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'__' <br /> .��-..��_..._..������_� _..c...��.._""_�""���.�_�..._ �ti _ "_.�..""'"'��'_��" —�-7- .. <br /> �: <br /> - - gg�° �[����� � <br /> � � �' � covaaNts <br /> � <br /> i , i. Paynumt�. 8ortower Agreos to moko all poymento on tho ooaurod dobt whon due. Unfess 8orrower ond Londo► agrso othorwiao, nny �- <br /> paymente Lendar receivae hom Horcowar or tor 8orcownr's benetit wlll be ep�:fed firet to sny amnunts Borrowor owos on tiie securod d�Ot = <br /> - � not ieduce or oxcuse nriy iehedWsd paymentimti!tha sdocured dobt fs petd In tu Ia�p�opoymant of tho eecured debt oacurs for eny reaaon,it wlil — <br /> ' Z.Clatms Ayrtfytnst TIB�.Qorrowet wW p6y�11 texea,assesaments,and�ther aharpea ettributabta to the proparty when ddo and wtQ defend dtla � <br /> �' defs�ei whlehaeoriowa miy h�i��i0�ih�t�Wrttasp�lwha�uPPh►teboi aremeteda to fmp ove or maMtain the pW perty sslgn any dghte,cloim�or � <br /> ' a.k�:urortcc.�artatiacr�vtii kcop tha�rop�tty Insured under terma acccsAUble to lender at 8otrowor's expenso and fot LondeYs bonolit.AI� � <br /> fnaurnflce poltcies shett inatude�atandard mortgoge clau=e in tavor af Lender.L.endor witl be named ee loae peyee or ea the lnaured on eny euch �, <br /> or to�e se�eurott debt�If Lander eq h�eaamortgage iniurenewe B�orrowei�agraes ometma�n s�i,chhnsdrenee tor ee tong�ae Lenderarequlres roperty �:( <br /> s_- <br /> •'��"� ;,P�op�eey.Bonower�1I!keep the Woperty tn goad condl8on end meka ali repeks reesonably neeesssry. � <br /> ��, y � <br /> �"'���� of�r in sny obltaeUon sneured by tlifs deed o�t�u�st eoiioweinwNi pay these amou�ioe%ndai�as�proirided n Covenent 9 of thlshdeed of �: <br /> 'K" �7_. <br /> �.,T_-...__.. . __._— �w.M �. <br /> � ' ` .` ? ec�urityn�eras�s��rrower��wNtsper�form eQ oftBonowe�o obligettons under�e y�pBto�r mortAage�deed of�trus�t or o8tfieie6aBrHy egreertror��t�, _ <br /> ' �': S inetudtng 8nrrower'�covaRantt to m�ke paymenta when due. -" <br /> .... �. . a, _� <br /> .--;�.• � : 7.Mato�rn�ttt of RKtb�d Pratft��8orrower assfgna to Lendor the rents end proflts oi the praperty.Unloas Bottower and Lender h�ve agraed � <br /> . •,�. otherwf"se(n w►iitny, Bortowet may col:eat and retein the rerrts as long ce Bortower is not fn detauft.If Botrower defauks,Londer,Lende�'s _.,, <br /> ;•,,,.' ,�. '• aperrc,or a court appointnd receiver may take poasession and manago the property and cotlect the rente.Any rents Londer cotlects ehall be m:= <br /> : �,.. � applied flrst to the eoats of inenaying the praperiy, inctudlnp court eoste and attorneys'fees,commisaions to rental apeMe,and any other <br /> _��6 � . �� necesaary related expensea.The�em�TMng amount ot rents wilt then applv to pnYments on the sacured debt as provtded in Covonant i. _ <br /> - - ��,' 8.L�ss�hdds•Condominlumss�*uhd Uni�O�vdoPmerta.8°R°war a9raoa to compfy with ttts proriistons af ar�y{easa M Mta daa�of mrst b on - <br /> . ., v' �•�! undei die�covenai�its bwlowe a reguiatlonsi o the e�o�ndo inium oi planrte�d unR deveetopmoM��ROwer wili pertarm RII of 2cnoweYs dutiea �, <br /> •>�� Lender mey "' <br /> � 1 g,puthodtir o!l�nder to Perform for Bonaw�r. If Borrower ta((s top ertorm any of 8orrower's duttea under this deed of trust, �,- <br />-- :;;,,�; .# perform the duties or cause tAem to be performed.Lender mey sign Bonower's neme or ay arry amount H necaseary for parformanee.If any <br /> „ ' e�VYt�ity i�r�te�r st i�n the a periy�Thu ma�jr inc�Nd�e c mptebng dre cons�vu�etb�n����,��er may do whemver ia rroeaseary to ptotect LsndePs ` <br /> :,.