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". :. •'c�a�ac� • worcs� _..._ .. .. - - - <br /> .. . . . o. .� _ � T�. <br /> ��__�... a y,�,,..ti ��,:=. <br /> , �.?•.�#�_ �34t.svlts+'e"_t�rt'iprAg'"",s�a""'wlwris+!..�»r.�'r;.�}��x-�__•aL.:�7,;ti:�r.r�.- ..-- .�...__....------ —....._.� - °.�i <br /> -- �°-- <br /> ,: :�= 9�-/a7��� �:��r <br /> " cov�tuaNra �'"' " <br /> • 'F, <br /> - - � �`'�•� 1, Paym�Mt,Banower egrees to make o0 pavmente on the necured debt w�e�duo.Untese 8orrower and Londer apree othorwise, eny <br /> ' paymonte �a�Mes reoatves hom Borrowet or Tor BorroweYe benefit wilt be appI od fast to any amou�o Bo�tower owes on thn secuted dabt - <br /> :4 exotuaWe ot Intereot or princlpei,ancond to interest,artd thon to Drinofpa►.If paRiet prepayment of the eecurod debt occura tor nny reason,it wltl _ <br /> . not reduce or oxeuae any eeheduled peyment unYil tha seeurod debt Is potd In fuN. <br /> , , '. � Z,Cts1m�Apdnst Tid�.Borrower wiil pay eti taxea,asnessment�,cuid othor ehergea attributab�e to tho properiy whon duo ond wilt defond tftlo <br /> - ����^`•`�'a to the propeny aQ�Inst any otelms whieh wpuid tmpcir ths t(m of�de�d of trust.tender may requtro Borrower to assign eny rtghta,clalma or <br /> detenaea whkh 6ortower may hsva ag�lnst perttea who suppryr isbor or materiata to Imptove or melntaln the praperty. • ..., <br /> :{; 9.Inwr�ne�.Bortowar wfl!keop the properly tnsured under terms eoeepubte to lendat et Bor�ower'a expenao and tor LondoPo bor.atft.Atl <br /> ���=a:� �+ � inaurenoe poYotes�hail Include a standard mortpape ciausa in favo�qt Lender.Lender will be nemed ae�oas peyae or es the insured on any sunh ,. <br /> z Insueanee poGay.Any insuranee procaeds mev be epplled,within LendePe dlecreUon,to either the raatoretio�w rapatr of the damnged propetty <br />=e•����# or to the securad debt.If Lende►requUea mort8age insumn¢e,Borrower agreoa to mahteln such Insuranae tor aa long as Londer roquires. <br /> q,pirop�rty,8orrower wtU keep the property in gosd condklon and make ell repaks�eeeonebly necoaeary. <br /> u�j . <br /> - ' T ` of�ua�t or�in eny obllpeUon secure�dyby this deed of u�u�e�O owor will pay these amoun�ts toelender�as p Brovidad In Covene t�9 of thlahdaed of <br /> _:.;�:ai',�;t> tTYSt. -...�. <br /> �'��"� � 8.P�la S�pnity Irt�nsts.Untesa Bortower flret obtains Londer's wdtten conaent,Borrower will not make or permit any ehenges to any prlar ?:�,, r <br />:��,r�., <br />-t=�`•:��6� • aecurhy tnteroats.Borrowet will pertorm etl of Bottower's obUgaUons under any pdor mortgsge,daed ot trust or othar eecurlty agreemeni, .,�._ <br /> �e. Inctuding Barower'a eovenen�to make paymarrts when due. �';r'.�' <br />-�,��y ' . .� <br /> �,p�yn�o}p��nd Profits.Bottowet assi8na to Lender the rerne and profrta of the proper�y Uniasa Borrower and Lender have agreed �,,.::� <br /> "r"��'='a otharwlse in vinfdng, Bortower may wlleat end retain the rerrta as long as 8orrower �s not(n defauR. If Borcowe►detauita, Lender, lsndor's � <br />�:,�. apant,or a court appoUted receiver may take posseseion and menepe the propertY endcq iteat the reMS. Any rerKS Lender collects shati be � <br />_��y,,�;;� spplied first to the costs of maneging the ptoperty,inatudi�9 wurt coate nnd ettomeya' fees, eommTaelons to rer�tal e�e rtta,and any other ___?��_ <br /> ^��.���s.. necesaarv roteted exPenses.The romelnin9 amouM ot rents w11i then apply to peyments on the secured debt as provided In Covenent 1. �,�.-,� <br /> _.�F':��.9''S� <br />�;�,���� g,��wfsddtt Condomintums;Pimn�d Unk DwNopm�nts.Bottower agroes to eomply with the provisiona of eny Iease if Mis dead ot trust Is on ��; <br /> ,;:�. --- a leasehotd.If thia deed of trust la on a uNt in a condominium o►a plannad unR developmon�6ortower wili peAorm eil of Bortower's duttea ��,�LL: <br /> .� . -: � under the covanants,bydewe,or regutetiona of the condominlum o�ptan�wd unit davolnpment. ��- <br /> •-= g,p�Bw�Fq of t„�nde to p�r(ortn fa Bonow�r.If Borrower tatia to perform any of 8ortower's dudes under tMia deed of uuet, Lender may _ <br /> R�,.-�,.:: - perfarm the duttes or cause the�to be peAort�ed.lender mey stpn eercower's nane ape y any amouM if nxeasary tor poftormence.if any m� <br /> a conavuation on thep�operty ia discontirtusd or�ot ear�ted on in a roaaonabie mennu,Lender mey do whatevor is necasearY to proteat Lender's <br />-- �_�� seCUrity interest in the property.This may Include comptettng tho consuuotton. <br /> �?;_i: <br /> °'��.'. - - <br />=.r�• Lender'e f�iNre to perform will oot pteclude lender from exerctsing any of its other rlghts under the law ar this deed ot trust. -_ <br /> ��'� Any amounta paid by lender to ptotaot Lender's securitY interest wili be secured hy th►e daed of trust.Such amounte wiii be due on demand �__ <br />= <br />