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<br /> E G.A63ItiNMENT OP LEA�E9. Upon L�dea's request,Borrower shall csssIgn to La►der e111e�ses of the =
<br /> % Propetty�nd ell seauiry depasi�msde�n oonnectton wltb leases of�he Propetty.Upon the sssignriient�Leatda -
<br /> ='� shall dave tt�e rtght to modtty.ext�ed or�the exlsdng leases and t�exocute u�w leasa�.in Lemda'e sok ,
<br />_4� G3acr�ioa.Aa uscd i�►ti�a p:aa�cg3 ti.the crord"l�s" shn]�me�"�i�bl�+ss"if the Securlry Insteuaeent�S on a
<br /> loa9d►bld.
<br /> � Barowcr absoluoefy and uncmndldonalIy as�s end�us to Leader all the rents and revenues("Reaita")of tho
<br />._� �P�Y.�of W whom tlio Reats af the piopeity ere payabla Borrowa authmius Lendaz or Lenda�a _
<br /> aaenm to colbct tua Reats,end agnxs fbat each tenant of the Pmpe:cy st�all pay d�a Rents to Leuda ar Lendcr s
<br /> � agEnts.Howmves.Baaowu abaU raxive 9►e Rents nnnt(i)unaq nas given ssamower na�oe ai daauic pun:uam a,
<br /> garagea�ph 21 of tLe Securlty�t�ad(it)Lwdrr has givea notico m We te,naat(s)that the Reats ere to be
<br /> _ p�d � I,eader or Leada's agt�L'ltds ass�meat of Ra►ts�tes en absolute a5signnaeat end not en
<br /> — acstgnmmt fa additional sec,�rIty anly
<br /> � If Leader giva�of brdach to Boirower.(n all Reuts raoeivcd by Boirowa shnll bs held by Bouowa as
<br /> � �tee for die be$efit of I�enda oaly�tn be applied to tbe sums sa,ured by the SociuIty Lisu�umta�(i�Lender st�aU
<br /> be entiticd to oollect aad reoeivo aIl of the Idents of the Pmpeity;(iii)Baimwu agcees that each ttmaat of the
<br /> _-� pmpprty si�aD pay all Reab due aYtd unpaid to Leader or Lestder's agenta u�ura Latdde writtea demanfl tQ t3te
<br /> tea�aC (�►) �aPP}�bl� law pmvIdes otherwlse,a11 Reats oallaacd by Leader a L�end�r's agenta s�aU be
<br /> � BPP�Grst to tke oosts of taldng ooatrnl of aiW managlug the Property end collecdng the Reuts.ia�ludir►8►bat not
<br /> - li�aitcd to�aanmeys'foes�rocdva's fcES,Premiums��eoeiver's bonds.re�r end malnt+eAanoe oo�s,Insuianoe
<br /> � pcemiums.�ces,a�se,ssmmts md otDer cdacges on tLa Pcopaiy.and thea to the sums sea�rcd by the Socutity
<br /> `" Instrunnea�(v)Lender�La�des's agents a anY.i�Y�inud receiva st�ari be liabla ta aocossnt for oWy d�osa
<br /> — Rents actnally rocoivad: ead(vn L�i s6aU ba�tttled co have a rcceiver eppointed to mte pos�.ssion of and
<br /> -- rtean4ae t�s Piap�aty and collecx the Ra�t4 aud pro�ts dc�dved uom dte Pra�aty viifltont aay showjn8 as tn tLe
<br /> ins�dequacY of tha Property as saau�ity.
<br /> If the Renb of the Propacy are not �t to cover d�e costs of mking oon�ol of end aianagtn8 the
<br /> _= Pc�aperty and of wlbc�ng d�e Reats aay funda oxpwded by Lender for s�ch pnrposes s6ell beoowe ind�of
<br /> Boaowa oo i�ar sec�ed by toe�o�itY��t p�t�►U�.�aa��t?.
<br /> � Hosmwar repr�aits and wa�rants diat Bosower bas na exocutal anY l�lOr�ip�►ctent of the Rents and bas
<br /> — not m�d wttl not pafam eny act d�at would pmveat Lrmder fcom exercis3ng its dghas un3a this paea�eeph.
<br /> L�enda.a I.mder's agca�t�or a judiciallY appointed ranaiva.shall not be req!nfned to aiter npc►n��iCe oonnol
<br /> � of a walntain the Propeity before a sftri gtv�ng notioe ai defsult t�BoACwu.Howevei.Leader�a Ir,od�'s
<br /> — eQtats ar a,�adiCiallY appoint�ed�rer,an�,Y do eo at auy Hmo when e default cv�curs.Any applic�on af Rtats
<br /> — shsll uot arm or aaive any defeuls a inve➢�lato any othe�rtght or reme�ty of I.enda.lf�is assigna�ent of Rents�f
<br /> ttie PmperiY ah�ii triminaio whan all the sums securod b�the Seaulty Ins�ument am paid in flil�.
<br /> = L CROBS-DEFAiJLT�20VISION. Bomower's default or breacb uader ru�y aota or sgreemeut in
<br /> which I�eader haa sa intaest 9ha11 be a breach unda the Secarlry innst:ument end L�ead�r may invote any uf tbe
<br /> — reaoodiay p�rmit3o�by ibe Sec�ully Iasb�umeat
<br /> BY SIt�1�TINa B W.Barrowec eocepts and eg�ees to the tams and Pmvisions ooa�in tbfs 1-4 Famiiy
<br /> — J x�aer.
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