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1 . _ _ _ _ ....... .. .. ____ . _.. .. _. . .—T-_- _- -_-____ <br /> i^3�'F4-i�'h�a��1/i•-h��`m-�� •"ti.:�'F�C�"�_i��r1F .; r• _. • _,,�����._ ._.— .,--.-.-�. <br /> . �,• .� � hs' +1� • ' � i�� .'.o' . - <br /> s . �'t� <br /> �:�,.. .. . .. � �. . .. � <br /> '' 'aeM�l .. ; ., ., � ' " 1 <br /> � .�� � .. . .. ..... .. .. � .. � ; ..'.:.`-_. <br /> ,�y.. <br /> o � <br /> � , •� ' ._ . , - <br /> • } ,44�.,. <br /> ,, . , �ek.-� , , , . ., ,.. .r�.,..,� , ......' , . �-: �,,.�� <br /> '� � � -,.�.- . t ..� ... .,._n.,='r'-an .. --- • , ..°v.".':'°� W_, �'= � ,. __ ��,_�. <br /> /l.. . �. .� . --.. . "—'-._'�-'-- <br /> . . , <c,...-.... .. . . .� <br /> ..,n_. d . . .....: • .."'___- "" _ <br /> � - <br /> � ._. . .. .'-�-- <br /> ,._e_.__.•----n. .. .. .._ <br /> . _ . ._.�_.._. ..!=,h1..�..r_-...�u_---'_.'_'--" 6::,. <br /> . o .. ; ���- �.o�S9 �: . <br /> `� ��_'.* paymenta may no longer be requireE� at the option of Lender,if mortgege insurance coverage(in tde aaaouat or f�o gerIa� �:� <br /> - - , thni ixnder requirea)Pmvtded by aa iasurer approved by Leader again becomes nvaiilleble aad is abteined.Borrower sLnll pAy �.: <br /> , �o p��ums required to mainta;n mortge,ge fasumace in effect�or to provide a loss naerve�until the requirement for martgaga . <br /> ins�r�ace ends in accordaace witt�any written�m�onuble nules u on aasl�tns�sect[one o theBProperty. Lxnder shell give <br /> � 9.�pectton. Lender or its agent iuuY P <br /> � . Sorrower notica at the time of or prior to an�P�ard or�ai�mBfor demaBes.direcs or�co��tial, ia conaection with any <br /> - � °� 10. ?:a;�sic�4tbn.The proceed Y <br /> ;s <br /> � , condemaatlon or other taking of any part�f the P'mpertY.or for wnveyance ia 11eu ef condemnstion. ere hereby assigaed au <br /> .��...� shaU be pald to Leader. <br /> '�'��--"'"�': In the event of a total taldng of tlte Property. the pmce�eds ahaU be appIied to the sums secuned by thia Sec�uity Insavment. - <br /> '� � whether or not then due.witlt any excess paid to Bormwer. In the event of a paittal taldng of the Property in which the fair = <br /> ::c{�,,,�w�: itnmediately before the tak�ng ia equal w or gceater thaa the amount of the sums aeeuc+ed by this _ <br /> �,z „ market value of the Ptoperty = <br /> .� Secudty Inshvment immcdlatelY befare the taktng.unless Borrower en�Lender otheswlse agree ia writing.the sua�s secu�ced bY � <br />-�:��;���:`d..,�� tbia Secudty Instrument shall be reduce� by the azaount of the p�s raultlplied by the following fraction: (a) the wtal _ <br /> . ., �`'� e m o i w t o f t he sums secured immedistelY before the teking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediatelY <br /> , �._',�.. : before the takjng. Any balance shell be paid to Borrower. In the event of a patdial tek�nS o f t he P r o p eriY i n w h ic h e l t e f a t r <br /> ,.`��'. .k, market value of the ProperiY imm-�ately before the taidng is lesa than ttee amount otthe aums sQCUred immedltttely before the <br /> -- :�.��� t a k i n g,u n l e s a B o r m w e r a n d I�ender otherwIse agree in wrttia8 or unless applicable law othenvise provides.the proce�s sha11 _ <br /> '�"'� t• ` � Insuument ahether or nos the suma arethen due. <br /> �";. ,¢-��; �. be aPPHed to the sums secure�by this SecuritY <br /> :. � � If the PropertY is abandoned by Borrawcr,ar if,aRer aodc�by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offera to maks aa �- <br /> -�r�=�,l�•-�� � award or senle a claim for damsBe�.Barrower fails to respond to Lender witl�in 30 days aRer tite dau+the notice ia gtven, __ <br /> da <br /> `� '•�'� � ; Lertder is suthorjzed to collect and apP1Y the ita option,either w resWrati�or rapair of the Pn►perty ar to the sums <br /> ,�3 - ,,�t ��by this Sewdty Tnsuument,whether or aot then due. � <br />. %�•; .,; { , Unless Leader and Borrower othecar3se ag�c� in wrItInB. enY aPPlication of prarReds to princlpal shall not eatead ur <br /> *'*' poatpotte the due date of the monthlY Paymenxe Teferre�t°ia parag�pl�1 aad 2 or chtnge the amount of such payments. � <br />�;�:'L�;� or madifica4Ion <br /> �'=���,�:.