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<br /> THIS IND�NTURB is made t�ig �r day of , 1995, �
<br /> batween 13ALPH CYNOVA, a si.nqle person, hereinafter refexred to ae ��
<br /> ag�pR, �� �� gPH38LP3Ai�t and T8I3I ENGEI�lN o ��eband and wi�e, _
<br /> heseinafter referred to as GRANTSB.
<br /> WITNBS3�THs -
<br /> That the Grantor in con�ideratioa of the �um of One Dollar
<br /> ($1.00) and other valuable coneidexntion, reaeipt of which ie
<br /> hereby naknowledged by Greator, does hereby qraat, sell, aonvey
<br /> aad aonfirm .ua�o Grantes aad their reepective heirs, succe$sors
<br /> and assigne, forever, a sanitarX sewes easement for the right to
<br /> use, coastruct, build, lay, maf.n�ain, repa�ir and operate a
<br /> s�aiiary seiRS� �i� far tlas p$ssa�e �f sewer wates, �ogether �itb
<br /> all appurtenancea and equipment pestaiaing the operation oY hie
<br /> eanitary ae�rte� pipeline and through, over and uader the pazcel of
<br /> land descri�ed as follo�s, to-�it:
<br /> A trnat of laad aonaisti.ng of a 12 foot wide easemeat 10 Collefe
<br /> the 8aet Half (8 1/2) of Lot Two (2), Hloak Seve� (7�. 9
<br /> � Addition to i�lest Lawn, in the City of Grand Ialand, Nebraska, the
<br /> central line of eaid 12 foot wide eaeemewt bein4. a�°=e
<br /> paxtiaularlp described as followss Beginninq at the Northeast
<br /> aozitex of eaid 8ast Half of Lot Two (2); thenae runniag Southerlp
<br /> alcnq the $ast line of eaid Bast Salf (� 1/2� o€ Lot T�o (2)� a
<br /> dietenae of Twentp-eiqht (28.0) feet, to the actual point vf
<br /> bSginninq� thence runniaq We$terly parallel �ith and Tweatp-eigbt
<br /> (28.Oj feet South of the Nor�h I�ine of eaid Bast Half (B 1/2) of
<br /> Lot Two (2) . to a po�and theh�aint�o itermination$deaida��det
<br /> 1/2a of Lot T�o (2j, P
<br />- ac�nteini.ng 0.02 acres more dr lese• .
<br /> � e►s set for�h on the land eurvey attached to thie deed.
<br /> Grantee ehell restore said easeatent to its original
<br /> conditfon upon installatioa aad aompletion o� the sanitary sewer
<br /> pipe.
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