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<br /> DEE O T 1� �.�� `�S*Q __
<br /> THIS DBED OF °PRQST ie made th �21 #' day of Qttov�-'r , �
<br /> 1995, by and emong WILLZAM J. BLDB and I�ARILYN E. BLDBR, husband
<br /> and wife, hereia referred �to as "Trustor", whose mailiaq addrese
<br /> is 6S6 � I.e�ne ., Grand Ie],end, Nebraaka 68801j BRUCB I. SMITH,
<br /> Attoruey-at-Law, her�iaafter referred to as "Truatee", whoae
<br /> mailinq addsess ie 104 �Iorth Wheeler, P.O. Hox 790, Grand Islaad,
<br /> Nebraeka 688�2; and AUGUST VANDBRYiBY, hareinafter referred to as -
<br /> "Heneficiary", whoee mailiaq addree� is 26092 Highway 95, Pasma,
<br /> Idaha 83660.
<br /> For valuable aoaeid�ration, Trnstor irrevoaably gzaats,
<br /> traaefers, aonveye and a�sie�na to Trustee, in trnst, wi.th power
<br /> of sale, for the beaefit aad security of Beaeficiary, ander and
<br /> subjeot to the terms and conditione of this Deed of Truat, the
<br /> Trustor•s iaterest ia the following-desaribed property ].ocated ia
<br /> H�►11 Gounty, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A traat of land aompriBinq a past of the Southv�est
<br /> Quarter (SW�t) of 3ection Tweaty-8ix (26� , Townsb�.p
<br /> Sleven (11) North, Raaqe Ten (10) Weat of the 6th P.M.,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, more partiaularly deearibed as
<br /> follo�es Beginni.ng at the Nort�west aosner of eaid
<br /> Southweat Quarter (SW�t�= thenae runniag Soutberly alonq
<br /> the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW�C� a d3.s-
<br /> tanae of Six Huadred Twenty-Four aad Ninstp-Three Hun`
<br /> dredths (624.93) feet to a poiut on the Northerly
<br /> zight-of-aoay lfne of the Uaion Paaifia Rnilroad Com�
<br /> panp; thenae ru�nning Northeasterly alonq eaid right-of-
<br /> vPay line a distanae of One Thoueaad Oae 8uadred Ninety-
<br /> Six and Forty-Three Hundredths (1,196.43) feet to the
<br /> p��.at oa the North liae of Southwest Quaster (�W�t�
<br /> thence rurminq Westerly along the North line of esid
<br /> Southwest Quarter (SW�t� a dietance of One Thoueand
<br />- � Tweaty-One and Thirty-Two 8undredths (1,021.32) feet to
<br />= the po3nt of beginniaq,
<br /> together with all buildinqs, improv�meate, fixtures and appurte-
<br />= naaces located thereon or in aay way pertaining thereto, and the
<br />- renta, iseues, profite, reversioas and the remaiaders thereof,
<br />= inaludinq all such pereonal property that ie attached to the iui .
<br />° provementa so as to aon�titute a fixture, al]. of which, ittcludinq
<br />- replac�mente and additions thereto, are hereby_dealared to be a
<br /> �
<br />- part of the real estate aonveyed in trust aereny, ii �eang agr�ea -.
<br /> tha� all of the foreqoinq shall be here3nafter referred to ae the
<br />- "Pr�perty".
<br /> , (a� �he paymeat of indebtedness evidenced by
<br /> ? Truatar•s aote of even date herewith ia the prfa-
<br /> - NO/100 DOZLARS �S12S,000.00), toqether with iater-
<br /> _�
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br />