�%=v • 11.Borrower Not Released,F�arbeArance By Lender Not a Waiver.E�ctension of tha time for Payment <br /> :�=„. E�, of amortization of the sums secural by this Secunty Insuvment g�anted bS+Leader to any succeasor in iatenst af Bormwer sball <br />�-.�� :: not oper�ate to retease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's euccessors in interest. Lender sba11 noi bo t+aluired to �_ <br /> -'?-`:'`,�?`!' commeace proc�dinge 88�t aay successor in intes�est or refuse w extesd dme for payment or otherovlse modiFy amortiza3ion <br /> .';'���:��' of the sums sxund by this SecuritY tastcument by reasoa oY any demead mede by the orlginal Banrower or Borrower's <br />_--_- "-��� �������f. �� ����.r�e�cercising any right or remedy shaU aot bA a waiver of or prcclude the <br /> - *�a-i.�.�:�!' <br /> ._:�r:;:, . exenlse of eny dght or rsmedy. ts oY tltis <br /> �.-='-"�`�"3" 12. Suoeessors end As�18os Bounds Joint and Sevenl LiabWti'i Caslgme�e. The cavenatnts aad agcamen <br /> --- -�"'; Securtty Insm�ment ahall bind and beaeflt the suaxssors and aaslgaa of Lender and Borrower. subJect to ttte provlslona of <br /> --�"'�`y��A paragraph 17. Borrower's covenents and egnemeate ehall be jolnt aud seve:ai. Any Bonrower who co-signa this Sccudty <br /> - ,-�-.__.��� <br /> - ,:r'-,;r_:.�" ' &Ad COIIV LbBt <br /> .....=.:-- Insaument but does not eacecuu the Note:(a)ta co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage� grant Qi► <br /> --°������ Borrower's iaterest W the PropertY under the terms of this Secudty Insm�cnt:@)b not personally obligetsd w pay the suma <br /> �.==�r=!� securcd by this SerudtY Insaumsnt; and(c)agoees that Lender and suy other Hocsowa may agree to eatend�modif�r.forbear or <br /> .°°�z�.'�`�:���� make aay accommodattons with regard to tha terma of this Securlty Iasuumsnt ortheNote adthaut that Bon�ower's oonseat. <br /> - _---__�_� 13.Loan C1me'Ses.If the loan secua�ed by this Securiry Inatcument ia subjcd to a law whfch sets mautmum toan charges� <br /> .�z._ --.--l� and that 1aw�a RnaUy interpreted so fl�at the interest or other loan charges collaetcd or w be aollaxed in conaection with the <br /> --, loan exceed the permitte�i limits.then:(a)aaY such toan c�rge ahaU be reduced by the amouat necessarY w rcduca thc cLarge <br /> -�-----_�=�� to the permitted llmit;and(b)anY sums already collected from Borrower which eaceeded petmitted Iimits wW be refitnsled to <br /> "==`�==~�'�'�' Borrower. Lender maY choose W �ke tbLs refuad by teducing tlie PrindPal owal uader the Nou or by makiaB a direc�t <br /> --- li--�� payment to Borrower. If a reli�imd reduces prlucipal, the reduction aiU be treatW as a pa:dal PnePayment without eny <br /> PnP�t charge uader the Note. <br /> --��� 14.Notlas.Aay notice to Borrower provlded for in tbis Seeudry instcument shall be givea by delivering it or by mailin8 <br /> �-��� it by STSt class mai►wiless applicsble law requires use of another meihod.The notioe ahall be directed to the Pc+eperty Address <br /> -- - - or any other address Borrower desi�by nodce to I�ender. Auy nottca w I.eader shall be g[ven by ficst class mail co <br /> - <br />