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<br /> .. "'"�' aoavey, wa�rAn�, aaeign, trAnefer, moxegage, p�edge, aet over aad
<br /> � � aonRirn► unto the Truetae thc� TzueC Estate as horeinabove �rovided
<br /> � and warrante ehat ie will forever de�ead tho title to the �rust -
<br /> ,F ,, .�� Eetate �nd the validity and pxiority oE Cha lien or eetate hereof =
<br /> • againet the claime and demande oF axl persone whomaoever. _
<br /> -�. � �, �ectian 1.03. F�+^*her AaeLrancesr Filfnqr R -Filina_s
<br /> • ;.,��,�7, ,. �j
<br /> -.,'�`�, —
<br /> J��� .
<br /> ''��� ta) The Trustor ehall execute, acknowledge and
<br /> •��� � � dolivex, frvm time to time, auch further inatiuments as the
<br /> • � " ° �eneficiary or the 'rrustee may require iv ac:�o����,Iip: �:a �:rasse
<br /> �.t�`�°:4:.�'� of thia Deed of Trust.
<br /> ,:'_'�.,���
<br />������;�� � (b) The Truetor, immediately upon the execution and
<br /> . ;,;,; ` , delivery of thia Deed of Truat, and thereafter from time to time,
<br />�_",;�- ehall cause thie Deed of Truet, any seaurity agreement or deed of
<br /> �.� ;:%..� truet supp lemen ta l here to an d e a ch inetrument of further
<br /> � � �� assurance to be filed, registered or recorded and refiled, -
<br />=^'"'��!�`'� re-registered or re-recorded in auch manner and in such plaaes ae
<br /> V'���'��° may be requixed by any pxesent or future law in order to publieh
<br /> - "�'°-�� notice of and perfect the lien or estate of this Deed of Tru�at
<br /> ""'� "" � upon the Trust Eetate.
<br />-����
<br /> •�` �� (c) The Trustor aha11 pay all filing, regiatratian and
<br />_��=�.�
<br /> - • recording feea, all refiling, re-regietzation and re-recordiag
<br /> �'"Q-=-� fees, and all expenses incident to the exeaution, filiag,
<br /> 4�'=�� recording and acknowledgment of thia Deed of Trust, any eecurity
<br />_�`w«�� agreement or deed of truat supplemental hereto and any instsument
<br /> wy�;�� of further aseuzance, dii�3 aI3 Fe3a�a2, sra�a, caunty �nd
<br /> �:��=�, F. mtinicipa3. etamp taxes aad other taxea, dut3.es, imposts,
<br />°"`"�°`-�:=�;� assessmer�t� and char,qes ariaing out of ar in connection with the
<br /> --v-`,:�`>� executian, delivery, filing ausd reaording of the Notes, this Deed
<br /> _-_�,:� of Trust ar any of the other Loan Inetruments, any securi.ty
<br /> - --_- agreement or aaortgage eupplemental hereto or any instrua�ents of
<br /> —°°—= further as$urance.
<br /> _ __��
<br />-_��""""�"' �ectioa 1.04. y�i7►�. Except as otherwise provided ia
<br /> �= Section 3.012 of Che Tadenture, but without limiting the
<br /> -i obligatioas of the Truetor under Ses�ion ?.06 of thia Deed of
<br /> - Trust, the Truetor shall aot, and ahall not permit any of ita
<br /> �= subsidiariea (as defined in the Iadeature) to, directly or
<br /> iadirec�ly, create, incur, asaume or euEfex� to exiet any
<br /> --- mortgage, deed of trust, lien, eecurity iaterest, charge or
<br /> _ eacumbrance upon the Truet Bstate prior to, on a pariLy with, or
<br /> � subordfnate to the liea of this Deed of Trust. The Truator shall
<br /> W -�-- gay and promptly discharge at the Trustor's cost and expenee, any
<br /> su�ch mortgagee. deedg of trust, liens, security iaterests,
<br /> chargee or encuunbraaces upon the Truat Estate or any port3on
<br /> theseof or interest therein.
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