� - <br /> - Lender's fafluro to perfarm vriit not preeWde Lender irom axercietng any of ke other ripMe under the law or tfits deed ot trust. <br />-�� ` �" '' A►�Y amourns patd by Lender to prouct Le�du'o security trttereat will ba aecumd by thls deed of truat.Such amourtte wiil be due on demand <br /> ::�+ and wili baer intereat irom the det8 of the paymer�i ur►tfl paid in tuil at the interarat rata tn etfna[on the 88eured debt. <br /> 10. D�fnit end Acc�twatlon.If Barower MUa t¢make ar�y paymeM when due or bteaks any aovannrrts undsr thta deed ot trust or any ' <br /> -,�;s..�•'.,.;;��� obqpatton sacured br this deed of trust or airy priw mortgaBe or dend of uust. I.ender me�ya�cceterate the meturity of the aeaured debt and <br />- '��:r �� demand tmmedlate payment end mey Irnoke the powe�of sate and eny other temedies permitte0 by appileable law. <br />=`"=`�''``%°'�"%"' 1 t,p�qwst far Notia�of O�truh.It is heroby roquested thet cop�es ot tne�obcea ofi defauic ami sate be semi io each paravn vriw is n ysrty ° <br />- ��"-` hento,at the addross of each such peraon,as sat to�fi hetein. <br />-_•,:;:. ,��.._ <br /> t- 12,pow�r of 3ab,It the L.endu irnokee the power of sale,the T�usteo shnll flrst�eeord in tho aiftce of tha ropister of daeda of eactf courity <br /> :.�,. ..�,:,.: . <br /> T ., , wherein the trust property or eomo pnrt ot pucel thereof la stWeted e noUce of defauft corrtaini the inbrmation reQuired 6y iew.The Tnistae <br /> ' „•. , ereto,and to other persona as eacrIbed by <br /> •, .,;•; et�all etso meil eopfes of the notiee ot default to the Bortower,to eeeh person w!ro is a party <br /> s;�� .. s oot in eny <br /> y; applEoable law.Not lese then one mar�th after the Truatee reeorda the mtice of defaul ot two momhs If the trust property <br /> _,,.1.';�r rustee sheli gtva pubtta nott�of sale to Uie peno� - <br /> <.-.,�� �.1.• ' incorporated cSty or viitepe an6 te used in fermirtg operations carcted on by the tru�ter,the <br /> - u; i.q�.;�-r . and in the manner presatbed Dy appplicabio Iew.Trustee,w(thout deman0 on Barrower,ahell seit the property at pubiia auetian to the hipheat <br /> --_:,i.,• :• bidder.If tequired by the Farm Homestesd Proteatlon Act,Trustee ahatt oNer the properhr tn two separete satea as required by appitcable tsw. <br /> -=,`,3_�. . • Trustae maY pastpone eate at itt a a�y parcel of thv P�aDeMl bY P��ie announeemeM at the Ume and plsce of any prevtously eeheduted at�. <br /> .R„�,_y-,-,. Lender or tta dasipnse may purchase tho proporty at any aeie. <br />-�-�,.,_ __..�.�� <br />-..���:-�- � Upon recelpt of paYm eM o!the psice bid,Truatee sheU detiver to the Wrchaser Trustae's deed eonve�dng the property.The roohiab containa!in <br /> ..�«_;s:�-:�`•� Tn�atee'e deed shell De p�ima facie evtdience of the truth of the stetemerrie comair►ed therefn.T�e shsii apply the proceeds of the eate in ths <br /> "�"'`="j�=�'� tiein�a�ment fe sa�ib to�aU su�msseeeured by t�his dead of�tnist,and(o):�baianee,ffsany�to ffie�perso 1�patty er�ititl d�to�etceive R.�a� <br /> ___,,.._� 13.Fawetosun.At 1.8nder's optton,tRta deed of trust meY be tarecbsed in she manner provlde by appAcebte law for toreeiosure o}mo�tqaQea <br /> on roal property. <br /> __ '•1'.'