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<br /> � C9VENAMTB —
<br /> f, p��rmse�b. Borrower aprees to meka atl pay�nonta on tho sacurod dobt whon duo. Unioos 8orrowsr and Londor apree otherwlse, any
<br /> �.�_
<br /> exctusive of interest or prinaipel eecorM to/ntere t�nnd tfian o�prinelpat.bf pnrtiu�l pre�peymeait�of the secu ed debt oecure tor any reoeon�it wlll �*�
<br /> � n o t r e d u a e o r e x e u�e a n y s e h o d ul ed pe y c nant unU6the secured d8bi is petd in fuli.
<br /> � 2.Ct�ms A�tntt Titt�.9or�ower will pdy ai�tax�a,�eaesements,and other chargea otuibutable to the property when duo and wIi!defend dUe r
<br /> _J..:: to ths prope�ty eC�1na eny cisima wNcF�woufd�lrlPeir the Ito4�of thla dead ot uust.Lender may require Borrower to aoslgn any righto,ctalmn or
<br /> defenaes whtoT�eortowe�may heve ap�inst put es who suppiy'fabot or m�terieta to improve or melntaln the property. .'. ,..�
<br /> 3,In�uranao,t3ouowor will keop tPao proporty insurod under terme aeeeptabie to Lender at Bonavrer'e expe�sa and tor Lendor's ba�eflt.A!i
<br /> ' Inauranee Rollates shai�tneiude a standerd mort9ape cieuae in favar of Lender.Lender wtli be nnmed ne lose payee or es tho ineured on any»uch
<br /> oreto�the seeu�ed debt.It Lendarrovuao�ssmortgepe IneurancWe Bottowerf egre�ea to meta Inneuctihlneu ence toi as long ea Lender�requ�tres���� ;
<br /> . -'"•��—��'�i 4,prop�rt�r,8onower will keep tAe propaety fn eoad condiUon and mnke a0 repaira roasonabiy neceseary. ' ;
<br /> . ;� ��� of m�ist oi�in any obiigetlon sec�uredyby thl deed ot trust a�oiiowei wiit pay these amoun�,to L�rder�as prov ded In CovanaM 9 of thia deed of
<br /> ��� - mist.
<br /> . ^ �.•: 8.Rlor S�eu�y lnt�nats•Unlesa Bortower flrat obtatns Lender's wrftten consent,Borrower wili not make or permft any ohanges to any pdor �.� �
<br /> f.� securriy interests.Bottower wiil perform ail of Bor�ower's obligetions undet any p►tor mortgage,deed of ttuat or othor security agreement, �u —
<br /> fnoluding Borcower's covenants to meke payments when due. ==-
<br /> �•� 7 7.Asstynnurt of R�rt��rtd Proflts-Borrower easigns to I.ender the rents and proflte of the property.Unlesa Borrower and Lender hava egreed o-�;_
<br /> � � ' otherwlse in writing, Bottower may wllect and retaln the rente as long as Borrower is not in datauit. If Bottower detaults,Lendar,Lendet's �"
<br /> , �1,_
<br /> , agent,or e coart eppointed recelver moy teko posseaston and manage the property and aoilect the reMe.Arry reats Lender coilects shell be ___
<br /> '° � apptied fiirs�w the costs of maneging the property,inctuding court costs and attomays' fees,eommisalons to reMal a errts,and any other --
<br /> ^ _._,.
<br /> _ . � ,.,:`L� necesanry reieted expenses.The remafning amount ot rents will then appty w peymente on the secured debt as provided in�ovenant t. —
<br /> ,w - 8,u����{y.�r�Ontntuma;pKnriod Urtit Qayelop�t�e�a.Bonowe►eprees to compty with the provisions of any loase it thfe deed ot dust is on `
<br /> ' � .: •, � a tease�Id.1�this deed of trust is on a unit in a condominlum or a planned unit deveiopment,Borrower wfli pertorm att of Bortower's duUes ____
<br /> �.. � • �� under the covenatne,by�aw�,or reflulado�a of tAe condominlum or plenned unit devefopmant.
<br /> J a,Authmity at Landa to Prrtorm tor Borrow�r. if Borrcwar faifa to�perform any of Borrower's duttes under this deed of uust. Lender may
<br /> �`.
