ...-..+^.t��„ _ � � 2� r _—- <br /> .. ,�.. <br /> . <br />.. . _ . .__ .�'__.,' .�...Y� ,...�.� . — � - �_"�-'�•� �..'.- � _ ` "..�""".r_ <br /> ��. .�.ii� _.-� — ��_...+...,�"re'�'.-u�._.� <br /> - riciea��ar�wr.��_:y:_�swWf=� r�._ s -� !-T'dJS.!i.t.w+s�k�ni n :7 irrc�r_-'v.�+�» {7�,� <br />. ._._.l.- __ __. .._. �H�+�I�k�.".....o �_._ _- . �L_•9iti?...��'•" ..f._�: <br /> � <br /> � � — <br /> r - <br /> � . .•��-� �(�'�42� -_ <br /> ADJUSTABLE IZAT� RIDEK 2oo2�a8� = <br /> _ (1 Year TreASUry Index-Rate Caps) — `- <br /> THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDBR ia made thls 1 ST day of NOV�MBER � `F <br /> 1995 �and is incorporated into and shnil be decmed to umend and supplement thc Mortgage.Deed csf <br /> Trust or Securlty Deed(the"Secwity Instrument")of the same date gtven by the undersigned(the"Borrower')to <br /> secure the Borrower'R Adjustabla Rate Note(the°Note")to <br /> Tho Equitable Building nnd laen Aasociation of arnnd lslend, Nehraske, �Faderei Sevings 8enk <br /> (the"Lender")of the same dato nnd covcring thE property descrfbed fn thc 3ecurity Inatcumcnt nnd locsued at: _ <br /> 3108 BRIARWOOD BLVD QRAND ISLANO. NEBRA6KA 88801-7226 <br /> (Pn�pc»y Addrcss� <br /> THE NOTE CANTAINB PROVOSIONS ALLOWIN� FQR CHANAES i�l THH INTHR�ST <br /> RATB AND THE MIDNTHLY PAYMENT. THH NOTE LiMITB THB AMOUI�T THB <br /> BOiitiOWER'8 INT�REST RATB CAN CHAN�E I�T ANY ONB TIME ANO TFOE <br /> IIAAXINiUfYi RA'i'E'PHE 60WR0{iifER MOJaT PAV. � <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENAN'1'S.In udditi�n to the covenants and agretmenta made in the Secudty Instniment, <br /> Borrower end Lender tLrther covenant and agree as follows: <br /> A.INTERES'p BpTE ANp MONTALY PAYIVIENT CNANGES <br /> The Note provides for an initial interest tate of 7.12 S %.The Note provtdes for changes�in <br /> the interest rate and the n►onthly payments,as followa: <br /> . 4.I(�TEREST RpTE AND MONTALY PAYNIENT CHANGES <br /> (A)Change Dates � <br /> The interest rate I will pay may change on the flrst day of NOV EMBER . 2000 .and on thut <br /> day every 12th aionth thereafter.Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a"Change Date.' <br /> B)17►e Index <br /> Beginning wIth the first Change inter�st rate wili be based on an Index.The"Index"ia the weekly <br /> average yteld on United States Tceasury securittes adjusted to a censtaat msturity of 1 year,as made aveilable by <br /> the Federal Resenre Board.The most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 days beforo each Change Dau <br /> ia called the"Current Index." <br /> If the Indea is bo longer available.the Note Holder will choose a new index which Is based upon comparable <br /> information.The Note Holder will gtve me nodce of this choioe. <br /> (�7 Catculattoa Qf Cbwiges <br /> Hefore.each ChanBe Date,tlie Note Holder will calculate my new tnterest rate by addin8 <br /> . �y,�p P��Se P��us)( 2.000 �O)to th�Cument <br /> Index. 'IY�e Note Holder will then mund the result of this addition to the neat+es+t ane-eighth of ona perceatage <br /> - gaint(0.123°!0).Subject to tha limits stated iu Sect[on 4(D)below.thts munded amouat wili be my new intei+est <br /> rate until tlie next Change Date. <br /> The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment tUat would be sufficient W repay t1x <br /> unpaid principat thst I am expecied co owe ai the Change Date ia full on the Maturity Date at my new interest rau <br /> in snbstantially equal payments.The result of this calculation wUi be the naw aa�couat of my montlily paYme�u• <br /> (D)Ltmits on Interest Rate CLanges 9.125 � <br /> The interesc rate I am requfred to pay at the first Change Date will not be greater than <br /> or less than 5.12 5 %.Thereaftsr,my interest rate wlll never be incm,ased or da�reased oa <br /> any sIngle Change Date by more than two percentage points(2.0%)from the rate of interest I have been paying <br />� for the preceding twelve montha.M interest rate will never be ge+eater then y 2•12 5 �• <br /> My �nterest rate wi'�1 never be lower than 5.125%. <br /> (E)EftecUve Date oi Changes <br /> My naw rate will become effecNve on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new mm►YWy <br /> payment begtrming on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my mo�ly <br />= paymem chz+aages again. <br />— _..,.. <br />— �r�i�tiiia vx a.�w..aca <br />— The Note Holder wiU deliver or matl to me a nodce of any changes in my intemst rate and the amonnt of my <br />
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