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<br /> .' •�-�.� � interee� being hereinafter collectively called "Mineral and —
<br /> Related Riahta") t and
<br /> �O�ETHER WITH all revereion or r�veroiono And xemain�ler -
<br /> • or remafndera of tha Propertiea and Improvemente aad all eaCate, _
<br /> right, tirle and intereet of the Truetor in and to �ny amd all --
<br /> � � present and future leasea of space in the Propart ie� and �
<br /> ': . Improvements, and all renta, revenues, proceedo, iseu�s, �rofite, _
<br /> ;���..-�� royaltiea, income and other benefita now or herea�ter derived _
<br /> w- � from the Pxoperties, the Improvements and the Fixtures, suhject �
<br /> -_ to the right, power and authority hereinafter given to the --
<br /> �- � Tiuisi.ui �O Gv2��CC w:aQ�.. wt.i.ij' �:C ii4���r (°�1 �f t1�A fnrc+��iner
<br /> ;,;,.y� reversions, remaindera, leasea of space, rents, revenuea,
<br /> � . ;�� proceeds, iasuea, profits, royaltiea, income and •other benefita
<br /> . s being hereinafter collectively called "Rents") t a�d
<br /> �' •, ti�.y
<br /> `�. .' TOQETHER WITH all estate, right, title and interest aad
<br />��'�=%������. f � other claim or demand that the Truetor now has or may hereafter
<br />`,:�:.;y;.�;-- acquire with respect ta any damage to the Propert ies, the �
<br />^^��,�,'�,�.`� Improvements or the Fixtures and any and all proceeds of
<br /> s..-< . insurance in effect with respect to the Improvements ar the
<br /> - . Fixturea, and any and alZ awards made for the taking by emiaent
<br /> -""��"�'"' domain, or b an proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of the
<br /> _�.,Y,r.� _ Y Y
<br />,.,:: • =; Propertiea, the Improvements or the Fixturea, including without
<br />--°����. � limitation any awarda reaulting from a change of grade of atreets
<br /> =����:,;:;:{" or as the reault of any other damage to the Properties, the
<br /> :• ��==., � I�;��ravgmeats or the Fiactures for uhich compensation eraall be -
<br />��`;`.;::; given by any governmental authority (all of the f oregoing estate,
<br /> ���' right, title and interest and other claims or demand, and any
<br /> :?;yr};:
<br />=='�r•-:-� _ �,ue�h proceeda or awards, being hereinafter collectively, called _
<br /> ,F:�;.��,�. npamage R hte") s and
<br /> ��:h��.���r.��
<br /> ��''°`'=�`�'"' TOOETHER wITH all the eetate, right, ti tle, interest
<br />� "��"��� and other claim of the Trustor with reapeat to any parkiag
<br /> �:`:;�:s�?�
<br /> - -�=-:::i..;� Eacilities located other than on the Propertiea and used or
<br /> __=:.�e:�
<br /> �-r,,_:�N�,�.� iateaded Co be used in connection wi.th the operat inn, ownerahip
<br /> - or use of the Propertiea, any and all replaaement� and
<br />-= Yti,���
<br />-:-��,��=x��� aubstitutions for the eame, and any other parking rights,
<br /> --�ry�-Tz-�� easements, covenanta and other intereats in parking facilities
<br /> ====��� acquired by the Trustor for the use o£ tenants or oacupante of
<br /> ---_�� the Improvemeute tall of the foregoing eetate, right, title,
<br /> __��� intexeat and other claim being hereiaafter collectively call�d
<br /> �� "Parking R�ghes") ; and
<br /> TOt�BTHER FTiTFI all esta�e, rfght, title and interest of
<br /> _- the Truator iz� respect of any and all aix righte, developmen�
<br /> -. - righta, zoning righCs or other similar righte or iateresta t2aat
<br /> =-- benefit or are appurteaant to the Propert3es or the Improvemente
<br /> _____..._� tall of the foregoing eatate, right, title and interest being
<br /> ---° hereinafter collectively called °A;+� and DevelQ�ment Ria�,ht�"); ,
<br /> — _ aad
<br /> __ _-�-�� All of the foregoing hasemeats and Rig2zts of Way,
<br /> = - Adjacent Rigbts, Improvementa, Fixtures, Miuerals and Related
<br /> �r_-_=s�;�:`-
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