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<br /> Unless oWenvise a�reed in wt�iting,all insurance proceeds sbaU be applied to the ressorat{on or repair of the Property
<br /> or to the Securcd Debt,whether or not then due,at Leader's option.Any applicetion of praceeds to prIaclpal shull not
<br /> extend ar postpone the dua date of We scheduled payment nor change ttte amount oY any payment.Any exc�s vxiU be
<br /> pald to the Grantor.If tha Property is ar,quired by Lender.Cirantor's r�ght to any insurance polictes urtd proceeds =
<br /> resulting ftom damage to We Pcoperty before the acquisitton shall pass to Lxader to the extent of the Secured De6t r
<br /> immediately before the acquisitiun.
<br /> 2i6 ESCROW�Y1R TAXES A11�D IN3U�tANCE.Unless otherwIse provtded in a separate agreement,Grantor wiU not
<br /> be requtred to pay tn Lender fvnds for taxes aad inaurance in escrow.
<br /> 21. FIIeiANClAL REPORTS AND ADD�IIONAL DOCUMENTS.Crrentor wUl provlde to Lender upon request,any _
<br /> financial statement or informatton Lender may deem reasonably neoessazy.Cirantor agrees to sIgn,deliver.and 61e _
<br /> any additionai documents or certifi�as�ions that Lender may consideY necessary to pertect.contaaue.and presenre �
<br /> Grantor's obligauons under this Security Iastrwneat and Lender's lien status on the Property
<br /> under this Security Instmment ate joint and individual.If Cirantor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign an
<br /> evldeuce of debt,Graator does so only to mortgage t3raatar's inteseat jn the Property to secure payment of the
<br /> Secured Debt aad Grantor daea not agee to be personally liable on the Secured Debt.If thLs Securlty Instrument
<br /> secures a gnaranty between Lender and C3rantor,Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent L.ender from
<br /> bringing any�ction or cisim xgainst Grantor or any parcy indcbted under tlie abllgatlon.The.Se nghts may include,but . .
<br /> are not limited to,any anti-defiaency or one-actIoa laws.Cirantor agrees that Lender aad any party to tlds Securi4y
<br /> L�shument may extend,modit�or make any change tn the temos of this Security Iastrument or any ev[dence of debt
<br /> wIthout Grantor's consen�Such a cheng�w1U not release Cirantar from the terms of this Security Instrument.The
<br /> duties and benefits of this Securlty Inshvmeat shall bind and benefit the su�ors and assigns of Grantor and I.ender.
<br /> 23. APF'LIGABII.E I.AW;SEVERABIL11Y3 IINTERPRETATION.'ll�is Security Instrument is govemed by the taws of
<br /> We jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the earteat otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdictton
<br /> where the Property is located'This Secoriiy Instivment is complete and fuliy integrated.This Security Instrument may
<br /> not be ameaded ar modified by oral agreement. Any section in thia Securlty lnstrument,attachments�or any _
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debi that wnflicts with applicable law will not be effecdve,unless that law expressly
<br /> or implledly gsrmita the vartattons by wrltten agreement.If any secdon of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced
<br /> according w ita terms,that section will be severad and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this
<br /> 5erauity Instrumen�.Whcnavai�sc-�,tiie sissgular shall utdut�e ttse gltirsl ans!t.�p plural the sin�ilar.The captions and
<br /> i�eadings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convenience oaly and are not to he used to Interpret or
<br /> define the terms of this Securlty Insuwnent.Time is of the essence in this Security Instrumen�
<br /> 24. SUCC�SSOYt'1'RUSTTE.I.ender,at Lender's oprion,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoiai u
<br /> successor trustee without any other formality than the desIgnation ia writing•The successor trustee,without
<br /> canveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the dtle,power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Securtty
<br /> Insbnunent and applicable law.
<br /> ?S. NO'ITCE.Llnless otherwise required by law,any notice sh�ll be gtven by deliveriag it or by mailing it by first class
<br /> mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Se�urity Instrument,or to any other address designated in
<br /> writin�.Not�ce to one grantor will be deBmed to be notice to al!�antors.
<br /> xb. WA1yERS.Exoepi to the e�tent pmbibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemptiun righta
<br /> relatin$w the Property.
<br /> 27. 01�R TERMS.If checked,ttee following are appllcable to thLs Security Instrumen�
<br /> J�j$ ijne of Credt�Tha Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provIsion.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balance.tius Security Instrument will remain in effect until released.
<br /> . � Conetrnctton i.oan.Tfus Security Instrument secures an obligation iacurred for the coastructIon of an
<br /> itnpravement oa the Property.
<br /> ❑ Fi:tore I+ilia�,(3rantar grants to i.ender a securiry interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or ia the
<br /> future aad that are or will beoome fixtures related to the Property This Security Instrument sufflces as u
<br /> Snancing statement and any carboa,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes
<br /> c+f Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
<br />- ❑ Atdere.The coveaaats and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incarporated into and
<br /> . supplement and ameud the tetms of this Security Instrumen�[Check all applicable boxesJ
<br /> ❑Condomintwu Rider ❑Plantted Unit Development Rider ❑Other...».....................................................
<br /> ❑ AddFNow�l Terma
<br /> SIGNATURES:By signing tselow.Crantor agcees to the terms and covenants contaiued in this Security Instn�meat and in
<br /> - any attachm tirantor als wledges rece�pt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on puge 1.
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