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_�__ � --- — - - --- - - <br /> -- - - <br /> ,,���,�� „�,�,-.�,►^�^°�. � <br /> , �--� -.�� <br /> , .u., , , ' t �,ti 1, � . �n � , <br /> �r' \ : ;�' - �S irfi�i•� ����- ` � _-il� �� "� .. <br /> 1 !�.j- � � �i��... . '� _ , 1 (. t ,i.i <br /> ,� . �� � � � ���� � l <br /> ,. ,� � - __ . .. _ . . <br /> . „ .�„�.. ��, . _, .. . _ _ .___ � �_��.:�:�:_..- <br /> . . . _ _ <br /> . <br /> . .� � �,��� _ ..y.:��,��. .. _.._...._�__.__.___ __ ._. .. �.__ .._ . ����__-- <br /> �__. .,,:� . <br /> � :�,�—_ <br /> �... s. � .Q <br /> �uv,C�u�RwV 11!+�� .. .. <br /> - �, -� . <br /> , .. . ... .... .�,..__ '_"'...._-. ... ...._ "_...:.... ._ <br /> •_--._..._ . ..�-.""'"_�.__... . �.�...." <br />. �a. _ <br /> ,. .. : 9 5--9.0�'�9 ��n. <br /> � � TOOETHBR WITH nil tke impmvemente now or hereafter erected on the property.aud aU easeraents.apPurtenauc�es.end �,,�_ <br /> u <br /> • fi�ctutes now or kerea8er a part of the property. All replaccments and additioas shail alao be wvered by this securtty �y�� <br /> � insquasent.All of the forep,oing la referred to in this Securlry Inatr�ment as the'Property.' � <br /> BOI3ROWBR COV�NANTS thnt Botrower ie lawtiilly eeised of Wa estc►te hereby ccnveyed and hea tho right to gxaut aad <br /> , aonvey the Properry und thnt the Property ie uaencuaabeced�except fot encwnbtaaces of record.Borrower warrauts aad w111 <br /> � � defend generaUy tpce dde to the Pruperty egai�ast all clatms and demauda,subje�t to eny encum6ramces of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY 1NST1tUMBNT co�ablaes uaiform covermnts for netioaal use and aoa�ianlform covenants with Iimited <br /> � . variettons by juriadictton to consdtuu a�alfomi security instrument covering real pmperty. <br /> UMFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower und I.ender covenaat aud agree as follows: <br /> �• �---,�.. 1. Poyment o!Peincipal aad I�ateresti�PaYment ead I.ote Charges. Borrower ehall prempdy pay when dae tine <br /> ��� principal of and iaterest on the debt evidenced by the NoYe aad any prepayment aad lete charga duo uader the Note. � <br /> '�'.•°'.`"•,""r .c� Z. Flunds tor Taxes sud Insivaace,Subject to applicable law or to a writtea waiver by E.ender.Bornawer shall pay to _.. <br /> Lender on the day moathly paymeats are due under the Nou.tmtil tha NotB is paid in full,a sum ('Funds°)for:(a)Yearly te�cea .'° <br /> '. ; aad essessmeats which may attala p�lodty over this Security Iastn�meat as a lien on the Propeny: N)Y�Y leasehold paymeats �:: <br /> � p or grouad cents on the Pmperty.if as►Y: (e)Yearly hexac+d or pmperty insurance premlumsc(a)Year1Y tlood insurance prenniums� _. <br /> . if any: (e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if euy; end t�a�►Y awns PaYable by Borrower to accordaace wlth �. <br /> °,` the provIsiona of paragraph 8.ln lieu of the payment of mortgage inaurence premiums. These items are cNled'F.scmw Items.' _-- <br /> ,:.,„�.. Lxuder may. at aay time. collect and hold Fuuds in an aawunt not to exceed the maximum amaunt a leader for a federaUy �: <br /> - • ������ related mortgage loan may requira for Bomower's escrow acoount under the fede�al Real F.smte Seulement Proceducrs Act of —_ <br /> � �� 1974 as�from dme W dms.i2 II.S.C. Seaion 2601 u stq. ('RESPA').unless attothe:law that applies w tbe Funds = <br /> ' � sets a lesser amount.If so, I.ender may�ai anY time. collect aad hold Funds ia an amouat uat w exceed the lesser amount. -- <br /> .�'' ''�" L,eader may estimate the amouat of Funda dne on dto bas{s of c�urent data and reasonable eattnnates of expendiWres of ibwre �4 <br />;,:. ° F.scmw Items or otheiwise in aocordanr.e alth applicable law. ,- <br /> �".:-�x�.�,'�s, The Fwids shall be held in en ia�dtudon whose deposits are insured by a fedaal agenry� iasutimnentality. or e,niity �m�' <br /> � �'� ' (induding Leader,if Lender ia such aa ianitudoa)or in�ny Federal Home Loan Baalc. Lender shall appiy the Funds w paY tbo � <br /> '`'' :�;�� "� Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Homower for holding and applying the Fnads�aunualIIyenalyziag the escrow aocaunt,ur — <br /> '���"`' verifjdng the Escrow Items,unless Leader paya Borcnwer intenst on the Fuads and applicable law permits Lender to make such —_ <br /> .�,���°'' -? a charge.However.I.eader may require Bormwer to PaY a one-time charge for an indepenc�ent real estate tax reportin8$etvia - <br /> .