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<br /> G.AS3Ia1V1VIENT OF I.EA9ES. Upon Leudei's request,Bmzower s6aU agsiga to Leader all lr�ses of the
<br /> Pmperty end all saeurIty deposits meda in connACtian wIW leases of Wa Froperty.Upon the assigament,I.eader
<br /> shaU Nava tt�s right to modlfy,extend or tarninate tha e�isdng leases and m execute aew lease,s,in I.cndra's sole
<br /> disuetian.Aa used in tbis paragraph d,the word"lease"shall mean"anblaase"if the Security Insuoment is on s _.
<br /> 2�.`�3A.
<br /> Boimaer ebsol�uly and�ncondidonally assigns and tcansfecs to Leaedu all the:eats and raveaues("Ren�'�of the
<br /> Propaty�re�rdless of te whom the Reuts of dee Propaty nn payable.Bonower authoriz�s Leader a:I,ender's
<br /> agenta ta oolbxt the Reata.and agrees tlmt each teaaat of tbe PmpeiCy shall pay the Renta w Leader or Lender's =
<br /> �gmts.Howavu.HomoweP shaii ra�ive the ltents until(�Lender 6as glvea Bamower not[ca of defanit purst�ant to
<br /> paragcagh 21 of the Saurity Iusuument aad(�I.eudei has givea nodee to the taiant(s)thai the Rents ac�e w be
<br /> gatd w I�xzdru� a�LF.td�z's �er�� 'itris esslgnmcat af Iie.it� co�sdwtes r,� a�so2ute asst�a�t €�d Qat r�
<br /> assig�►meat for addidonal secnrIty only.
<br /> If Lender gives notkcs Qf breach to Bonrower.(�all Reats received by Bomower shall 6a deld by Bottowu as
<br /> �st�e for the beaefit of Lender only.to be applied w the sums Eeaued by the SecurIry Jnswmen�(i�LQndez ehAll
<br /> be eatItkd to collect aad receiva all of the ReAts of the Ptnpeay; (ii� Bosower e�roes that e.ach teawt mf tho
<br /> Pnapeaty sball pay sll Reata due and uapa[d to I.ender or I.endrs's agents apon I.ender•s wriuen derr�and w the
<br /> t�an� (iv) ualess epplka�fa law grovides otherwlsa.all Rmts colkxtod by Lender or Leadet's agaass shall be
<br /> appikd Hrst w the costs of midag control uf and managtng We Psoperiy and coUecting the R�ts.including,bnt aot
<br /> limitM to�auam�ys'fas,ra;eiver's fas.Pnmiunss on roceiver's banda.m�a�aad maintwance costs,iasuranca
<br /> Prea�iutns, ta�ces,assess�neats and othu chairges on the Propaty.end theu w tha sums secured by tho Secudty
<br /> Instnunea�(v)L�da.Leader's agwts or enY judidaltY appoinLed naives shall be liabb W ecco�mt far only thosx
<br /> P.��Y zc�vc���sst tr�)L��t l��ic t�r a���tt to�g��f e�
<br /> mana�e tl�se Pmpaty and cwllxs the Reats end pnnS�d�rlved fmm the Prapa�ty althout eay showjng av to the
<br /> insdoq�acSr of the Ptapaty as security. .
<br /> � If da Reata of d�o Pmpaty sie uot�t to oova the oosts of taking canuol of aud managing t6e
<br /> Pcnpe�y ead of wllecting t6e Reats anY fw�ds expeadad by Leader for snch putpos�shall become indebtoducss of
<br /> Bommuwa to L,eader saauod by tbe Secucity inst�ment puisuant tn Unifotm Coveaant'7.
<br /> Borrowcr represmte and wanant�that Barrowa das not oxecuted aaY i�ios a�ignment of tha Rwts aud has
<br /> natend wlll ctotpecfomi eny act tbat would pneveAt Leada from ex�g irs rights unda�r this paragraph.
<br /> I.eMer.ar Le�ader's agwts or a judicially appointed reGeiver.shall not be requfred to euter apon.take ooatrol
<br /> of a maiatain the Pcopaty ix€ae ar a&er glving nWico of defa�ilt to Boirowu.How�vrr,L,a�der,or Lendet'a�
<br /> age�ts ot a judiciallY sppoinxd reaiver.tpay do so at eay time ahen e defaiilt occurs.My applka�t of RatL4
<br /> , sh�U aot c�u�e a waive�ny default a invalidate any aha rigbt or remody of I�enda�.This a4s[gnment af Rma ef
<br /> . the Propaty sLall tau�ioatt w6ca ari the sums seanred by the Sepuity lastnuna�t are paid ia full.
<br /> I.CR05S�DEFAUL.T PROVISION. Bonowa's Qefault or bneach ander any uota or agiea�►t ia
<br /> . wbich I.aider 6ag an inta�est s6a11 be a brqch nnder d►e Socuriry�eat and I�eader may tnvate aay of the
<br /> . �s pe�miued by the Securiry I�uuma►L
<br /> BY SI�MN(�BELOVN.Ba�ower aooepLV er�d a�cees W the terms ead gmvLsions cbntained in diis 1-0 Family
<br /> � �
<br /> ��,(�1'�� .�— tsean sc�
<br /> CHARI+$3 M PROC'i'OR .g��,� C[# TS A PRt)Cl"OR .Dm�owu
<br /> . (Seal) [$eel)
<br /> -Horro�rer •Bormr►eY _
<br /> � �-S7 tr�w) aap�zaz Fonnat�0�llp9 -
<br /> :f ,c,. �
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