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<br /> 1�. BO1TOWeT'i RI�M to Re1R�titO. if 8ortowar mstts aruh oondRbns, 8ortorwr ehaq haw th� ripM to have
<br /> ' antaraKnr►t of thi� Socurtty Instrurtwn! dhcontinu�d at anY tMM PAor to tM syRor oh (o)8 dsya(or euoh otRa pe►tod aa aDP��
<br /> �w �y ��y{� ro���Kn�nt)b�ton asW of tt� PropeAy punuant to uog Dowa ot sato ooata6�ed in thts 8eourih InaWment;or
<br /> (b)antry of a jitdprt�t attorohp thb SraurRy lneWmm� fioso oartdttbns m thtt Borrowor. tU O�f►a ��� a�ma whbh then
<br /> � � woub tr�dus undx t�b 8ecurNy tnadumant and th�Nob ns M no a000lattbn had ocour�; (b)c�+rea any dofauk of any othw
<br /> oovenent or apreertcente: (o) Psyd ��� �urte0 h rnfonMg th�S�auAy InsWm�nt, holudinp, but not HmRed to.roesonebte
<br /> 1 attomnrs't�r3:�nd (d)fek�s euoA aotion as I.�r►der rtwy rouonaby�+In to tasua thtt th�It�n of this SeeurNq�nebument.�.enda�s
<br /> � dphta� ths Propertf►end Bortowera abliyatbn to pay tRs tums eecured by tNt &cur�r IneGument eha8 eonthu�unohanped. Upon
<br /> .. I nhafitarnr►t by 8onowor.thib SsCUQIy InstturMnt attd ths obfiattlon0 s�CUS�d{�r:br ohatl rGn�N a4�+ Gf�:tthr�°3 K�o r.cee�tton
<br /> had oeourted. However.thb dpht to rohetat�ehaA not�ppy M tM cas�ot aoo�Mntbn undK puagnph 17•
<br /> 19. Sale oi Nota;Chanpe ot I.oan Servicer. Tht NoU or i ptrtW ht�st b th� Nots (topothp wkh thb Secutky
<br /> •� --� Inatrument)rryy b�aoid ont or mon timo�wkhout prbr notie�to 8orroww. A�aM mar nsuR h s ohnnp�h thi entRy(known ae the
<br /> 9.oan Serotesr')that aoiacta monthy paynw+ts du� undw ths Not��nd thb S�ourity inadumenG The►e aksc may be oee or more
<br /> ' chanpes of the Lo�n Servic�unrel4ted to a eak ct th�NoU. If th�n ts a aMNOs o!th�Lom Senk;er. Borrower wlti be�tven wrftten
<br /> not�e of th�ahuips b +�ccordu+c�wRt►paapnPh 14 abova nnd applSoabb lxr. Tlee notke wf8 stete the nartw er►d addreaa of the
<br /> new Loan 8avicer and ths address to whbh paymmte ehoub b�mad�. The notior wp ltiso contain tnr other tntotmatbn requted by
<br />- � apDUoabb taw.
<br /> Z0. Has�u'dOUB SubstenCes. 8orrowe► ahtN eot eaue� or p�nnk th�Proa�nes,uae, disposa6 dtorepe. or�e1�es8 ot o"Y
<br /> • Hesardous bUbatancea on or h the PropertY• 8onowa►shat not do,nor tNow anyorte else to do.enythhp affeaNnp the PropeAy that
<br /> Is b vbt�tton ot amr Emtonmenfal Law. TM pnc�dino two emt�nca shtl not oPPb to tha prosenr�� us�� or atom0e on the
<br /> ._ ProA�Y�t ama9 quanttiea of Hamrdoua 3ubstances that �n pmaaiy ruaopnhsd to bo aAProPrlst�to nonnal rvatdenttel uaes and to _. _..
<br /> mahtenenca ot ths Property.
