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<br /> _ ; ---i—— COVENANTS ��°'����!�.:L �x�i
<br /> � 1.Paymentss.Borrawor agress to make ail payments on the secured debl when due.Untess Borrower and Lender agree othorwise,ttnypaymonta �,
<br /> Lender receives lrom 8o�awer or for Borrowe�a benetil wiU be epplied Ilrst to any amounta BaROwer owes on the secured dsbt exclusivo of(ntorest or
<br /> � pdncfpal,saaond to interosL srtd then to�dndpal.N p�►rtiai prepaymem of the secured debt aocurs tor any reuson,It wlll not reduce or�xcuse any
<br /> � . cCheduled psyment unlN the securod debt s pald In lullpft
<br /> &Clarimys A alnst Tttle.BorrcrNer willpay ail taxes,assessmerds,and ather charges attributebte to the property when due and will detend t4to to the
<br /> whlch Hoert90�er may have agafnst paRies who s�uppiy labo�orhme etieadt8 t Imprave oremainta►n the property er to asslgn any dghts,clalms or dotonses
<br /> ' 3.tn�urertao.BCROVJOt�JIII kBEJ thep �y Insured untfer terms acceptable to Lender at Borrawefs exasnse and for Lendera banafit.AA Insurancc�
<br /> policEes shati Induds a atandardpmortgage clause,in favar ot 4ender.Lendor wllt be named es toss payea or as the tnsured on any cuch In,urance
<br /> � debt.ylt Lertder requi e�martgage Insu an���Borrowe`r agrees to malntaln such insu�nce to as ior�sg as t.�ender�eq da�aged properhr or to the seared
<br /> �'�_•- .
<br /> ,-� 4.Propert�►.Borcowsr will keep the pmperry In good condition and make all repaire reasoeably necessary• ,
<br /> .,._ _•_ �--�
<br /> . or i�n e�nyT obl gd on seaire�by thi�deed of tn�isti.Borroewe ewill pay t�hvse amounb tottL tnler•as provld�ed�in Covenant 9 oi this deed of tr�u t deed of trust
<br /> ' 8.Prlor Sewrity Intensts.Untess Borcower flrst obtaina Lenders wrilten consent Bortrnver wili�t make or permit any changes to any pdor�ecurity .
<br /> • • Ir�erests.Bottowet wl�peAorm aA ot 8orrowers obligations under any prior mortgagQ,deed ot trust or other secudty agreement,inGuding Borrowers
<br /> covenants to make paymenta when due. •��s�
<br /> 7.Astlpnm�M of Rents and Protlte.Bortower asslgns to Lender tha ronts andprofits of the properry.Ueless Borrower and Lender have aproed :T:
<br /> " dhonvise in writing, 8orrower may coilect and retain the rento as lang ea Borrower is not in detault.It Borrowar defauits.lender,LendeYS egent,or a i,„
<br /> ' courtappofr►ted reoeiver may take possessfon and manage the propeRy and cottect the rents.Arry rerrts Lender collecta shs�ll beapptied ifrst to the ,,
<br /> j rem�ini m amow�x of ren�w�l�the�n adi�to ua men�on the Sea�red d bt�as pro��ded In�Covena t 1�•�any other necessary re�a[ed expensea The -
<br /> sy_,=�
<br /> - - --- _ �9 PPY P Y ib:;_,
<br /> B.L��seholds•Condominiuma;Planttad Unit DevetopmeMa Borrowee agrees to compiy with ihe prw�3►o�-u of any loaso N thls deed ot trust�s an a
<br /> ,+ � Ieasehoid.Ii th�s deed of hust(s on a unit in a eondominium or e pianned uNt devetopment.Bonower will pedortn alt of Bortowe►'s duttes under the �J:
<br /> .� �, covenants,by-Iawa,orregulaUonsof the condpminium or pianned unitdevelopment --_-
<br /> h:,�� 8.Authorlty of Lentkr to Perform tot Borrower.It Borcorrer taiis to perform any of Bortoweta duUes under this deed of uust,Lender may parform the �j_�
<br /> .•. x k. �. duifes or cause lhem to be performed.Lender may sign Borrowers name or pay any emoum it rtecessery tor perforrnance.if any construcUon on the �.-�:-:
<br /> t ., property is discontlnued or not carried on in a reason a b le mannar,Lendor ma y do whatever Is necossary to proiect Lenders secunry interes!in ihe
<br /> . properiy.This may irtdude comptetfrtg the aonsUuction. �--
<br /> . ''�•�� -
<br /> Lender's tailure to pedorm wiil rtot predude Lendar from exerc�sing any of its other dghts undet the law or this deed oi trust
<br /> �u
<br /> � `��� My amounts pald by Lernler to protect Lendera sacurity(nterest wfll be secured by this deed of Wst.Such amounts will be due an demand and wtll _�
<br /> ''� bear tMerest hom the date ot the payment untll paid in(uti ai the interesl rate In effect an ihe secured debG �--�'
<br /> . � .• � �
<br /> ;;� � ' 10.Defpuft and AcceleisUon.If Borrawer Iafis M make anypa ymeM when due or breaks any covenaMe under this deed of tru�t or any obiigatlon �
<br /> � `• ' 6eCUred by thls deed of trust ot enyp�or mortgage or deed ot Wst.Lender may acceierate the maturily ot the secured debt and demand lmmediate
<br /> - '' �ay�ststii�tst3y i�!!�s�.,.'•'r IIt���ttd stsp olher►empdies�rmi�tarl by applicablB law. _
<br /> �, . , � ,�_• .
