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<br /> � 7
<br /> - ' 18. B�owar'� RIaM to Rdna�t�. tt earow�► mMts ortat� oondtllon�, 8ortawr sfW h�►e the �fct w h�vs
<br /> � d►Scramt�ett ot M:�S�aurlty IrttUumert dlscont[nu�d�t 1�ny Urtn pt{or to ths�eGr�ot�el� cont�Y►�d In thts�8sa�tY Netnuner►x o►
<br /> � kw m.N�v�f►ta rdn•�t«n�U baroa aU a th• P►ovwh►twrsuer+t t��►Y w�+►
<br /> . (b) �r�tr1l d�N+���ntotdno tht�B�auMf►ImtrwMnL Tho� aondkions at�that 8ar►ororat:t�)F�Ya {andv W atmw whbb tha�
<br /> wautd b�Qu�un�w MM 8�a+rNY NuL�un�►t and tl�t twt�a�!f no aoaMnUon had caaumd: (b) au+n anY Q�+II n!�ny othK�
<br /> cov�ant a��nMnt�; tc)pay�vl�xprrtsa hawr�d in antorohp thb 8�aurly►t�trum�nt. bdudln�� but not qrtit�to� ntton�b{��
<br /> attamM'taiw;�nd(�micK weh aotlon�s t,�nd�►miy rasawbif►�in to aown ttwt th�Mn ot thl�B�aMfh►Inttr�p�nR I.�rtd�s ! ,.
<br /> �'�ia`�Sa G�th�P�e�S�rtY enA Basrewer'e obYptUon to pay ths tums uoutad bli Nb 8eaunll instrum�nt�PrttN conthu�ur�clwi�d. ltpon. .
<br /> nin�Lturwit bf►8a►oM'�. !hM 8�oe+AlY Nitru�td and ub obi�Mtbns s�a�r�d A�nbY shot nn�tn tufl�► '�4�a1iw �� no ccc�:+ct�cs� �
<br /> had coourtad. MowavK�thM�IpAt W�ahuate e!W ooi�PPty h Ih�ua o!�aa�a�on ur►d�r D�n�
<br /> • � 1Y. 8at� d Not�i Clw�Q�d L,�fm 8ervtanr. Th� Nob ct� pe1W h4wKt In th� Nato nopethrr wlth thb 8vaurNy
<br /> • "-`� Instrum�ntl m�y b�sold an�a moro�wkhoul P�la nolbs to 8a►vw� A�nMy naYt b a�p�in th��nUty Q�nown w ths
<br /> •Lom B�Mow') that Qoq�ot� matlhA► WyreKnto dut undu!h�NoU artd thb 8�aw1lY In�b�um��. Then�bo m�Y W ana or mon
<br /> ��..et�!a�an ewior unnlat�d to��of th�Not�. It then Is a ch�np�of ths Loan 8eniwr.Bortowa vA b�en wrNian -
<br /> noll�of tln otanp�b ecoadh�wkh P�O�Ph 14 abov�and appYc�ba faw. ih� notic.wLi ei:t::����:..a�::�• r!ttr _
<br /> n�r Lan 8wio�r�nd th�addras to which psYme�►b ehoutd b�mtd�. Ths�oUcs wN!�eo oontatn arry otha lntame�lbn aW�rod bll
<br /> � . ��•
<br /> �0. Narardous Subshttc�s. Baroww thd not aus��p�m�!th�pnsenoe. uss, dtspoad, etoraSa ot nlea�c!any
<br /> ° F�t�ardous 8ubst�na�on a in th�P►opKty. 8o�roww sAY oot do.rtor Yow+nfrone�to do.anythhp dtaatNp tht Properly that
<br /> �
<br /> b tn vtoiWa► ot arry EnvlrarnntN taw. Th� prro�dnp dro smt�no�s sAel��h�tQ to n1artW reeide�lW�aus�and ta
<br /> . � 6'ro,paly o}r.�rrJ qt''�lt.bs d Me=ardou�Subata�tas that w 0��!►�
<br /> . m�htw�ena of tM Rrop«'ty.