<br /> ` 8o►rower stwN promPtM ON�l.ender wrkt�n notic�of any Imattyttbn�aWn. d«nm0. I�wauR or other aatbn by anr povernmental ,
<br /> ot roputetory apsna�►or Prkate PaRY�^noNhp th�PropeA�r�nd any tl�rdou8 blabalane�or EnvYonmentat Law of whbh Borrow�r has
<br /> actuaf knowi�tlp�. tf Bortow�r letme� a is notMi�d by any yov�mm�ntnl or nyuWtory authorky.that eny removal or other remediatbn
<br /> . . , of anY Herardous SUbstor+ce atfacdn0 the P�aperty is aecessuY. Bortower shQ PromPUY teke aA nacess�8 rertwdk►1 aoUona tr�
<br /> accobano�wkh Envtonmmtal Law.
<br /> • As used b this P+�B�Pn �� 'HomrQoua Subatanoa• an thoa�suDstane�a deftNd aa toxto or harardoua aubafanoea by
<br /> . '� Environmental I�w and the to9owinp aubatances:pasoh�.Wroarn�.oth�r NanmaDM or toxb potrolwm produots,Wxb pestiatdes and
<br /> "�F; heA�(oidos, vohi� soNente.rt�atwlats aor�inbp a8bastos Ot fortnald�hrdM and ndiosoilw mat�ritb. Aa usod h Utts parapr�ph 20. �
<br /> 'F.nvYOnmental lew• meane tederat tawe and taws ot ths�urtsdbtba wh�ne the Prope�ty b bcated tha! relate to henRh. ottetY w „
<br /> ' 6nvironmentet Proteodon.
<br /> _ NOrWi�i�Sii C�i+�i�+'.'TS. 8atra�.szs aad!���o+!±n�►!:nd�pr.�as foUOwa: -
<br /> ' �ti. Acceleradon; Remedies. Lender �all �tve notlae to 8orrower prior to aaceleratlon toltowing �,°��y;.
<br /> ..�. :
<br /> ' � Borrower'a breeeh of nny covenaeit or ttpreement in thla S�curity Instrument (but not prior to ��;.
<br /> eceeleratton under parapraph 17 untess eppltcebie law pr�vtde: otDierwise� The notice ahait apecity: ;��
<br /> � (e) the defnuit; (b) the actlon requtred �o cure the deteuit;(�)a date� aot leas then 30 deya trom the :��,;,
<br /> , ,,� date the noUce ts �iven to Borrower,by whlch the de4ault muat be cured; and (d) that fequre to cure .'-�
<br /> �;t,� the default o� or before the date apecifted in the notiee �ney result tn ncceleratJon ot the suma ;.:;�.,�.;.
<br /> ° . .i:f secured by thls Security inetrument and ate ot the Property. The notice ahatt iurther Intorm :<�:
<br /> t, �orroMrer of ti�e rlgM to retnstnte etter acce�eratlon and the ripht to brtn� a court aador� to aaaert the . _
<br /> ' non-e�dstence of a detauit or any other detente of Borrower t+o acceteradon end eate. it the dletauft is <�
<br /> not eured on or betore the dete epectfled ie the notice, Lender et fb option mey requtro immedlete •��"
<br /> ,. �:.��
<br /> � � peymeM tn full ot` all aumd aecurcd by this Secu�ity InsVument wlthout further demend end may �-=°-
<br /> � invoke the powe� of sale and any other remedles permitted by �ppttcable I�w. Lender shait be — -
<br /> � .. .. -4•:.� �"z-:
<br />__._ . �,.., e n t i t l e d �o c o l t e a 8 n t t e x p e�a e s I n c urred tn pu»utn a the remediea provided in !hb peraQraph 21, ��:Y�
<br /> � '•�'; Includtnp.but not Itmited to� resaonsblQ�ttorneya'tees�nd c�ts ot tiUe evidence. -
<br /> � It the power at sate ta Invoked, Tru�tee ahail record a notice ot detsutt In eaeh couMy In whlch ?�°`-�
<br /> , .. � F anY Par! Af the Proaerty t�toeated end �hat!mail copies ot�ucb notice In the manner prescrtbed by �_v-�
