y�1�,�t�j�- -' `-+�SF'q' `fr i} �� �5�.cfi ...--- .. �f�v: . _ - . ---'"-'----- .. . .. .
<br /> � ` � �ti�1 .'' ��.. ,��`�r f r�1 f_� ,�f1 i\. � ��..
<br /> • ' •i�
<br /> ,t��., ���.i�r„S,(,:t'r4�1.�. ' .�.���- �. r� 'r�f� �I _ 4�.55 •
<br /> . ��� y �
<br /> ..,.... . - ',fry4. . • L11 •�{',� 4��. ' _ � .
<br /> ^w,�_ .S• .� . �d��Y�i r .. �
<br /> � � •r�1;..
<br /> ;� ,, . _ _ . .... ,., ° . ' ���., �'
<br /> ,+►A� ., .. .,. � . � - .1: .<, Ql ' , ,_Y•�.'V�k�f'rs��c`,Aw�
<br /> ,�yn... � . . . ...,�ry/11�6'�!r:rs.----_.
<br /> •- ' � � _-�-�-�-��..�c..� . ,. " _ ' �� -- .-t-.�t.�� .-t• --.........� - - - '--... -- - - -__. .
<br /> � .__ - �i.� -
<br /> : � .
<br /> �--_° .
<br /> . - . - - • . u., ---_
<br /> ,. . � �:.,•.:-
<br /> :::.d`�,.�.}•�;. � � �_—
<br /> � . ,� 7.Cond�mn�Uon, in Ih�ev�nt Ine paoperty.oru�y put thneol��hvl bQ bkm by eminmt dom�In.tM Mozt�as��' �`�,
<br /> ..� b�mpowerod tacoll�ciuidnc�l�e all campau�tior►which rruy 6e psfd[or�ny pro�eety taken or tor d�ma�es to prop��ty �*.-�,
<br /> . nat t+ktn�tnd Moit{����dv1�PP�Y�uch comp�ns�elon� at Ita optlon.eith�r to a nduction ot!ht Ind�bUdnea ttcurod� ,��;-:-
<br /> . homby or to nptlr�d e�tor�!h�ympriy�o dum�d. ^•
<br /> � � 8. �erfottn�tst 6y 1►Rort��et.MortpN+may�but ihd!hav��o oblir�tion�to do tny ast whlch tho 1►9ori�a�or�
<br /> ' ` 'p� hu ��r+�d but Wl� to do�md blortp�+�m�y dio do my�ct it dnma ntceiwry tc+ptot�et th*li�n Atnot.l�4oit�qor • _=���
<br /> _: r�es to cepay��+pa�dr8nand,any sums io txpmded by lhe Mout{e�:�tor th��Oov�purpos�s.and�ny�a��o�xp�adtd
<br /> • "' � 6y tltt Mort����1 be tddtd to tltt tadebttdn�a secetnd h�nby and b�come:ubj�cl b tht tlen heseof.A9ortp�N�
<br /> . -4 � �y'm!�
<br /> � ,}:„��� �hdi not incar mp ptao�l ltsWlity bca�w ot tngtFrin�It nt�y do or omlt to do henund�c � ,.�
<br /> "".� ,` ".. � �. D�t w(t: l W�a n►w t o t R t a f a T[m�b o t t A� �w n e o h Q r w t a n d u p on Mort�� or't d�tault In my coreasnt 1� ±
<br /> �..�� ori �. "'•
<br /> oft�mment otthu Mort�f�.tnctudln�cor+nanb to p�y MMa du�tht�e�nu stcund by thb p� tA�1 Y lort�a{a�A d t h� ''.
<br /> b�ntiqtd.�t Ito aoU optlon and�rithout nartla.to deel�ts+r�I�utnt ucund Oy tbb Mart���!to ht Imm�ditl�ty dut tnd � .
<br /> � pirsDl�end m�y���na[onslowra ot th4 Utortp� by�udidtl p:oee�dlap:�nd.proMd�d Nrthrc.tUet upon'sucb y��
<br />_ .,;,,: a �:_'
<br /> ..�. .�::-- dehutt the Morta�a,or�c�tt�r�p0ainttd py�coud.mry at IV optton md without»prd w N�wd�qnacy o6 Wr R__
<br /> - ,r .�; acudty.enter upo��nd qk�powaioa of tA�hop�etyuid eotlQCt tA�nata.tuua u►d Protib tla�rtfroa�and sPDty th�m �u
<br />_'.�,�..�,_°'• Q n t t o t h�c a 1 o t c o l l e c U o n a n d o p r a t l o n o t t!u ho y�s t y wd ehon u p o u Mt la�debbdnut ncv[�d bJ► thb Mortp�j __
<br />'=:>_�b,;�.:•; ald renv�iuua and proQtt bin�anljri�d to tlu MoR�ap�at Nrih�t tectadty tor fh� paytutnt o t l l t�la d�b i�d c uta �-'
<br /> '�� acu»d hmbp. � �"":�
<br />-...i�."y'��a.,�. J F..3 .
