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_ : - - — - - - - - <br /> �"� -� n���L�ls� i r�, - f . .. . °+,y"�r.. .. -.. = i'�. <br /> � z �, <br /> �i i� .`c' S�4>.LS�I�i�f,Y ��1`i���,�rit`'cwµY/�� '.• f` � y <br /> .c <br /> - +. .. _. t•? ..�t,.. , . ... :\'. <br /> ii <br /> " • "� . <br /> . .,_ .x <br /> '� �. ' <br /> i M�pih` ' ' ' .. ; <br /> � .�� - ' .. .. � .. , . <br /> ` ' .. ^ ., ; , - ., ' ., - �,��f��':_---. <br /> � . � - ` �..� � . . . :..u. ...� rt . o � -� _r- ___.-_-�-_-- <br /> •:) .rr. .+vrrw-..�, .,., .,..,y,J•• x�t'�-_...�^'...� � .� � R - - . <br /> -qr.r. i � � ._._1-.-...�a�.�. �—_-__-_ -. _". <br /> .�.k�....__' ....� .._....... ,�_....._..� .�-�___... <br />-�.� . ,96 �� <br /> _�:.� '�,07'3'�� ���_ <br /> -��� r i�eoome secured by th$lien kcrcaf. The Bene�ciary shall no iacur any llab becuuse o enythii►g it may do or omit to do �_.- <br /> hereunder. ' <br />=+ � 7. The Henzficiary shsill dave the dght,power end authority dudng the oontinuanae of thls Deed of Tmst to aolloct the rents, <br /> �� issu�s and proflts of the progerty nnd of any personai propertY located thoreon�vlth or without taldng possession af tha propetty <br />,+_,;�� <br /> -{� affated hereby,and Ttustors hercby absolutely uttd uncottdltlonally assjgn nil such rente,issucs and proSts to the beneflciary. Th� . <br />' 3' bcacflcifuy,hmvever,hereby oonsents to Trnstors'aollection nnd cetention of such rente,issues and proSts,so long as Tn�stors are °r'-: <br /> R�� not,at such time. in default a�th respect to payr�ncnt of n�►y lndcbted.aes9 scc��red hereby, or in the perforniance of any agrcemcnt ,1 <br /> .-� hereunder. If aay evcm of 6efaWt descr[bed hereafter ln resPect to thia Dced of Trust shall have occiure�and bc continuiag.the :�;..�: <br />-'",�.;� a matter of rlght and wlthout notice to Ttustars or anyoue clsiiming under Trustors.and without regard to the valus of <br /> ��� We m�st estate or tbe interest ot tke Tcusto�s thcrein,shall have the Nght to uppty to atry court having jurisdiction to apgoint a <br />�= '��� receiver of the property. - <br /> e� e. The Beneficiary,or its agents, are authorized te enter at any masonable dme upon or in euy part of the property for the '�,,�: <br />�� purpose uf inspecting the sa�ae and for the puewose of pedosming anY of the acts they are autharized to peaforai under the tsrms uf �,�,__:: <br />.-�;_ any loan inspuments executed by Tcusto�s. <br /> ��- <br />__�. 9. If all or eny�att of the pmperty oa any interest of Tmstors is sold,uaasfened or 4iuther eacvmbered vv�thoui the written �=°F* <br /> '" ooffierR of t�e Heneficlary,the Seneficie�'maY deci�all sums secured b3'this Tn�st Dad to be immodiately due and payable and � <br /> ' � • prooeed W the remedies available to it under the defaWt provtsions oontained herein. �- <br /> � 10. Auy of the following events sLa11 be doemed an e�'ent of default hereuader: _ <br />---�� a Tnistots sha116ave failed W make PaY�nt of sury installment of prittctpal or intetest or any other sums sea�red hereby ahen <br /> ��y . _ <br />=�°�-`�_'- �� oovenam, aBresment. condition, Provlsien, reP�enlation or —= <br /> b. There has occurred a breash of or default uuder a�►Y te� <br />-= wananty oonmined in this Deed of'i"�ust,tha note os�af aay prior o�sub�sequeni Hen or encamb:ance in respect to all or any °" _ <br /> c. T!