<br /> Bor►awK shN P�PtiY�n t�nder wdlhn eotia ot v►Y hveatqatlon�ddrn,dwn�nd tawwk ar other acNa►EY anY�av��
<br /> , � or npuktaY a�enaY a P��t�Y InvoNMip the ProPertY�nd+nY Hmrdouo 8ubswics or Emfronmantal Law ot whioh Bortoara haa
<br /> „ � Hmrdous 8ubstana �O the�P�oD�Yyis moeawY� �'����W'�PUf►Wcs d aeaecWY annw�l actloea In
<br /> �!►
<br /> � - acaordntc�wMh EnvtronmenW Ltw.
<br /> �, As es�d h thts paraOnPA �� �H�xard°us Suba4anaee' �re thoss aubsW�ees d�llned aa to�do a h�tardoua aubaLnos� by
<br /> " �, Emlronrtw�W law and ths tolcr+hp eubatar►aes:0��ice►oaan�,ath�r 11emn�bM a W�do Petrobum Produats.taocfo Pe�tiddss and
<br /> ..� hEnvkonrtMntd Law• nx�r►i t�dral tawa Nd t4ws�o ottie�ju�isdictb� wdhre th� ProPatY b boa�� that ►aiste o hNkh,�aMY or' :
<br /> . 5
<br /> '}.T
<br /> . •_ �mkannenW Prot�ation• �-
<br /> _ NON�UNIFORM CAYENANiB. Bortowu md L�nQR iuntter corswti arKi�y:.i�s ta�c:� .
<br /> �t. Acad�r�to�: R�m�disa. 4nd�r shatl qiw noNw to 8orrowar prior to aac�l�ration toliowinp � _-
<br /> B o r r a Y r�r� broach o! �I Qaran�nt or oprNm�nt tn this 8ocurtt�l Inetrum�et (but not prtor to =__
<br /> � accdardlon und�r parapr�ph 17 uni»s sppltcabl� law pro�id�s aRh�rwts��. '� noticr �!I sp�ciy:
<br /> � (a) ttw d�ta�et� (b) thm tatlon roqulrad M oun th� d�taul� (o) a dat�. not lass than 30 drys iro�tlM �-=
<br /> „ � dab th� ndlaa ts �hr�n to 8aro�w�r. MI which th� ditault must b�aur�d; �nd (�41sat taila»to cun �;�_
<br /> , :y: the d�fauit on a b�ton th� dab sp�cifiad tn th� nottw mar neuit tn acwl�atlon d t!w surns l-,,�
<br /> s�cur�d by this S�eurih► In�bumsat and sale ot tFN Prop�rt�l• TtN nottw �!i faiedw� Inform �.;.,
<br /> bu
<br /> -. -� � � gonow�r o!tl� �1phR to��Insto� �R�r aac�t�rattoa� and tha�l�ht to tuin� a oouet aatton to wss�rt the �..__
<br /> narixtd�nc� of a d�tauR or�ny oth�r dot�ns�ot Bonovr�r to�ac�tsntTon snd ata M tiw d�fauR is _-
<br /> � nd Qund on or bWon tt� dct� sp�cfft�d In tiw naR1a�� isnd�r at tb option mq roquin tmm�dtab --_
<br /> . paym�nt Ir� tuli d *II wms s�cund b�l thls Seou►it�l Inslrum�nt wttho�e Iswr.d t�s�dor�iihsll b� -.-
<br /> trivok� t!M pow�r of s�l� and �ny dh�r amsdtas p�rmitad by �Pn _.�,.
<br />--�� .�.:.� �ntk4�d to 6dl�ct di �xP�n�o� tneurr�d tn purwtnp th� arun�bs provid�d tn thb W�'��+ Z�� `,;;,_
<br />'� �`: � � tncludia�, but nd timibd ta. r�s*onabl�attomoy�'tas and cwds ot titl� �vld�nc�. --
<br />..Lf.�3:,� :*�� _
<br /> �-._
<br />��r�;�� _` 1� tM pow�r d �i� ts Invofad. Ti�a�tN �h�Jt naad a nattoa of d�fault In escfi noamty In wh[ch -
<br />- !�' anY Pset af tM Prop�rq b toeat�d �nd shatt maii Qopl�s W�uoh notic� In th� m�nr�sr prssarib�d bgl _
<br /> � - apPpcaW� faw ta 8otrowsr �ttd to ttt� otfNr p�rsot�s Prnarib�d b�/ +ipPflcaW� f�w /ltar th� tlm� �
<br /> qaaW�taw� Twsb� shall �Iw pubtia natics of qt�to th� ps�wns snd in tha�menn�r
<br /> ��'` . hquk�d b11�p �t uWia
<br /> i-.': .' '• pr�tartb�d ti'l►+�P�oabt� Itw. Ti��.wlthout domsnd on Bona�w�r. �halt p!1 th� P�oprry/ p _
<br /> �==�..x,:. ..J auctlon to th� highat Wdd�r at th�tims and ptae� �nd und�r th�bnns d�sipnat�a!M th� �ot1e� a�f _ -
<br /> �'��';�,'�,. ., ul� tn on� or enon p�'ads �nd tn any ord�r Teust�� d�rmtnss. TastN mal/ p�n� stl� o! �II o
<br /> ,��. . .
