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<br /> FaiEDERIGRS B.PFEII.,hereinailer referred w ae'R�euuundng pe*e�9�ia elLe e�rvlving epouse o!'
<br /> e:::
<br /> �_
<br /> II�NE E.Pg�II,("Dec�dent9,who dled aa Jnnu�uy 91,1�8b. Said Decedent,at ttie tiffis of her death, _-
<br /> vms�m�ident of Hari Count,y�Nebraska. . =
<br /> Decedeat wea Settlor of the II;ENE E. P�'EIL REVOCABI+E TBUST AGBEEMENT date�l _
<br /> $epteatber 29.1988.d�ntin8 Banic of Don[phan,Donipl�►,Nebresk�,��oP esid truat. Purauaati
<br /> w th�e pranrlaions of Article VII.Fart 8 tMARITAL DEDUCTiON TRUSTI of asfd�'�vst Agi'eement.t�e °
<br /> �au�party is destgttat�d es aola beneSdary ead,to!he ezteat that tha Rencimcia8 Pert9 does
<br /> d�xleim� ia whole os fa park hia interest in aad power over ar►,9 P�P�Y P�in the MARITAL
<br /> DEDUGTiON TSII:3T�the Trustee ahari add the property or the portion theseof to wl�ich s�dt d!s �n oimer
<br /> o�lnte.t+aaS and pow�Pe�iai�s to the F!l�+Y TRUST created by said Trust A�reement in Article VII,
<br /> PatO C.
<br /> � The relstio�ip of the Beneuncin8 Partiy to the P�P�Y�which the Decedeat had aa iaterest
<br /> and ia wh�ch the 8enou�Ing Par�y hereb9 d�laiaas h�a interest ie as bQne�iarY af 8 gortion of ttie
<br /> MAEITALD�DUGTION TSIIST crentedby tive terms ofArticle VII�Per�B of eaid TrustAgreemeatand
<br /> a�emvlvjn6 a�O�ae�ade�C1�Pter 30 of the Nebraska Probnte Code alth resPect��e P�an of the .
<br /> P�P���m�ed he�eiu.
<br /> The Reuou�B Par�Y does hereby make reaunc3ation end dieclsi�ner uader the grov�alons of
<br /> Y�1e�Probate Code$30-2562 aad uader the pravislen of Internel$eveaue Cade§2d1es of his ea�ire =
<br /> intereat in!he fall�o*�ta8 des�xlbed PsoPehy and declares that the reniaMiadou aad dieclaimer ia sn
<br /> irrevomble ead unquelified reti�eal to eecel�t the reaounced aad discla�med P�P�Y
<br /> ' AI,I,aeeetec of the Irene E.Pfeil R+evomble Tr�st dW 8eptemba'28�1988.wlth Bank of
<br /> �P���P�Nehrmice�'1'nmt�e,EXCEPT the following. _
<br /> (� Misicellaaeaua per�l ProPe�Y����5�tedule G.Item 8). G,Item ii).
<br /> (� NewYork LiPb taaurance ComP�n,Y pO�3'No.11409924(Im►entor9.Sched�le
<br /> IIader tdie praviatona made for enid propertY b9 the Decedent,the above rsaouaned end diealaimed
<br /> iaterest(and eq�y►t�ture#ntereat)which i�to tak�e effect in poesessioa and en�oymeni oa the date af death
<br /> � of t6e Decedent will Pees aa foIIow�
<br /> To BAAiK OF DOPTIPHAN. DoniP�n. Nebraske� Trustee of t�e IItENE E. PFEIL
<br /> BEV�CABZL TBU3T AG� dated September 28. 1998�Artkle VII�P�rt C
<br /> U�A1V�.Y TBU3T)or its euocesecrs in trus�
<br /> The Eeaouncin8 partY 6ss a�ePLed ao intereet ia said property m'anY benefite there9bm,l�sa
<br /> made uo trax�efer tlnereo�I�asmocePted teo detiver9 of such FroPertp►bas exerted no do�an of a�kimd
<br /> L.�.c. ;�1.�AG':l*.� -
<br /> i-... "'w'"wa[--'.-{._� ,_. �j.`';.4 'r _-� Y.,� +.w -.�`s_
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