►ere has beea a defaWt by the Tn�swrs jn the paya� <br />��' part of the pmpcatY: <br /> -- �� ��upuy or shall be adjudi�ba.akcupi or iamhent, or shall make aa <br /> d. Tn�sWrs sball Sle a volnntary peti ��p��,.�or an actioa to e�f'orce any iien or encumbraaoe or judgments <br /> - asslgameat for the beaefit af creditors in respect <br /> -- --� again„�t the pragerty is commenced. c°�- <br /> li. In ths event of any ddault,the Benefic3arS'maY�lace ell secured herebY W be due and payable and t�same <br /> shall thereupon beoome dae and payable tvithout anY P�eat,demasnd,Pmtesc or notioe of any kind Thereaiier,the Bcneficiary <br /> . �Y= action vr piiw�ug, tii!sy rc�tis�agpa�!�8�sL+t ae� . - <br /> p. either in peison or by agent, with or wlthout bringtng aaY <br /> without regard to We adeqs�ac.y of anY se�uttY,entcr upon and ta�ce poss�.don of the pmpc�ty,or aay part thereo�W its own <br /> �' name or �n the name of the 1lcustee. and do aa►Y acts wbich it deems ne�ssary and desirabls w preserve the value, <br /> - marketability or re�abilitY of the PruPeTty4�'P�ihereo�or iateress thereln.inrrease the inoome therefrom or pmtoct the <br /> �'�'� secucity hezeof and,aithout taldng Poss�s�°°af the ploperty,sae for or othe�w3se oolloct the rents.issues and profits thereof, <br /> �:? including thastt 1�due and imp�id,and aPP�Y ��• ���d�of operation aad aollearan, including <br /> ��,� atto�,fas,upoa any fndebtmdness cavrod herdsY,all in such order as the Beneficiary maY determiaa. The eat�ng upon <br /> ;:� and taldag Pussession of the uusc estate. the rxlle�ioa of such rerns.issues and proSts and appllc�tion thereof as afonsaid <br /> shail not cuce or aaive any ddault or aoflce of def'ault hereunder oi iavalfdate aay act and��thc oa�o�reaipt <br /> � pursuam to such notice of default and aotaithstand�aS the ooatiauanoe in possession of the Propert3' <br /> �nd aDPlic�ation of c�ents,iss�r�es or pmSts.TNStee or the BeneSciary maY i�e er►titlod W exercise every rlght provfded for in an}r <br /> of the loan inshumeats or by laa upon o����Y event of ds,faWt,iactud3ng tLe dght to exercise the puwer of sale; <br /> ' b. aommence an act�on to foroclosa this Dead af T:ust as a mortga8e,aPPoiat a neoeiver.or specificallY eng'orae aay of the <br /> aati�enants hec� <br /> c. delivu w Tn�sta a written declasa�sold�ht notioe Tnutee�shall cause W be d�ly�led for reoonl ia thelofficial reoords <br /> -. '1Ynstura'intarest in the properiY <br /> --- of We oouNY in which the ptoperty is loeatad. of sate herein ooatained,tiu Ba�efldazY shall nolify Tiustee <br /> IZ. Should the Bendiciary etect to foreclose bY ace�°f�p°�er tures made and socasod <br /> _ and shall aeposi:w�th Trnstoe rbis need of�����r.