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N l L-��s �.,x J,-. <br />' � •4iYpM{sy! �i��D�i�.u�:..n.0 . a �� p.:.r-tlktiMWV.k4*��a.rn�1..��. �q.r,�,�__ .... - _' <br /> ....�YraaYO�IYtD�i.�_a_� •� wrsv..-���1`i�i4l•� 2E4VL.'aIIaa:.::+3...+ti... . -- — _ <br /> —___ — <br /> W Y....�.� v...��_..f� — <br /> ���iwr_�_.—..-�r—T--r�e"---.�wcma._�`r.._...�r,� __ _� .: . .., —.._.�......_+��ww��. _ _�•�._-- �.... <br />..�,-�.� �—. <br />_�'� <br /> � — <br />..�� '��~����� —� <br /> 3� —. <br /> R <br /> ,� excctUr�l f'ur 11►c��i���qe.c�+a c�tnlin�j,s:i�:urin�t ur�lunrnnlyh�}S ili� Securcd peht.A Rcwd fnith beficf by[.ender thnt _ <br /> I.�n�lrr at nny Iintc i�►Iu�:r�:�ur a�Ub r�•�,�ri�ci lu m�y�zsn,ua ur en�ity uhli�tnted�m thc Sccurrd DcUt��r th►it thc pruspect _ <br /> uf nny p��yim�»I��t Ihir vnlo�o uf li�r 1'nqii��ty I�i Impntrcd r+hnll utso cummtitutc i�n cvcnt ut dciuult. — <br /> 18. ld9;n9r?illl{�i i1N IIR�;VA1�!;I'� {n�.+nur Intitunrcv,l'�:Qcrul nnd htuW luw will�cyuirc l.�ndcr t�i pn�vidc Gruntur with <br />��,� unUrc�►f Ilu� �I�tht t���.m�����uthrr nntl►;r��nnd tnny cgicthtish timc snc�dul�w fur for.:clutiurc uctfan5. Subjcct to th�c �_ <br /> t�. IimiU�Uuuq,11� uuy, I uuilr� ni�ry uc���:i��rulc th� ticcurc�l Ucht nnd funcl�rxc thiw Securlty Instrumc:nt tn u mnnncr = <br /> � �irnvfdcd by I�nv 1(t���mt��r I��iu drt�i�i11. — <br /> � _ At thr�►ptinn nf 1 rn+lr�.nll�n nny��c�H u(Ihc ci�U'«d f'cca und�hur�tcs.i�ccrucd intrrc�t nnd principul shall becomc <br /> '� intuicdintcly �luc nu�l�i;�yuldr, nllrr��iviu�t u�dlrc !t ra�uircd hy li►w.upun thc�ncurrcncc ut u defuult or anytimc — <br /> ,��� nd�lUl�ni,I���ulur�,li�►U in,tntitic�l tu nll It�r remedirs pravidcd hy Inw.thc terms af thc Secured Debt. _ <br /> _� thly bcc��rity lrti4irtt��uritil�m+l+uiy i�Iatr1)1I11L`Ullll'fl19.Includln�;wl�hutq Ifmitntiun,thc puwcr ta scQ thc Praperty. <br /> :� If tl�rrc fv n�I�f�uilt. I'�utitr���,hi+ll.h�u�ldfUun ti+i�ny�dl�er permiUcd remcdy,nt the rcyucqt of the l.ender.ndvertise = <br /> � +�nA tirll Ihr Ihupr�l�� ��•• ,� ahulr rn n� �,���;�ialr �+;u��rla �q ��UNlic nuction tu�hr hiythr�t hidJcr tur cuxli t+nd cunvcy <br /> i�btiui��tr titl�� Gcc wul�1�•ur nl ull ����In,titlr nnJ itUr��yt uf(irunl��r�it such timc j�nd place uti Trusicc dcsignutcs. <br /> — '1'fpY�l'l'fillitll�1I�'l'II�IUCC IiI�,:dr in►•Ia�lUi�t Ihr�m�und