`: ..�'' used by Lender in connecdon with thia loan, untess applicable law pmvtdes otherwlae. Ualess an agt�eement is made or — <br /> �k��''� aPPlicable law requires intemst w be paid,Lender shaU not be requinzd to pay Borrower aay intenst or eamings oa tlee Pands. <br /> __4 s�;,.a;,;:., S�rro�:��aa�!L�Pr may a�8 i�writiog,however.tbat interest ehaU be paid on the Fuande. Lender sball g[ve to Borrower� . <br />- . '::,�� : without charge�an annual aocoimdng of the Funds.show6ig c�edits aad debits w the Fuada and the putpose for cvhich eac� <br />=_;,.,,';°.... debIt w the Funds was made.lhe Fonds ace pledgal as additional ser.urIty for all sums secus+ed by this Seeudly Instrutnent• <br />_:,.,;<:;.;;-.,` • If the F�mdo held by L.ender eacc�ed the amounts pe�mitted W be held bY 8PPUcable law,Lender ahail axount w Ba�:rowet <br />-=�Y�`-"a:�s, for the acass Fuads ia accordance wlt3i the requtremeata of appHcable�aw. If the amo�t ottt�e Funds held by Lender at any <br /> '�ri'��,:.�+•, <br />=,::N:.,.:.,.. t�me 1s aot suffclent to pay the Escmw Itema when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writiag�and�in such case amwer <br /> -��`�:�"��� sball pay w Lender the amount aeaa.gary ta make up the deScia�cy. Boisawer shal make up �he deflclency in no more thm <br /> ._�,�._.�,��;'�� twelve monthly Lender'e solo discretion. <br /> .., UPon PaYm�t{a fvll of all aums aecura!by this Securtty Insnume��I.cnder ehall ptomptly rofvad W Bonowct auy <br /> ..=c---��.:.;�. Funda held by Lender.If.under PareBr'aph 21,I.ender shall ecquire or seU the Prapesty,l�r.P��to the acquieldon or eale <br /> -'-`"`'"'�.� of she Property.ahall apply any Funds �eld by I.eader at the dme of acquisitioa or sale as a credit againat the suws secured by <br /> :�.��� <br />..--.'"=s'-_T•,--�,� <br /> '--_"-'--.-' — i�b$C�it�t�►�LSht1IDCIIt� <br /> _ -'�� 3.Appl[caton o!P�yments.IInleas appltcable law providw otheiwise.aU p�ym�enta ceaived by I,ender under pnragraphs <br /> —��� . 1 and 2 s6all be applied:flzst,w anY PnP$Y�t��TB�due under ths Nou;seoond.w amou�ats psYable uader paragraph 2t <br /> _ _. �-� tbW�to Iatec�est due;feurth,so princIpal due;aad laet,to eny late charges dne undet the Note. <br /> 4.CWu�g�Ideaq.Borrower ahall pay all taxes, assessments.chaTBes.flnes ea�d impo�itions attrlbutabte to the Property <br /> -- �� wLkh may auain prIorIry over this Searity Insuua�ent�and leasehold payments or g�rouad renta� if a�+.Botrower sbaU PaY <br /> -,-}`�'�;�� theae obligations in the manner providui L�paragrnph 2,or if net paid ia that maaner, Bon+ower shall pay them on time dinctly <br /> - ...=�`",� W the pe�son owed payment.Borrower sha71 pmmptly tivaish to Leader all nodces of amounm to be paid uader this parag�aph. — <br /> _r--�z�,�� If Bormwer makes payments dlrectly. Borrower ehell pmmptly tl�mish to Leader rtaipte evidemc3ng the paymenta. <br /> ��-- Borrower shall pmmptlY dlscLer6e a�►liea wbich haa priotity over thia SeRUlty Inauumeat nnlesa Bom�wer:(a)agroes ia <br /> -----=�= wdttqg to the payment of the obligadon secured by the liea in a manner acaeptable to Lender;(b)oontests itu 800d faith�1i� <br /> _ ,�-�:,�:.,. � <br /> —�.-� by.or defends agalnst enfom�m�t of the lien in, legal Pmceedinge which in the I�endds opinion operate w pmvent the <br /> _...`..a,�.� <br /> -----�'�"—:.x„' enfoioemem of the Hen:or(c)socucas from the holder of the llen an agreement sadsfa�xory to Lmder subordinatin8 the liea to _ <br />_�F::��.--�� — <br /> T-`��,-;;�� ibia Securityr Insirument. If Leader deucmines that anyr part of the Property�s subject to a llea ahich may attaia priorlty over <br /> _=,:;w�.;f::.� tLis Sewriry Inatrumcn�I.endes maY give Bomower a notice idendfytng the liea.Bosmwer ahall satisfy the llen or taloe one or =-- <br /> - -`�' more of the actioas set forth above witLin 10 days of t�.e giving of notioe. <br /> -�,,�.•:-" Form 3�28 9t90 —:`- <br /> -- : �-6RINE1 ce�oai reps z o+e wn,m:�./� — <br /> "�_� •t? e. <br /> " •_ t <br /> _ . ..:.. . � �� <br /> , . <br /> . <br /> ' ,4 . ` - <br /> , ._ °, _ _ <br /> � .� . �• <br /> . ,. <br /> „ .: � ,. ° - <br /> ..� <br /> � . .�� <br /> � <br /> .� <br /> , .. - - -° ---- - - - - - - - - - -- <br /> ---- -_� -_ ---- --- - -- - - - -- --- - �-- --�- � - - --- --- - <br /> � . ;•. <br /> .. f <br /> __. . � -�_.��..,.. - <br /> " : '-r°•�'t' '-• c- ° . <br /> «." <br /> ..• <br /> _ .. 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