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<br /> _ Upon rc�cipt of payment of tt�o pric4 bid� Tr�is�tee �shnll dellvcr to the putrh�e�'Trus�ee'�i!11f�l4�ng the _
<br /> PrO�erty.The rec(tafs iw the Trnsiee'�ciced shull be prl►nw tRete evtdeiwo of tho teuth of the stxtemente mede thea+cln.
<br /> 'Pruste�shnU epply the procecds a!the�stle In thc tolDowtn�orden(a) to all rnsis and expense9 0!cxercfsing the�wwer at
<br /> sule�wnd t�o snte,includin�t the payment olt the Trustec•s fe�actunDy tncurred�nat to exceed `�
<br /> o�the princlpal�mount ot the nute at tt�e time ot tho declaratlari of default�and reasonable attnrncyR•fc�as pern�tttcd
<br /> by law;(b)to mll sums secured by this�tcadty In�irument;and(c)any exccs.9 ro che penson or perso��.�legclly enNtleal to
<br /> !t. `
<br /> 22.RernAVCyAnce. Upon payment ot'all hums Fecured by thla Secu�ity [nstrument, Lender �hull cequest Teustec to
<br /> reconvey the Pmperty and shal! surrznder thia Securlty lnstn�ment and nll notes evidencing debt Fecured by this Securtry
<br /> instrument to Trustce.T�stcc sh�lt rccanvcy the Pmpeny without wnrranty tutd wiUiout chnrgc to the penon ar perFnns legally
<br /> entlded to it.Such person or persans shall pay uny recatdntion oosts.
<br /> 23.Substitute Trustee. Lcnd�r,at tts nption. mny from tirr�e to time rcmnve Trustee und appoint u succes�or trustee to
<br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by un instrument rerorded in the cannty in whfch this Security Instrument is reoorded.Wiehout
<br /> eonveyance of the Property.the successor irusts�shall succeed w gll the dtle,power und daties rnnferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by nppliatble lavw.
<br /> 2A.I�equest[or NotEces. Borrower requesta thnt caples of the notioes of defuuit and sale be sent to Borrower's nddresa
<br /> whIch i9 the Property Address.
<br /> 25.Itiders to tdis Stca�rtty Instrnmeni.If otte or more riders ure executed by Borrower und rer.orded togethcr with this
<br /> Security Inswment.the covenants end agreements of each such dder ahall be incocporated into und ahall amend and supplemecu
<br /> the oovenants and agrcemente of this Secnrity Inst�ument as if the dder(s) wzre a part of�his Securiry Instrument.
<br /> [Check applicablQ box(es)I
<br /> Adjustable Rate Rtder Cendominium Rider ❑1-4 Fnmily Rider
<br /> Gruduated Payment Rider Planned UniR Development Rtder ❑BiweeklY Payment RIder
<br /> Bailoon Itider Rate Improvement Rider 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> V.A.Rider �Other(s)ISPoc►fYl
<br /> BY SIt}NINO BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the temu and covenants oontalned in this Secudty Irrsuument and
<br /> in uny dder(s)eaecuted by Borrower aad recorded with it. �
<br /> �� <Seal) --
<br /> . �' -Borrower
<br /> � . ... . .
<br /> ���
<br /> ��AL.�� �IO •8ormwer
<br /> ��� (Seal?
<br /> -��y� -Bormwer
<br /> S°i'ATE OF NEBAASKA, . HALL County ss:
<br /> Tbe foregoing[nstrument.was acknowledged before me this 28TH dny of OCTOBER • 1995 •
<br /> qRmess my hand and notaria!seal at . QRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> My Comrnission Expires:
<br /> NoWy blic
<br /> • ��
<br /> ��ENEiAIlI�TlAtY Sl�tt OI ItebasAa
<br /> M1C�n.EiPMx.30.149a
<br /> Pp�e ot e Form 9028 8/90
<br /> ' � :.s,�
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