pincc uC tiulc iind u description uf thc property to bc sold _ <br /> � t�y rcquh'cd Hy Iltc u�+pUrnhlr Ir,w lu cl(r►1��!tlic linlc ui'Ihe ptup�►�cd 4nlc. <br /> — U�1U11611IU IiI�lI1L'�1171 tiily IIIU�(�I lill'c��rnt u�d��rohihltc�l hy Imv.'1'rustcc 4hi�U mi�kc and dclivcr ai dccd to thc Property <br /> _- satd wlticit�isttccy'x�t�s;�►Iot�tillti t�+Ihe�n�tcl�n�cr.����d t�ft�r firwl puyinlS utl feew.�hurges und custs,shull pt�y tu I.ender all <br /> a muncys mivuncci!f�►r rep��i�s,�uxc�+,II1411111111'C,ilrnv,nrs�:stimrnts imd priur u�tcumhrnncew und interest thereun.und the <br /> — prfncipnt nn�l intcresl un thc ticcurcQ 11ct��.pnyi����Iltc!�urpltty,if cmy,to(ircmtur.�.endcr muy purchasc thc Property. <br />�:� 71�c rccttutY in uny derd uf c�►nvuynt►c�hhnll Ix���rimi�f�►ciu evidcncc af thc fc►cts�ct forth thcrein. <br /> A!I�emedlcK are diylhu:t,cunwlntivc nnd nut exelusivu,unQ the I.�ndrr is entiticd lu lill rcnudies provided at law or <br /> = cyuity,whcthcrt►r nuf cxprrs.rly 4c1 fwiti.'1 hc urcrpt��ncc hy IAndcr i�f nny++um in puymcnt i�r partiid puymcnt an thc <br /> Sccurcd Ucht uftcr�hc hidnurc iv�iur�ir Iy ucrrlcrnted�►r iiftcr f�►mclusurc praccc�iingti urc filcd shatl not constiwtc a <br /> wnivcr uf l.cndcr'y rfuht tu�cqufrc cmt��lctc cure ul'uny rxistin�t dcll►ull• tiy nut cxcrcitiing uny remedy on t�rantor's <br /> .� dcfnult,IAndcrdocy mi1 a•ulvc I.���dcr'r+rl�tln t��lidcr c��nsi�lcr 1hc cvent u dcfuult if it cuntinucs or ht�pprns again. <br /> 16. �;XP�N�[:S=A�VANC'F:y f1N t'11VI:NAN'1'R=A'1'1'1/NNM Yw' 1�I:H:!It�ULI.I:CTIQN COS'1'3.Exccpt whun <br /> prahibitcd hy knv,titimtur nF;reeh t��p�ry idl�►1'Lrndcr'�ckprmew if Uruntur hrcitcheti any covenuat in this Secur�ty <br /> ' Instrumcnt. (�iruntitr will ulti�►piry�m dcn�nnd mry i�muimt incur�cd My Lcudcr fue i►�suring,ins�n:ctinB,prescrving or <br /> ° olhcrwisc pra�icciin�ihc i�ro�iiy aii�i���:i'��:ui'3t�lssiL�s�t.'!'4:L�: _'x��nu�!!wlit lmur intcrest trom thc date of <br /> — thc pnymcnt untfl raid in fuN �d 1hr I�Itthrti� interrsl rntc in cffcct us pr�►vidcd in thc tcrms nf the Securcd Debt. <br /> — (irt�ntor agrecs to puy c�ll costs unit cxpcnccv Inc��rrrd ley I.�ndrr in cullecling.cnturcin�or protccting la:ndcr's rlght� <br /> pnd remedte4 under�his Sccurity Inw�rumen�.