•�3���7 <br /> ---- _-_� t�.Irun�atian Lender may eMer the A�oAenY��speet it if Lender givea Bortower�olice 6etarahand.The�ottcs must state the roaaonWis <br /> --;� eause for LendePe inspeetio�. <br /> -- - 16.CondrnnWan.6orrower assfgn�s to Lender the proceede of any award or ciafm for dameg es connected with a condamnatton or other tekinq <br /> - �� seai�rity a�yyeeme��property. Such proceeds wiu be appliad as provided in Covenent 1.Thb assi�nment is subjecc to the terms of eny priar <br /> : �:�� _ <br /> 18.Walwr.By exercising any remy�y avafilable to ler�der,Londer doss�ot give up any rights to Ioter uae any other remedy.By oot exeralsing <br /> _ - -_-- — any romedy upon Bortower's defauk,Lendet Eoea not watva aml�Eght to later cons(der tl►e evftM a detnuit H it happena apnin. <br /> -..v�r:`�s <br /> T.r--= 17.Jatnt�nd SRwM ttahiYtfc CosEyrMess Suu�ton�nd Assip� sound.Afi dutiea under this deed of trust aro Joim�nd sevsral.Any <br /> �` • Borcowar who co-signa thta daer!ot trust eut does not casipn the undarl n�g rtebt insvumem(s) doea eo onty to grart and convey that <br /> �-:�y,v.�w�� 8orcower'a interest iri tfie proDertN m Ne Tnntee undar the terms of this de o uuat.ln addiUort,suct►s Borroaver ag►ees thet Ma lender u�d <br /> any other Bonower uMer thts deed of truat mey extend.modt�or make any other changes tn the tetms oi 4tus deed of trust or the securad <br /> - .--:� debt witHout that BorroweYs aonsertt and wlMout roteaainp thrt rtower hom the terms of thia daed of uuot. <br /> �''�`���� Tta dutlea and benefite of this deed of aust ahnll bind end benafit the cuccessoro and assigna of tender and Bonowar. <br /> .P�t'�?t�:� <br /> ° -�� 18.Hof3e�.Uniess otfierwf�requtred by law,ar+�t notiee to Bonower shall be given by dat(varfng k or by mefting tt by certifted nsatl addresaad to <br /> =�!,"� ,�� Barowar at the propeM addrese or arn other a0dress Mat 8onower hee given to lender.Bortower wiU giva any notiee to Lender Dy eertifled - <br /> -• �"'� . mail to LandePa addreas o�pepe 1 of t6is deed of trust�or to any other address wldeh lender haa dasignated.Any athor nottce to lender ahait <br /> -�;;;it t u:,:`' be seM to lende�s addresa es ateted oe pa8e 1 of this deod of trust. <br /> ' �i":h: t'�_ Any notlee shstt be deemed w have Coen givan to Borrower or Lender when given in ihe manner steted above. - <br /> �� `�, 18.Ttansf�r ot tM Prop�rq a�B�Reial ini�nst tn tM Barow�r.if aY or any part of tlie propeny ar any fMerest In it Es sotd or uensterted <br /> _ , withn�t Lendere p►ia wrltten consent Lepnder may demand Immedlate paymetK of the secured daDt. Lender may niso demand immediate <br /> . .. ,~� dem�ar�idMpayrn1°ert in tlro a6ov 6e KuaBone f it is pr�aNb�itad b f�e�deraet tawree.�of�t e ed�of tl�fs deed of�trus�tansferred.However.Lender mey not _ <br /> + <br /> - - 20.R�conveyme�.Wherf the obtipatian seaaed bY thta dncd of truat haa been paid end I.ender has no turthar oNtgation to make advnnces <br /> ,�� undar the inatrumeMS or resmeMe saeured b►U�.a deed of trust,the Truatae ahal�upon written roquest by tRe lender,recorney tlfe tncst <br /> nronenv.ihe Lender ehall�etiver to the Borrorcer,or to Borrower'e sttccessor in interesL the trust daed and tRe�ote or other evidertee ot the <br /> '"""'�- obligetton ao eat(sffed.Borrower sAali pay arry recoMation eoscs. <br /> . �'�'w'. 21. Sueeessor Tn�atn. lender. et LeMer'e o�tbn, may remove Trustao and appo[nt a successot trustee by BrM, matling e eopy of the � <br /> � � subsdtution of bvstee as►equBed by appticable aw,and th�n,by tilinQ tho substhurion oi truateB tor record in the oftice of the nsgister of deeds . <br /> � ' of each coumy in�vhieh the Uust proparty.or some patt thorcrof,is s�ivatod.The saccossor trustoo,without convoyenco of tho properiy,shali <br /> °" � sueceed to aU the puwa, dutles. authorky und tiUe of Me Trustee named in the deed of trust and of nny successor trustee. <br /> � . .. fpay�=ol?J <br /> • gllt�tEpg SYgTEJNg,INC..8T.CLOUC.►tN 6610111�6DGJ9743�t1 W1CM 000.MT6NE Eh 8Wt <br /> , . — i <br /> , � — — � ,.— --.� —— - �-- ._. _� . �.r�--_ <br />