<br /> ,.Y,k:�:,�:��.--�- or any pucal aR tha ProP��1l bll P�bllc announwm�nt at the dm� and plaw of sfit prsviously _
<br /> =-�-"�: * och�dubd asl�.i.�nd�r or ih doat�no� may purchssa th�Proport�l at sny aat�.
<br /> • � U an ncN vf �ayn��n! o!th� priw bid. Trusb� shsll dNhnr to th� purchss�r Tn�+�'s d�sd -_
<br /> , convpYinp tlw P�ryh Tlw woiWs tn tla Yrusb�'a d�ad sh�U 0� p�ims hcl� �vtaimc�at ttw trutf� _
<br /> , � �� a�th� slrt�m�rtb ma�d�tlNntn. Tn�� si�atl �pPt�►th� proastds a!th� ads In th�tollawM� ord��
<br /> eac.
<br /> � (a) to all co�ls and ucp�e�s�s o�uc�retstn�th� pow�r ot sd�. and th�sal�. ineludtap th�paymont a!
<br /> • ° ` th�TnuU�'s tNS a�tutlty inounad.not to�xae�d 3.0,_0% o! th� prtnoipal �mou�o!th� nat�
<br /> at!hs tim�of tt� d�cl�►atlat ot dotault. at�d nasonable �ttom�y'�!`ws as p�rmtibd b�► Itw: (b) M tll
<br />: ° wtrts s�eund by this 8�au�ty ln4trum�� and (o) any �xcoss to th� p�non or p�rsons Ipalhl
<br /> ° „ ��. �11t�I�t�t0 k.
<br /> � Z2.a•ea+vr.ae.. upon p�t ct v suma a.o�,na by tnis seaul�►inswmom,�enaer sn.Y ro�,e�t,i�tee to r000m►ey
<br /> th�Prop«ty r�d�IW wrrand�r thb S�w1h InaWmant and a!notes evidendnp debt aecured by thb 8eowttY Instrw�ert to'Ituat�s.
<br /> ,---__--=--"'-' T...�...i,.r..�.r u.vrm.rtv without warranb�rtd wUhout ah�r{�to th�p�aa�or pasons Ie�Ny entlYUed to iR Suoh persan or
<br /> ,_�- _ _ .__.___._.----•--• - • -
<br /> . p�ons�Iw��ay arry noo�d�tlon cosb.
<br /> " Z3.8ubstttut� Trust��. te�►der, at ite cAt�n� �Y trom tirtrta to tlms nmov� Trusts��nd�P�t a euooeasa waMs to
<br /> . eonYyanee��propaty,�w �ceeaaot btts'.�e shadt suoae�d to d th�tkA.Potaer�nd cbnte�d upo�Trust�a h� �d bY
<br /> � �p�ilable kw.
<br /> Z4.6i�qwst tor Notta�s. Bartower roquests that oopks of tis�noUoea ot detault and eaie bs Nnt to 8omawer's addroae .
<br /> whkh b th� Prop�ty Addnss.
<br /> Z6. F�Id�ro to this Sseurity IndwmaM. tt one or more ddera ue ex�cuted bY 9orro�"e�and 'ec°ro°d t0s°�'�"'�'
<br /> thb 8sourNY InsMumw+t,the ooven�nte artd apreements ot e�ah such dder sh�be hoo�Ponted Mto and ehali une�d as�d supplemdd
<br /> . , ths oaven�nts and agteemente of thia Saau�tY InaUument as H tAe�(s)wero�put oi thia Securtty Inatrume�ri Fam soae s/so
<br /> F102B.LMG(dl�? Pnqe 1 of 6 ��'/
<br /> „ fi
<br />:�. �1�
<br /> ��.
<br />