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' <br /> .'. .i+ � ..w.� �. ..�w.�c.�iL Y4. ���.... -' — ._ .- ... --. . <br /> _ '+�{Y.'�'� .a_�_ �Y^.. _._:_�RJ{. .y:s'�... _._�.�___—___ <br /> R <br /> . . wM —_ <br /> �Y� <br /> .�fJ t`A � �w _... <br /> -���.w��4L. <br /> ,A'Y�' <br />,..,:�,; g 5 M ��D'�3a2 ��f <br />�r„� �. <br />: �:�Y (d) Trnetor sha11 gile a voluatary pe- �_ <br /> .� �� ti�ion ia barikruptcy �r ahall he ad judicatecl �= <br /> -. .�4 bankrupt or 3nsolv�at , or ehall make aa ae- �; <br /> �'''�•�' eignmeat for the b�ne�it of creditore iu re- <br /> . ,..., arsca� tm tho prop��:ty a c��c gn aQtion to en- <br /> c <br /> :��� fo:aa any lien �ar �acambranae or judgments �-- <br />:,�� agaiaast the pzoperty 3e aommena�d. F- <br /> �._: <br /> -�r� 1Z. Acce�eraxion Uoon �ef aul�. In the eveat of any de- _ <br /> -°•:�� fnult, Henegiainry a�ay dealase all indebtedness secured hereby to =_ <br />_-:�:Q.- be due Futd p8y�bltl� �td the �eSte �hall LA@iesiijw+a �•�••=-+�a •°••s8 s:� _ <br />`�'��-�`� payable �ithout any preaentaient, demand, protest or notieo of aaY <br /> ��� kind. Thereagter, Heaeficia=p �oaayt <br /> ��� <br />,."��, <br />-n J3+�a (a� either in p�ssan or by aqent, with <br />-- -° or wittaout briagiag aay �ation or proaeedfng, <br /> or by reaeiver appciated by a aourt t�ad with- <br />�_=�:,� out regarcl to ��e edeyaaay af unp accurity, : <br /> eater upos and talca paeaeseioa of the prop- <br />,.;,;�:� ertY. or any part th�reof, ia ito o�na aame or <br /> ---- in the natae of the T=uatee, and do aay aats <br />_ -= wl�iah �i.t deeme neoessary and deairable to <br /> -J-�=� preserve the value, aiarketebility or �ent- <br /> __ ability of t�e prope�cty, or part thsreof or <br /> - intezeSt thereisz, iacr�aase �he inaomie there- <br /> - fro�n or proteat tPae �eaurity hereof, end, <br /> - - � �3.thout takfnq posae�sion of the property, <br />---r eue for or aolleat the ren�ts, ie- <br />-�� suees eut2 �,���its t&s�sa�, 'fzt�Zu�ing t�e�aA , <br /> t��� p8st dug and uapa$.d, aad apply the eaate, lees <br />_ _ costs and expeases of operatioa aad �olle�- <br /> tioa, includ3.nq attorney fees, upon aay in- <br /> - debtedness securec3 hereby, all in suah arder <br /> -- - ae Seaeficiary may detesmine. Tbe enterinq <br /> --- upoa and tak3.nq pcaeseesicn of the trust eB- <br /> --- t�te, the collecta�oa of suah rente, iseues <br /> - and pro�its aad agpl3aation thereof as afore- <br /> said ahall aot ause or vtafve aay default or <br /> - of dafault heseuader or inva�idate anp <br /> - aet aad ia ree�aonese to sueh default or pursn� <br /> ant to such notice of default aad, aotwith- <br /> standing the cont3nuance fa possessiaa of the <br /> -- pro�aertp or the colleation, reaeipt and ap- <br /> plication of rents, 3ssue� or profite, Tru6- <br /> - tee or Heneficiery at�ap be eatitled to exer- <br />_=�-�-T cise evarp rig�at provided for 3.� anp of the <br /> loan instrumen�e cr by lav� upon oaaurreace of <br /> anp even� of defatilt , iaaludiag the riqht to <br /> exercise the po�s of salej <br /> � (b) co�ena�on setioa to foreclose <br /> - tbie Deed of Trugt as a mortgaqa, appoint a <br /> --� reaeiver, or spea3ficallp eaforce anp of the <br /> �-= covenaata hereof= <br /> �=� <br /> -� (cy deliver to Trnatee a written decla- <br /> �-..�-=� ration of defauelt aad demand for eale, and a <br /> -"-°= wrftten notice of default aad eleatioa to - <br /> -� cause Trnstor•s intezest in the property to <br />":���� be sold, whiah ndtice Truetee shall canBe to <br /> be duly filed for rec�rd in the offiaial rec- <br /> =�'�� ozds o� the county in which the property is ° <br /> _ _ � - <br />:"�� ioaaLea. � <br />.-�A,��--„� 1�, ��r�,e�esur� bn Pa�er of Sale. Should Beaefieiasy elect "" <br />:=s:��� ta foreclose by exercise o� ttie power of eale hereia coatained• <br />���.�_:� Hsnefiaiary sla�ll notify T�nstes and shall depoait with Tnastee <br /> � ��.� thie Deed of �rust aad tlie no�e and sueh reeeipts and evidence of <br /> a��:_T. <br />_�-f�.�.� expenditurQe made and secw�ed hereby a6 Trustee may require, aad <br /> .��--f�' upon reque�t of the Beneficiary, the Trustge shall file for rec- <br /> °� ord, in the Reqieter of De�ds of fiae in the Coun�y where the <br />, �n, property i� leca�ed, a aot�ce of default, setting forth the aame _ <br /> .,.,. - <br /> - .. � <br /> 4 : <br /> k- <br /> E'� <br />