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<br /> Upon recelpt oY p�ymmt o�the price btd, Tcustee sh�ll deliver to tho purch�ser Trustee's deed conveying the _
<br /> Pro�erty. The recimLv in the Trusieo's d�d shall be prima tade evidence oi the tr�th oi the stntements m4de t�eeei�f
<br /> Trnstee ehal!ap�ly the prnceeds of th@ sale in the PoQtowing orden(a)to all cos�aiz�ex�:isca oS er.crrL�a�Slt��,n► �
<br /> eate�snd the sale,including the payment of the Trustee's fees sctuaily tncurred.x►ot to excee�! ,
<br /> of the prtnctpul amo�ent of the note at the Nme of the decis.ratlon oi defautt►and reasonable aKomeys'fees as permitted
<br /> by law;(b)W aA sums secure�by t8is Security Instruraent;and(cy any excess to the person ar petsons legaUY entttled to
<br /> it. Z2. tteconveyaqce. Upon uavment of ait sums secured by this Scxurity Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to :
<br /> reconvey the Pcnperty end eliall auccendcr this Seeurity lpstrument and ali noies evidenciug dcui ec�.i��: ty tls�v °.xuslr;
<br /> Inscnunent to Trustee.Trustea ehall recanvey the Property withaut wamtnry and without charge w the person or pe�sons legally }
<br /> entided to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rerordatian costs• int a successor trustee to �
<br /> Z3�gubstltute Trustee. I.ender. at its optioa, may from time to time remove Trustee and appo �
<br /> any Tcustee uppointed hereunder by sn instrument recorded in the cnunty in which this Secur�ty Instrumentls recorded. Without i
<br /> conveyance of the Pmperty.the successor uustee shall succeed to all the title,power and dudes conferred upon Trustee hezein �
<br /> and by app1}cable law.
<br /> 2q.RequesC for NotQces. Borrower requests that copies of the nodces of default and sale be seat to Borrower's addnas
<br /> wbich is the Property Addresa. '
<br /> 2S.Riders to t6ts Security Instrumeqt.If one or mor�rlders ere execute�by Harrower and recorded togeiher with this ;
<br /> Security Inamiment.the covenHnts and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and suppiemeat �
<br /> the covenants and agreemems of this Security Instrument es if the rlderts)were a part af thts Secvtity Instrument. `
<br /> • ICbeck applicable box(es)�
<br /> Adjustabte Rate Rfder Condomiaium Rider 1-4 Family Ridar .�
<br /> Grdduated Payment Rid�r Planae�l Uait Development Rlder �S��Homa Ride�der
<br /> B a l toon R i der l i a i c I m p ro v e m e�t R i d e r �
<br /> V.A.Rider 0 Other(s)[apeclfy]
<br /> , a,
<br /> �
<br /> BY SItiNING BELOW.Bormwar accepts and agrees to tha.terms and co�enants oonsained in this Securiry InstrumtnE,aad $
<br /> it�any dder(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with It. � �
<br /> Vititt�ss�s: lit�� (Sal) �i
<br /> LLOYD W WA(�NIT2 � •sornower 1
<br /> � ��/1 �
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<br /> SUSAN L WACi ITZ •eaaoner �
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<br /> �
<br /> � ��� � (�) �
<br /> •Borrowet �Bos[vrrer 1
<br /> � I
<br /> �
<br /> STATE O�NEBRASKA. HALt� County ss: �
<br /> 't1�e foregoing instivment was ack�wlodged before me this 20'�'H day of OCTOBER � 199�v �
<br /> by 110Y0�. MA6NITi ANO SUSAN l. �118MITi, EI1CH IQi HIS Ak0 NE8 aMM Et T A80 A8 SPOUSE OF EACH QTNEFY . �
<br /> qrtn�my hand and notarial seal at t3RAND I$LAND� BRASKA in said Count�r.the�tate afores�td- i
<br /> My Commisslon Expir�s: — �
<br /> � Natary blk ,
<br /> ����W� . ,
<br /> wL11�L����11� .
<br /> o.�.e ot e Fam 3028 9150
<br /> � ' _ I.
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