<br /> • ` ' 11.Request for Natke of Detaui�it Is hereby reques?ed that oopies of the notioes at default artd eaie be sent to each person who Is a pady hereW.at
<br /> ,, , the address of eacA such person,as set forth herein.
<br /> 12.Pawer ot S�b.If the lender Invokes the power of saie,the Trustee shall flrst recoM In the offioe ot thereg Ister of deeds of each counry whereln the
<br /> irust properiy er some part or t thereof is sRuated a notiee of deiautt coMafnfng the intormatton required by law.The Trustee shail aiso mail coples
<br /> r - ot the noUce ot defaurt to the rtower,to each person who is aparty hereto,and to other persons as prescribed bY appticabte law.Not tess than ono
<br /> _;;�� � '�, morfth ofter the Trustea records Ihe ootl�ot detauft,or two months R the Wst pmperry is not In any incorporated ctty ar village and is used In farmEng
<br /> . �' ,.� operatlons carrled on by Me trustor,the Trustee shatl give public noUce ot sale to the persons artd h the manner pres�rlbed byapp1Icabie law.'fNStee,
<br /> �,�-. without demand on Borcower,shail sell tfie property at public audion to the highast bidder.If requlred by the Farm Homestead Piotection Act.Trustee
<br /> � � sAatl otfer the rope in two separate salas as r uired by ap licable taw.Trustee mar postpone sa�e of atl or any parcel of the properly by(wDiic
<br /> ;_y� :.�� � announcement at the ume and p!ace oi any prevtou�s y schetlN�saie.Lender or its designea may purchase the property at arry sa�e•
<br /> �`= Upon receipt of pa ment ot the price bid,Trustee shall de8ver to the purct�aser Trustee'e deed conveyfng tAe property.The recHals contalned in
<br /> �,-�( : `- ' f011ow�1r g,s drde(a)taba 1 expenses of t�he sa e�ndudin but�hOt li�mited t rea.�son�abee T enutee's fNee�s�easonab�el�attomey's�fees andhreinatstatsment
<br /> -r�°"""" - tees;(b)to atl sums secured by tlYs daed oi ws4 and(c)the bat�rtce,if any,to the persons legat{y enUUed to reoeive N.
<br /> -.:�;,:"`�,,,�.
<br /> --�•�'" f � 13.Foreclosure.At Lendefs optbn,this deed of trust rttay be torecla5ed In tha manner provided by epplicable Iaw tor toredosure of mortgaqes on real
<br /> `-''_i:��.���,� P��n11
<br /> �:.�r:=r'��... ..
<br /> -- T 14.I�lon Lender may or�ter the properry to inspect it if Lender gives 8ortower noUce betorehand.The notice must slate the reasonBWe eause for
<br /> -- ���� Lende e inspedion. "
<br /> •�_�-,r..u*��
<br /> `=#_;..��«:�� 15.Condemn�tbn.8ottower asstgns ro lender the proceeds of anY award or da►m tor damages connected with a eondemnation ar oiher taking ot all� _
<br /> - _.��_;_.,�,,;;� or any part of the properiy.Such proceeds wiit be appiled as provided in Covenarrt 1.Thls asslgnmeM Is subject to the terms ot eny pdor securiiy _
<br /> ��:�ac�..ivr!�s agreement
<br /> -'�"�=�'�`�°� 16.W�lve►.8y ezerdsing any remedy aveiiabte to Lender,Lertder does not g(ve up any rights M Iater use any other remedy.By not ezerdstng arry _
<br /> �� remedy upon 8ortowcrs defautt,Lender does nat waive any�EgM W later consider the event a defauit if it happens agaln.