<br /> appticeble law to Borrowu and to the other penons preecribed by eppliceble law. After 4�e �Ir�e ��;,;;•
<br /> „° , �equtred by applicable lavv�Trustee ahatl �Ive pubAe notlee of sate to the peraons and tn the manner �+-=
<br /> _ � � ���.� pres�ibed by apPlicabte Iaw. Truatee. without de�nand on 6orrower�shalt �elt the P�operly at publ[c �T_
<br /> ��
<br /> �-.�
<br /> :ti . .� � aueUon to the hiphest btdder et the tirr+e and pleaa end and�r the termo dest�neitect tn the rtotice oi �,;;_�
<br /> � s eale U one or more paraets and In ar�y o�der Trustee determines. Trustee mayt postpone sale ot atl ��+�:
<br /> � � � � or amt parcel ot the P�operly by pubtia announeernent et the ttme and ptace of e�y provtouaty K:
<br /> �. ����,; acheduted se1e.Lender or its deat�nee may purchase the Property st any eale• "';;
<br /> � Upon recetpt o4 payment ot the price btd, Trustee shali dotiver to the purch�aer Trustee's deed ::��:
<br /> 'l �� conveyin� the Property. The recitats In the T�uatee's deed ahctt be prims tecie evidence of the truth -
<br /> '�� ot 4he sfatements mede theretn. Trustae shatt appty 4he proceeds of the sate in the toitowinp order:
<br /> (e)to ett costs nnd e�eeaes of exerctatnp the power of sate, nnd the s�le�inctudtnp the payment of
<br /> the Yrustee's tees actuatty tncurred,eot to exaeed 3 9�ot tho princtpat amount of the e�ote
<br /> et the time ot the dealaretton ot dotautt,end�eaaonable ettorney'a bes es permitted by taw; (b)to alt
<br /> � sums aecurad by thla Security Inatrumen� nnd (e) any exceas to ghe person or persona le�atiy
<br /> enUtled to It
<br /> ?Z.Reconveyance. UP�PB�t of aR aums seoured by thb Secur�Y InsbumenA Lender sha6 request Trustee to recorney
<br /> • .. the Property and sAaM sumender this Secu�r instrument and aA notes evldencR�debt secured by tRis Security InsWment to Ttust�e.
<br /> - -- --__---___ Tivatee ehaY roaomoy th�PropeA�r wkNout warranty md wRhout oharpe to tM person or pe��aons IepsUy entkted to k. Suah person or
<br /> ----- —=
<br /> persoas BheY psy enY recordntton coste. ___
<br /> � 23.Substltute Truatee. Lenaer.at Ra oauon. mar rrom arr,e co ume romove rrustee and uavor,t a su�cessor ovseae to
<br /> sny Trustee appaintod hereundet by en hshurtwnt recordBd b the county h whbh thb Securky Insbument is reoordsd. WRhout
<br /> „ , �, aonveyanee ot the PropeM.saccessor lrustee ehaU succeed to a!the tBle,Power ond dudes coMemed upon Trustee hereh and by
<br /> appllCabb tew.
<br /> � 24.Request for Not[aea. Bortov+er re4�ts tAnt co0ias o!the notk�ss of defauk and snte be sent to Borrowets adQress
<br /> whkh b tho Property Address•
<br /> 25. Ridera t0 thta Security InatrunnenL lf ane or more ride�e are oaeCUted by Borrowet an0 reCOrded together wfth
<br /> , thb Sscu�y Instrumen�the covenents end ayreementa at each such rtda shtD De �corpornted hto end shaU amend and supplemant
<br /> the covenants and opraerr�ents ot this Securipr Insbument as R!ho rlder(e1 w�ro a Dart ot thfs Securih lnstrurtrenG �rm�o2e ol00
<br /> F�04Y.1kt0(9l0.SI Pap�4 0l 6
<br /> � �eo ±
<br />