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<br /> refcrred ta in pnmgcnph 2.ar chan�e the amm�r�t of such puymcnts. Any exces9 proceeda over um m�nunt rcquircd to pay ull
<br /> autstunding indcbtcdness undcr the Plote and this Sccurity instniment shall be p:►id ta the entity Icgally entitlui thereto.
<br /> 8.Ce�.L,ertder muy cnllect feeti und cl�utgcw uuthurixed by the Sccretury.
<br /> 9.Crourtds for Accelerntton o!Debt.
<br /> (u) DefAUlt. Lender muy, except av limited by regulc�tians issucd by the Secrelary in the cuse of payment dePaultR.
<br /> require lmmedinte payment in fuil of uil sums r�ccured by thiti Secudty I�strument if:
<br /> (i)Bonower defaults by failing to pay in iull uny monthly payment reyuired by this Security lnstrument prlar ta ar
<br /> on th�due dute af the next monthly payment.or
<br /> (jt)Borrower defuult�by failin�. for u pedod of thirty deya, to pceform uny other obli�ations contuined ln this
<br /> Securlty Instcument.
<br /> (b) 5ale Without Credtt Approvel. i.ender shall,if permittcd by applicabtc luw und wlth thc prlor approvnl of the
<br /> Secretary.require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Security Instrument if:
<br /> (i)All or part of the Property. or a beneficial Interest in u trust owning ali or purt of the Property. is sold or
<br /> otherwiss trnnsferred(other thnn by devise or descent)by the Borrower.ertd
<br /> (ii) Th� Property is not occupied by the purchaser or gau�tet as his or her prirtcipal restdence. or the
<br /> purcltasec or�rantee does so occupy the Prog�rty but fiis or her credit hus r�ot been approved in accord�nce with the
<br /> requirements of the Secretary.
<br /> (c)No Waiver.If circumstances occtu that would permtt Lender to require immediate puyment in full,but l.ender does
<br /> not require such payments.Lender does not waive iu r�ghts wIth respect to subsequent events.
<br /> (� Regulatlons of�£(JD Secretury. In many circumstsnces regulations issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's
<br /> righu in the case of payment defaults to requlre imznedtate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. This Security
<br /> Insttument does not uuth�rice ac�eteration or foreclostue if ctat gemdtte�by regulations of tlte Settetary.
<br /> (e)Mortgage Not Insured.Borrower agrces that shuuld tlus Security Instruraent and tha Note secuced thereby not be
<br /> �t3g38lc fur i��raacc undcr ilse Nasians!Hawing Act�:�ii3�s b4�a;s fmm the datP hPm!+f. 1.�ule.r may,at ics option
<br /> and notwithstanding aaything in paragraph 9. require immediate payment in full of a11 sums secured by this Secure4y
<br /> Insmiment. A written statement of any authorized agent af ihe Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date
<br /> hereof,deciining to insnre thIs Security Insuument and the Note s$cured thereby.shall be deemed ooaclusive proof of
<br /> such ineligibility.Notwithstanding the foregoing.this oprion may not be exercised by Lender wden the uaavailability
<br /> of insurance is solely due to I.ender's failure to remit a mort�a�e insurance premiiun to the Secnetary.
<br /> A0.Reinsiatement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in fuU because of
<br /> Borrower's failure to pay an amoum due under the Note or this Security Instrument. :'his rIght applies even after foreclosure
<br /> prooeedings are instituted.To reinstate the Security Instzument,Borrower shall teader in a lump sum all amounts required w
<br /> bring Borro�ver's xaourtt current including. to the eactent they ate obligations of Borrower under this Securiry Insnument,
<br /> foreclosnre oosts and reasonable and customary attorneys' fees and expenses properly assoctated wlth the foreclosure
<br /> praceeding. Upon neinstatement by Borrowor,this Security Instmment and the obGgations that it secures shall remain in effoct
<br /> as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However. iender is not required to pemilt reinstatement if:(i)Lender
<br /> has accepted reinsuuement a4�er ttee oommencement of forectosure proceodings wlthin two years immeciiately pt�eding the
<br /> commencement of a current Coreclosure pmceeding, (ii) reiz�statemeAt wlil preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the
<br /> fnture,or(iii)rcinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Securiry Instiument.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance Qy I.end�No!a Waivee�.Extension of the d�ne of payment or lnodificadon of
<br /> amortiration of the sums secut+ed by tlus 5ecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any suooessor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> rtoi opernte to release the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor in interest. Lender shall not be requirod w
<br /> oommence pmccedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortiration
<br /> of the sums secured by this Secwrity Inswment by reason of any demand made by the original Bomower or Borrower's
<br /> suooessors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any dght or remedy shall rtot be a wuiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy.
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