<br /> ����� 17.Jotnt and S�vent L.hbflity Co-sipnars;8uccessora and Atsians Bound.AII dutles under this deed ot uust are JoIM and several.My Borrower
<br /> - ' �� . who casigns Ws deed of trusf but does not co-stgn the underlyfng debt insVumeM(s)does so ordy to grant and comrAy that BoROwers Imerest In the
<br /> ��•.,. properly to the Trustee under ttre terms o�this deed of trust In addidon,such a Bortower agrees that the Lender a�d any other Bomower under this _
<br /> `;;rr " •: deed ot trust may exlend,moqi1y or make any other changes in the tertns of this deed of t�ust or the seaued debt without that Borrowei's conserK and
<br /> - -rr.�-� �x._ witho�t releasing that Ba►rower from the terms oS this deed ot lrust. ----
<br /> "^�.F.r..�.....��.::- ' __
<br /> ' `'�'� ' '" The duties and bene5ts of this deed ot trust shatl bind and banettl the sucoessora and asslc�ns of Lender and 8omower. - -
<br /> � � 18.NoUp.Unbss othervrfse required l�y law.any notice to Borcower shatl be gfven by delivering ft or by mafling it by cerOfied ma8 addressed to e°-;
<br /> • ~ � 8orrmirer at the property address o�any other add►ess that 8orrower has given to lender.Borrower wfll give any notice to Lender by eertifled mail to _
<br /> Lender's address on page 1 ot this deed ot hust,or to any other address which Lender has deslgnated.Arry other notice to Lender shalt be sent to �:
<br /> � �° Lertdefs 8ddress HS st8ted On page t Ot thiS deed of tNSt. �-
<br /> � Any notice shali be deemed to have been glven to Borrowar or LenGer when given in the manner stated above. �
<br /> � 19.Tran�ter ot the PropeRY or e Beneftclat Interoat tn the Botrower.If all or any paA of the property or any interest In it is soid or transterced witteout
<br /> Lender'sprfor vrtitten consent,Lertder may demand immediate paymeM of the secured debt.Lender may also demand immediate paymeM it the
<br /> -�` Bortower ia not a naturaiperson artd a bertefidat interest in the Borcower is sotd or transFaRed.However.Lende�may not demand paymerd tn the abave -
<br /> ��od"�+ , situaUOns if it is protubited by federal law as ot the date of this deed ot trust.
<br /> � 20.Recorneymcs.When the oDti�atlon seeured by this deed ot trust fias been paip,an0 Lenaet nas no iurcner ocngarion io maice advsrn�s ur�uo:.;m -:
<br /> Intitrumente or ag�semerds secured by this deed ot trusL the Trustee shali,upon written request by the Lender,reaomey the trust propeAy The Lender
<br /> shall detiver to ihe 8omow8r,Or M Bortowers SuCCessor fn interest.the trust deed and the note or other evidence ot the obligation so Satislie�f.Borrow8r
<br /> shall pay any reoordation costs.
<br /> �� 21.Suceessor Truatee.Lender,at lenders oprion,may remove Trustee and sppoint a successor trustee by first.mailing a wpy of the substiwdon ot
<br /> • trustee as required by applicabie(aw.and then.by fil�ng lhe subsbtuUOn of tru�tea for record In the oHice ot the reglster ot deeds o!each county in whtch
<br /> the aust properry,or seme pan thereot.is situated.The successor wstee,without conveyance of the proparty.sha�l succeed to a1t the power,duties,
<br /> " ' suthoriry and titie af the Trustee named in the deed ot trust and of any esuccessor tn.�stee.
<br /> " . rpapo?o,2i-
<br /> •
<br /> y - , BANKERS SYBTEMS.INC.ST CIOUD I,1N 5830�l�BM 397�p30t�FOR�7 OCD MT6 NE 8 t89t —
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