�1hiv nnu►unt nn►y includc.hut i9 not timited ta,uttorncyti fecs,court <br /> — costs,i►nd oihcr Icgal cxpcnscH.'I'Niv tircurf�y Intilr�inu��d r+hnil rcmuin in eftcct until rcicaticd.Orantor a�recs to pay <br /> i� for nny rcmrdiition custc+atauch refcu�;c. <br /> 17. ENVfBONM�N'I'AL LAdY51 ANn IIAGARftllrl!i�lUfitil'ANCI�:�I.AY usrd in this scction,(1)Environmcntal Lnw <br />_� nuuns,without timitntf�m,ihc Comprchensfw:I?nvi��mmrnlnl Itc�punsc,i'um{xnyution cmd l.iuhiltty Act(CERCLA, <br /> — 42 [1.S.C.9G01 ci scq.).und n!1 c�tiicr fcdcr�d,yU�tc ond lur+d Inwti,rrE;ulutiuns,urdiniinccs,court <br /> gcncrAl opjnions or intcr{trcNvc lcttcrx cuncrrnin�t Ihc puhlic lic�d�t►,sc�fcty,wclfurc.cnvironment�r a haiardous <br /> substnncc;and(2) Hnya.ttdous Suhstnncc mcnna uny �uxic,rndi�►activc ar hurar�luus miitcriul,witslc. pollutunt or <br /> mntaminunt whtch hus chaructcristics whlct�rrndcr thc�;uhhU►ncc dcin!;ctuus ur putrntiidly d�ngcrous to the pubIIc <br /> heulth.sufcty.wclfum or envirnnmcnt.1Y��tcrm fnrludcy,withum IintiliUiem.imy substanccs detined ns"haznrdous <br /> materiul;'°toxic xubsti�nCCy;'"I�n�c�rd�uis wc�stc"ur•'h�u+irduuv e:��brtmtcc"nndcr c�ny E:nviranmentnl Lnw. <br /> Or.�ntar repxcscnta.wi�rrUnt�unJ c�grccs thut: <br /> — A. Exccpt as prcvIauxly disclu�;c�nnd ucknowlcQt,cd M wrfting to f I+iri�rdauw Substana;is or will be <br /> locatcd,�tored ur�cicnt�cd�m ur in�l�r Pn►�mrty.'fhl�rc�triction docs nut c�pply to smatl quantitics of <br /> Hw•.arduus Substnnccs thnt��rc}tco►crcdly ta hc upproprlutc fur tt�c nunni�i usti und mAintcnance of <br /> thc I�roperty. <br /> B. Ezc�:pt us prcvi��usly disctuacd und ticknuwl�il�ec�l In wrltinlq tu 1 x��dcr.(ir++ntur tmd cvcry tentmt hnve bcen,are. <br /> und shull rentain in tull cYm�pliunce witN uny npplicnble l�nvirunmcutul 1 a�w. <br /> C. (lrantor sliall immcdtiitcly no�ify l.�ndcr it��rctc��+c or thr���tencd reir,i�c uf n tlnrnntuuy Suhstnncc aocure on� <br /> undar or nbaut tNe Pr���xrty or tttcrc ly u vinlutirtin uY iiuy Nncirrnnnn�nl l.i�w c��nccrninB thc Prnperiy.ln such <br /> nn event.C3rnntnr Klwll tnkc ull ttecessury reme�llnl��cUun in ucc�►rduncc wUh nny 1:nvlrcmmentull.�►w. <br /> D. Ciruntor shnll immcdiutc{y nutify I�:ndcr In wridnit i�'+ +������uv tiruutur I�nq rruson to hclicvc thcrc is e�ny <br /> pending or threntened inveKti�nif�m,cinim,nr��nKCC�IU�}S r�lutln{�t��tiw rclen�:e ur�hrcn�cncd relense ai uny <br /> Hu•r.