<br />,�r:� ���N;-,�► pertorm ths duties or cause thom to be petFOrmed.Lender mey etpn Borrower's name orpa y any amount i�necassary for performance. It eny �.,..._
<br /> � � seatr�fty�interes�t in�the prop�ertydTh a�mey inctude comp1ebnDg�theesoensuucUonmannsr,Lender re�ay do whatever ia necesaery to protect Lender's —
<br /> � '��•`y � LendeYe failure to peAo�m wili not preetude Lander trom exeraiefng eny ot ite other rfghts under tlie lew or this daed of auat.
<br /> " ~'�r` '°' ' Any amounts peid by Lender to protect Lender'e security intorest will be securad by thia dead of vuat.Such amounts wUi be due on demand e--
<br /> ':'w.: -' �`�� and wii!bear irrte►eat trom the date ot the paVment until paid in fuil et the intereat�ete in eHeat on the secured debt. --.
<br /> G.�_
<br /> �'� � 10. ON�ult�d Acestu�tton. If�ortower felis to make any peyment when due or breaks any covenants under thls deed of Vuat ot any
<br /> ��=''w ' .�� ob�igatlon secured by tMa dead of trust or n�y prior mortyage or deed ef ws4 Lender mey acceterete the meturity of the secured debt and -
<br /> �,i� y � domand immediste pnyment and may imroke the power af eate and any other remeAies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> —_ _:��r, '��'�: 11.Rsqa�st for Notie�af O�tadt. ft fs heroby repueated that copies of t�e nottces of defiauic and saie be ee,wa ia sach�ar^�s�lx!s s Oars:
<br /> �-x'° �':.:;},}�`� . hereto,at the addreas of each such person,as set forth Iieretn.
<br /> .�::��: .
<br /> -, � .r..•,..�.•
<br /> �..'1'�: - 12.PowK of Sal�.If the Lender invokes ths power of 8aie,the Trustee shall ftrst record in tiee oHice of the reeieter of deeds ee county _
<br /> � ;"°"`���"' wherein the trust property or some part or parce!theroof I�siweted a nottca of defauit coMainin0 the intormeUon ruquired by law.Tha Trustee
<br /> �'''� •��" '•` to eacn peroon who is e partl/hereto, and to otiter pereons ae retcribed by
<br /> _=_=;,:=�:�':s�•:�, shall etao mait ooptes of the noUce o}defauit to tha 8ortowet, c not in any
<br /> epplicaDle Iaw.Not less tfian one motnA dter the Trustee recorda the noUw of defauR or tvro momhs tf the Vust PIaP�Y
<br /> ��i ' ��� � Incorporated afty or viilage nnd is used in tarming operationa certiad on by the truetor,ffie frostee ehnli giva pubQo notice of eate to the persons
<br /> �* i� � and in the mamrer prosrxibed b1Iepppllasbie taw.TNStoe,without demand cn Bonower,shall seN the property at puhlia euatton to tfie hiphest
<br /> -_:a.�•,C;,��;r . btdder.If required by the Farm Horneatead Protectfon Act,Trustee shatl offer the property in two separate aefea as requirad by appiicabie law.
<br /> -- --n•i=•- — Truatee msy poatpone sale o!aA or arry parcel of ttre property by pubtie announoe�neiK at the tlme and pia�e of eny previottsly aahedulsd cale.
<br /> .:•�.���w Le�er or Its dealpnee may purchaso the property et any eate.
<br />�--s�,;,^F, Upon roee�of paYment of the price bEd,Trustee shaU deliver ta the purchaset 7ruatee's deed conveying the propsRy.Tho rechiels contained in
<br /> y_, � Tnietee's deed shail be p�ime faele evidience of the truth of the statemeMa contained therein.Tn�stee ahall appiy the proeeeds of the seto tn the
<br /> --��'•�,�., folbwtnp order. (a) to a11 e�ensea of the sate, Inaluding, but not Ilmked to, reasoneble T�uetee'o feea, reasonable attome�/e feea and
<br /> ""'��_;,,v,��,� teinstetsmeM feea;(b)to all sums sewred by thia dsed ot trust,snd to)the bafanee,if erry,w ihe pareona Ieeai�y er�tltlsd to�ecelva tt.
<br /> _ --_�w.�� 18,Fp�etawti.At lendePs optlon,tAis deed of trust may be foreciosed tn the manner provide by applfcebie taw tor farectosure of mortgapes
<br /> _ }�� on�eel proparty.
<br /> ___J� a� 1�,Ina.p�cdon lender mey entar tiw property to inspeac k if Le�der 81ves 8onower�otice befaehend.The notico must stete the rsesonabfe
<br /> --- cause TOr LendeYs G�apeotfon.