����c����y�ana Qelive�a <br /> - hereb�,�as Trustec maY re4ui�,an�nP°n� �by law aad bY this Deed of 1�ust.Ttustee st�all aithont demand <br /> ta Tiustor such�Notioe of Ddault and Notice of Sale as then re4 <br /> on Trustor,a8er such time as may thea be required b�'1aw and after r��on of snch Notioe of Default and Notice of Sale <br /> � havSng been givea es req�dced by Iaw�sell the groPeriY at the time and plaoe of sate fuced by it in such Norioo a�Sale,either as a <br /> - whole,or in&egatate lots oz p�amels ot items as Tiustee shall�����nasers thereof deed�o pr�ty suld,oo��t <br /> -__� au�tion w the higLest bidder for cash and sball deliver to sucb putc P <br /> _ � with the la�v then in effect. Recitals ir►the Tcustee's doed shall be pIima facie evldence of the tzuth of the�statemeats made�but <br /> - Tmstee shali appty the Prooeeds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all reasonable oosts and expeases _- <br /> --- -= not limited W Trustee's fees of noi morc tbau 2%of the gross sale price.reasonable attorney fces and oos�s of title evidcnce;(b)W all -_ <br /> _�.� sums sa.vted M th�e Deed of Tn�st aad(c) t1�e ex���l', to the person or pers�ns leg,ally emiited thereto. �►nY P��+ �+"=- <br />-�sE,i� said pmperiY at said sale. Tsustee may in the marmer provided by law.PostPone sale of all _ <br /> -�..: � includitt8 We Benefic3azy,maY P�� <br /> .� dr a�r portlon afthe properiy. __ <br />;�.:�� 13. 1Yvsiee and the Bea►eficfary,and each o8 the� d�wers�i�ader this Deed f Tmst o rva�der�oan instmment or other -- <br /> .._;�� o b]i g a t l o m s c x u r e d h e z e b y and to exercise a11 righ =- <br /> ..,.o.,.,���r nr tremafter eafo�ed natwithstan d i ng some or s U o f t h e i a d e b t e d n e s s a n d o b l i g a H o n s s a c u u r e i d h e r e b y <br /> _,_�_ .:_.. ._.:..._..... ..�..��.��, <br /> -r aaaw.a......i —•-- --- W110ulBL by QlOI[�l�C+ � Qi utisb Ynwbo. +w.aa. maoD""`�".... �.�-..�. --- <br /> maa : <br /> �= which maY no�'or hereafter be othetvvlse sec�ued. 6z-- <br /> -`,-=;- Neithet the soceptanoe of this Deed of Ttust nor its enforcement,whether bY oourt actton or pursuant to the powsr of sate o:othec _ - <br /> manner affect Tn�stee's or We Beneficiary's right to realize upon or eaforoe aay �,.; <br />•�� +�= powers herein ooatained.shall P�+eJudioe or In anY it being ag�ed Wat Tn�stee and the Beneficiary. and each of ��� <br /> '� other security noa'or here�after held by Tcustee or the Beneficiacy', <br /> ` them,shall be entided to enforoe this Deed of Tn�st and anY other securiry now or hereatter held by the Beneficiary or 1'n�stee in <br /> -��,� � <br />'.=':',3��..Y such order and manuer as they ma�'in their absolute discmaion determine. No cemedy herein oonferred upon or resezved w TiuRee <br /> , or Beneficiary is inteaded to be exclusive of any other remedY herein or by law provided or permittad,but each sball be cumulative <br /> •� •- and shall be in addition to every ather re�S'�'en���°r now or hereafter existin6 at law or equity or by statute. Every <br /> - - pnwer vr remedy given by any of the loan in��T��or ttee Beneficiary or to which either of them may be othetwise <br /> - eat�tted maY be exerclsed,ooawrrentlY or indspcndeatlY,from time to time and as oftca as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or <br /> '� Eeaeficiary,and either of them n±aY P�iaoonsistent remedies.Nothing herein sLall be oonstrued as proAibiting the Beneflciary <br /> �'�-: ; from se�ng a deficienry jud$�aent against Tn�stors to the excent such action is permitted by law. <br />, { <br />