�idous Subst�uicc or thc violntt�m��f nny t?nvhum►nntnl 1.{nv. <br /> = 1& CONDEMNA'TION.C3rnntor will givd I.emirr pr��atpt iiotic�� ��1 unV p�'�id���lt�►r Ibrcntened acliun, hy privute ar <br /> � public entitics to purrhasc ur tn6cc+my�►r ull uf�lir 1'rupr�ty�hruu��h c�m+irn►o��tiun. cminrnt uny uU�cr <br /> �— mcans.Cir�ntar nuthodxcs l.�ndcr 1u hUc�vrur (n 1 irant�tt'4 u;unr In :u►v �►1 tl�r nHuvc dr+rrii+rd urliuns or claimv. <br />_� (irantoi c��hsigns to l.cndcr thc pr�K��c�lr��t'i�ny uwarJ ur rl,nu� Iw �huna�;C'�E1111114�ctc�!a•Itit i�tundcntnuitun ur uthcr <br />-.��:.� tnkinB of n114r nay part af thc I'rczper�y.tiuci���r�xcc�ly sl►uil bc cun�l�lcr��l�r,�yntcnt�and witl tw cipplfcd uq prc►viQc�1 Iu <br />—_ this Security Instrwnent.'IYtis us�;ignn�enl ui prnc�c�lw Iv tio1,J�vt�n U�� tu�mv uf imy ptiur nn►rtEW�tc,decd uf Irust. <br /> seeudty agrecmcm c►t nther licn��u�mcnt• <br />:':�'�� 19. IN9U�tANC�.Ciri�nt��r shxll 4ccp['ro irr�y in,urc�l u�udntil h►a�, hy f�ru, Il�nid. �t��ft und othrr hnzurds and risks <br /> � rcnsannhly i�ssaciatcd with thc Nraperty��ur 1�►itw typ���inil lur�illu►► 1 hiti�m,tuumc rb,dl hc muint�iinrd in Ihc imwtmis <br /> ...�. ,__._�,._ _....a..�.. ...�u,... �1���,�LUr:�s,..��hull be�husrn hy tirnmar <br /> -:-�� Ana ior cnc perious mni i.cnu�r�q����,. ��,�•„����R.n.: ..,..�. ..::.......... .... --- <br />._s.:- <br /> `:� hubjcct to I..cndcr•s uppruval,which xhull nul hr uu���u��mnhtp wuld�rld 11 ti�,ii�t�►r fntiv lu maineain thc covrriitjc <br /> �-�. dcscrlbcd nbuvc,l.�ndcr mny,ut I,�ndr���►pUun,uhl�du.u�ct.��t�:In�uutc�.� I ru�lrr'r�ly,htti in Ihc f ru�scrty nrcurditi�t <br /> � to thc tcrms cif this ticcurity Instruim�it. <br />:;.� • Al)in4urnncc�+iicicx und renc�v�d�+nh+dl hd aircptul�l��N�I�•ndrr,tin�l a1t:�U�nclu�tc.i tii�mdanl"m��rt��;��t�rlau+r"und. <br /> tvhcrc c►pplicnlilc."f�►:,s payc��clnusc."ti�unt��r til�idl i�uiur�l�,it►•ly u�+Ulv I��u�trr�d��u�rrll;�U�m ur tcrminniiun of tl►e <br /> ,�. . insuruncc. IAndcr Khnll hi+vc U�c ri�;ht tu hulil Ihc puli�•ic�+uait�rnr�c�+lti II I��ud�:r �r��t�i�r,,�irunt�+r vl�all immcdic�tcly <br /> � t►c invur�t��cnrrhr�mil�lAn��c��lAn�ler�nu y�ur�kc�mu�t ul�l r,a It�u�t�na�l�•�b��►u��11��tr1Y 1 y I�ii,uq„i���If,qr nutiec to <br />� .' .z �.'►.�Y9n�a�a1 <br /> ' Y <br /> Qt0;0Uanx:m;;y:!�n�e.Hr..Stt:tou�t.711�f.W:i77?teqlmn�lll'.QtKt 6W'J� .�. <br />