<br /> ar dGn. �'
<br /> �F�;ri: 10.7lnnde:ot ntoperty. It ali or any�ut ot the @top�ety h:otd or tnnsf�rr�d without the expr�u wdttm con• �„C;;,_
<br /> . .. ��` ant ot tb�Mort�����o�i�o��r,�ay at{!a aalo optbma,dselar�e a!1 ewne esswed by Mb Mortpa�to b imm�dtauly du� __-_
<br />:;;;�;�:t;t.�� �nd payablt. �
<br /> y��f • 11. k'up�e� Ildran�. Upon aquest ot Mori���t,Most��� miy t�akt addit�onel ad Ntus�adranca to
<br /> s
<br /> _rr'�k11t� !� �FN:
<br /> :�.�-�.,� Mort�qor.SucA�dvancas��vtti�latet�st th�rton.thtU b seeured by thts 11Yo�t{qe wben�vldtnced bpptomistory aotes --
<br /> " " ` �tttin�that�tld aoLci ur tecund dereby. At eo tim��h�ll th�prinMp�1 amount ot tht lndebtednai teeated by thb _
<br />�-,s�' Diortp�e.aot tacludln�sums��ranced to prot�ot fh�s�curity ot eAb Matpi��yeceed th�oddrul Nou. -�,�
<br /> i i�- iZ. Mtueilus�ous ProrWoas. �
<br />::�'s�.- . . �_
<br /> :r�.��_ -
<br /> :i1��,�y (�) My toreDesnae�In�s�rcisln�u�y d�t vr nm�dy ih�ll not b�a wdv�r thtreot.
<br />__,'tY� (b) All nm�dla prodded t��r�in an distinct and cumut�tiv�to my ather d�ht�ttord�d sy Uw or equfty.
<br /> ;`:;_�.� .»8 su.y i��;�sreirad:s�atasrrss!!p.�sds�ndessl4Y�t ss:�e�l+�!!y. .
<br /> :r�:,-' C
<br /> _" �� (c) 7h�cowa�nq and qre�mmk co�Wned hentn �ho11 bind� aad th� d�hp Inu»to. th* rnp�ctire
<br />-�:-r..� .
<br /> =�'=:� �uceeaon tnd tulpa ot the Motlp�or ind tAe Mottp�e�.
<br /> �� _�'�,��,h (d) Alt cor�pmta�ud���menb ot the Mort��{os u�Joint�nd taverd.
<br /> __-,;,£s'�.� (e) 1h�Aeadinga ot th�pus{aphs et thb Modpp u�fot cut►rent�nce oniy�nd sh�li aot be used to inbr•
<br /> =_.,,;��:�� ptltor dtdn�tdt pmvtstonsl�ereoL '
<br /> -°V°°"'�u°���
<br /> _�==��� 13. R�lew.. Upon Qayment of tll surta secured by this Mort4a��,Mortjqet ih�U dtactur�� !db Mott���� md
<br /> �•_~� sh�i eaecub�nd d�linr a�ttst�etory mteu�thenfot. ' � �
<br /> - - IN WITNESS WHBREOF,Mortp�or b�t extouted thls Mr�t��on th��ioy of.�'�.�.19 QS.
<br /> -�-- � ;
<br /> ,
<br /> _- - a��� enman �ono..r
<br /> ' � U
<br /> ° - - ron co . o �no�e. �-"
<br /> � sueo oc N.ensw. —�an Ooanty cs:
<br /> On thio�d�y ot,� (T■ 18��ton m�.tA�undeM�aed,�tVotany PUWle
<br />.�_-p—� duly commitslon�d and quditied for aid�ounty�petsondly eun� Pei�e M. D�nma _ a slnQle oe^rs,n_
<br /> 4�-=� JJ11!� N••••••••t..s 1_ Sn�p� !a �In�a,narenm - ----
<br /> ,�.TS� ,to mt tnoNn to be We
<br />-;,�;r
<br />