<br /> —�¢ 16,Condamnttlon.Bonower asei m to tendar theproaeeds of any award or ciaim for deme�ges conneoted with a condemnetion ot other tak[ny
<br /> LL=� ceeu�apmreemen4f.the Property.�ueh proceeda wIN be appiied ea provided!n Covenant 1.This assipnment ia subjeat w the terma ot any prtor
<br /> ;,��,�'�� -
<br /> 18.W�ivu.By e�cercising any rens�y evailable to Lende►,LeMer does not give up anY rfght� to Iatet us9 onY offier�emedy.By not exeroisMg
<br /> _-�`_;�� eny remedy upon Bortowa�'s detnulL Lender does not waive any right to�eter conslder the event e default It it happens aga{n.
<br /> __--_�= 97.JaNst�nd 8�r�al U�Coafon�rss Suaenson snd Assipns Bound.Ail dut(es undor this deed of truet are joint and severai. Any
<br /> - LL� Bortowe►who co-signs this eed ot trust but does not co�sien the underiy�np d�e6t insvurneMlal does so onty to prarrt and comrey that
<br /> . =,.-�=.,�.� Borrovirer'a intereat in tha proyerty m the Ttustee under the.term�e�of thls deed ef trust.ln additton,sucA a Bonower aprees that the Lender and
<br /> ------�.�,� dabt W�ou�t�ewt Bo�owa s,eon a�end w8 fdioSUyt eleasang thet 8ortov�vakif c�m t�he terma of hia deed otmtrust.��a deed of truat or the secured
<br /> `�"'�"`b'`-�= The Quties and beneflts of'this deed ot trust shall btnd and Deneftt the eucceasora nral easi8na ot Lender and Bottower.
<br /> � °�� 78.Notic�.Un�ass otherwise repuired by taw,any notice to Borcower shati be piven by delivering k or by mntling k by cartified mell addressed io
<br /> �-y��.�.'� Borrower at the propetty nddreas or any other addrors thet Borrower hea 9Iven to Lendsr.Borrower wilt give any noUce to Lendar by cortlHed �_-
<br /> , �..Z_T mail to LendeYs eddress on pape 1 of this deed of trust,ar to any othe�address which Ler►der fias dcsignatod.Any other notice to lender shall _
<br /> _=;,,;r;.;,�� , be sent to lender'a addross ea steted on pege 1 of this deed of truat. �
<br /> -- A ''� ' - A�y nottce shali be deemed to Aave been qlvan to 8arcower or Lender when given in the manner stated above. -_-
<br /> - ��•�;r -,���, tg,Transt�r o}tM PrapKty er� Bxi�fld�inqnrt tn tEM BortowK.It ail or any part of the properiy or any interest in it is sotd ar Vanstetted ` -
<br /> without LeqdePs prior wtittert conseM. Lender may demend fmmediate payment of the aecured debt. Lsnder may also demand immediete =
<br /> • �� d mnnd psymene in�thwe above�tuado sT if hp is proNbted by tedarat Iaw as o�e daBe of�►i�s deed 1W�tru����However, lender may�wt �
<br /> � '
<br /> .._ . � C�� ��_.
<br /> �p.R�com�y�ce.When the obi7petlon securod by,thfa deed of truat has boen paid and Lender has no further obitgeUon to maka odvanees .,.,
<br /> • �� under the inntrumertu or a9re��ememe secured by Una deed ot truat,tha Truetee shaff,upon written requestb�the lender,reaonvey the trust ���-
<br /> eren.rev.ins tendnr ehat!dat[ver tc the Borrower.or to eorrower'e succesaor in Interest,the aust deed ond the note or othar evfdence of the F==
<br /> -����"`-` oblfgation so satiaffed.Bonower sheA pay any►ecoMetion coste. ���:
<br /> :��'�`" 21. 8uccessor Truatss. Lender, at Lender's option. may remove Truetee end appoint a successor truatee by flrst, maiiing a copy of the
<br /> •• ' substitutlon of trustee as requtred by eppiicable law,and the�,by flltng the substitutton of trustoe for record in the offiee of the register of deede
<br /> � of each couMy fn which the trust property.or some part thereof,is eftuatod.The successor truatee,without eonveyance of ihe property,shaA
<br /> , sueeeed to eU the power,dutiea,authority and title of the Truatee named!n the deod of trust and of eny sueeessor trusiee.
<br /> ' fPaga P oI?1
<br /> BANKER4 6YSTEM9,INC..8T.C10U0,YN BB�Ot 11�800�997•25�11 FOHM1 OCP�MTGNE 8/iB191
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