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<br /> water righte (wheth�r riparian, appropriative, or other�aiae and
<br /> whethex or not appuztenant) and water stockj
<br /> (g) all revereion or revereione and remainder or
<br /> rem�indere o� the Property t�ad Improveme�ate and all preeent aad
<br /> future lease� of apace ia �he pxoper�y AI3f� YG1piCti/6Cit@YITGH� an�l r�ll
<br /> renta, revenuee, proceeda, iesuea, profit�, royalties, income and
<br /> other benefite now or h8reagter de�rived f�om the Propert�, the
<br /> ImprovemenCs and the 8ixtures, subject to the right, power and
<br /> authority hexeinafter given to the Debtor to collect and apply
<br /> the sa�ete=
<br /> (h) all claims or demanda that the Debtor now hae or
<br /> may hersafter acquire with respect to any damage to �he Property,
<br /> the Improvementa or the Fixtures and any �nd all proceede of
<br /> insurance in effect witri reepect� ta the Improvemente ox the
<br /> F3.xtures, and aay and all awards made for ths taking by eminent
<br /> domain, or by �any pr�ceeding or purchaae in lieu thereof, of the
<br /> Property, the improvementa or �he Fixtuxe�, i�cluding wfa.hout
<br /> limitatcion any awaxds re�aulting fxom a ehange of grade of etresta
<br /> or as the result of any oth�r dac�age to the Pr4perty, the
<br /> Improvemen�s or the Fixtures for which compeneation shall be ,
<br /> given by any goverumental authorityj
<br /> (�L) Aay parking facil itiea l�cated other thaa on the
<br /> • Proper�y and uoed or intended to be used in aonnection with the
<br /> operation, ownerahip or use of the Aropericy, ariy aitd all
<br /> replacements and substitutions for C�e same, and any other
<br /> parking righCs, ease�►errts, covenants and other iat�rests isi
<br /> parking facilities acquired by the Debtor £or thQ use oz E�ia���a
<br /> or occapants of the Impro`rementes and
<br /> (j) all ais rights, development rights, zoaing right�
<br /> or other eimilar righte ox intereots that benefit or are
<br /> appurtenant to the Psoperty or the Improvementa.
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