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<br /> :�,� 16.Futurs At9venau. Upon roqueat of 6orrowet,Lendor may,ai its optton,make addltlonat and u ure e v s an ro- �
<br /> �'� sdvancee to 8orrower.8uah advences and readvanae�,with intereat thereon,sha11�e aocured bY this Qoed ot T�ust At no ttme ehell
<br /> ������ th�prinolpal�mount o1 tho Indebtedneae aoauresby thle Qeed ot Truet,�ot inctuding suma advnnced to protoot the aeauriry ot thia �
<br /> �"�'� Qeed alTrueG c�pp�t�otiginnl prfnatDel amount eteted hereln,or S�0a�0-u� _wh�hovor 18�roete�. _
<br /> ' ''�' 18.MlteNY��O+�tr Nravblon�. --
<br />=��-:-�� i�f dorrowa Not Il�lets�d.F.ntenslon olth�dme for paymont or modNfcetion of amohisntfon of tho aumo ceoured by thie �;
<br />` �°��� Deed otTruat 9ranted by Lander to any�uceet�or fn Interast ot @orrawer shall notoperete terotoese,�n any manner,ths iitblUty
<br /> ':;.„=:�;� 09 tho odple�ot Qorrorlcr nrttl Ra►rower'a succesaora In Intarc►s�Londar shall not bo roqulresdto commonce proaeedinps Ageinst �
<br />:_�«;� suah suoaettor or rotuae 4o extend time(or ptyment or othe►wise modfty amoRlzatton o1 the sume seaured by t01a 0:.:s!af Ttu�t
<br />- by re�eon of any demonde made by the arl�lnal Borrower and Bor►owar's euccesaars In IntereaL
<br />��_;��. (b)L�nd�r's Pawen.Without sflectlnq the Ilabtlity of any other parAOn Ilable tor the payment of eny oblip�tlon heteln �
<br /> �� menUoned,nnd without afteatfnp ths Iten or charge oi thla Daed ot Trust upcn any portlon af ths Praperty notthen ortherptotore
<br /> �e�eesed as eeau�iry tor the full amount of all unpald obtigationa,Lender may,irom tlme to time and without aoUcs(I)rete�es any
<br /> -,-.'=�_��,� persan ao liabte.(iq extend the maturity oralter any of the terms of any such obllgetions,llii)grantother Indufgencsa,(iv)rotaaae -
<br /> . ����x or reaonvey,oi�i�.���-l==•-A1!^!rwranveqed at any tlme.at Lflnder's opUon any parcel,poRlon or all of the Properry.
<br />-:i���: �
<br /> (v)take or release any other or addltlonat securiry tor anY.obitgetton herssin me�aoneo.or itl�y����+���'��•`���s'-' "
<br />'t:. ,� a�mn�ements wfth debtoro In relaUon thereto• ' �
<br />���
<br />'"�'�` c�erwl ena orded by e p cable law,sha�ll�not be a�walver�ot o yp ec ude the e ercis9e of e yheuch riphet o hremedy.r'�1'ie _
<br />,'='-„��_ proau�oment of i�aurance or the payment of taxes or other Ilena or cherges by Lender shall not be a watver of Lende�a�IpM to
<br /> _ �_,� ecculerate the matuflty ot the indebtedneas eecured by this Qeed of Tnist
<br /> - -.-� (d)6ueeason and Autpns Bound;Jdnt and Sw�ral LtabUit�r;C�ptions.The covenanta and apreemenhs herein con-
<br /> _::ac�.� tah�aci 6hati 6{nd,and the rtghts hereunde�shall inure to,the respecdve successora and assipns of Lendefl►e o t�is Aesd af
<br />•=�.'n:.,�€� aovenants and agreements of Trustor ahait be joint and severai.TAe captlons and headie�gs of tha paregrep
<br /> `�°"�-- Trost are tor convenience only and are not to be used w Interpret or deflne the provisiona hereof.
<br /> �y'��� (e�Rtquat tor Notices.The perties hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a aopy of any eotica
<br /> of eale hereunder be malted to each pary to ihls Oeed of Trust at the addresa sot torth above In the manner prescdbed by
<br /> _,�� applicable law.Except for any other nodce requlred under applicabte law to be 9iven in another manner,eny notice provtded
<br /> =-� tor in thia Deed o?Trust shatl be given by malling such notice by certifled mail addressed totheother paRlea,attheaddreas set
<br /> — foRh above.Any noUce provided tor M thas Doed of 7rust shatl�e eNectiva upon maltirtg in the mannar desipnated!hersin.it
<br /> -=-°� Truator is more than ane peraon,nodce aent to tha address sst forth abova ahall ba aotice to a��such persons.
<br />� -� (��eapsctios�,Lender may make or cause to be made►easo�able entries upon and inapecdons ot the Properly.provided
<br /> thet Lender shatt glve Trustor notice prlor to any such ins�,.^ctlan specff�fn9 reesonab➢e Rause therefor relsted to Lender'a
<br /> _ = In4ereat in Me Prope►ty.
<br /> �y)R�conraymc�.Upon payment of sli sums secured by this Deed ot Trust,Lender shall requeatT►uatse to reconvey the
<br /> � PropeAy artd ahaii eurrender thta Dead ot Tast artd alt notes evtdenainp I��IeAledness se�u�by��s�Deed e1���T��
<br /> -- Tir�stee shatl�aconvey the Properiy wtthout warten�r anci w1u�i cilarya tc t�s i�.'s� P!' ��'
<br /> ��� Trustor shall pay all coats of reIIOrdation, if any. rants
<br /> ---- �h�p�psd prppNty;Skuriq AyrMman�Aa additionai aecudry br the Rayment M the Note,Trustor hereby�
<br /> � Lender ureder the Nebraska Uniform Commeretat Code a aeaurity iMerest ln alt Nxturea,equlpment,and other personaP�ropeAll
<br /> used tn conneotion wiM the real estnte or improvements located thereon,and not otherwiee dectared or deemed to bs�Dut ot
<br /> � the reat e�tate socured hareby.Thie i�ahument ehall be conatnued sa s Security AQreement undar esid Cod�,and the Lrender
<br /> ehali Aa�►e atl the dphte a�d remedte�ota aeaured pa►ty under aaid Code tn addition to the d�hea and romedles croated undar
<br /> and aceordsd the Lsndar purouant to thla Oeed of Truat provided that tsnder'a rl�hts nnd ren�ed�ea under thta pnrapraph ahall
<br />